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Show Mellea of MatlleieaVa llllaa. taiherlb npllln of Horlda am mora drlly than thc-a ot Arlloua, or eU uerr and eoulneaa bar a good deal to do with human aelf pRaerralloa. A rreldent of hey Wet, 1I., while deer bunting lb Uher day, waa bitten by a rallleanak aud deed In four mluutca. It U believed that fright contributed to ble quick taking off In cuntraal with thla la tba rauf Jo CbaiM, a plucky ten yearold of Gila City, AT llecently he waa bliuu by a rattler, lie iieverwfalm,credbllethrUju around the wound waacut away. Th Anger waa curded near the baud an I tb arm Dear th ahouhlr, aud tb child mad to drink con alderabla brandy, 11 waapol en lb trtlu au awl to Yuma, when lb doctor applied ap-plied aucb reinedka aa the rue deuiaudiel Although an hour aud forty mlnutea bat rbtpaed from tha time tha la I waa Lilian, lb c) lei UI irouiplly aul tb buy la welL Th anak waa four feet elg Inchea tu Ivogth. |