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Show riNAMUI. IIU'CUMCAMSM. JnMK HtuiiUAH, the well known banker, lay In the New York lUcur-tier, lUcur-tier, that the maintenance of the Republican Re-publican party In powr I essential to the financial tablllly and prosperity of the country. Ieaeit that our nation, na-tion, la financial soundness and credit, la the first lu the civilised world. The Huropaiijerare borrowing money to pay loterrat on their dsbu, while the United Htales have both the Inter-eat Inter-eat and rlnclpal ready lo (ay oft their liabilities. Hesayei "Oorgoreromentla able to uy emtio 131,000,0m of 4) per cnU which bream iloo oo Hei(embr I, aud lu creditors, the nations! bank a, rather than bare the money paid, ask Ih govern merit to keep on owing to them with Interest at the rat of two pr cent, a year! Till Is ih lowest rst 1 which auy govvrnincut was evr sblo bi borrow money," Krom ISOO to the present, with the excel tlon of four years, the country has breu governed by the Republican uly. All Iho financial legislation durlug that time lia been Initiated by bythattly, Mr. Bellgman Is proud of hi rly record In thla line, but lie fairly guinea over the veto of (leueral Grant on the Inflation erase of bl second adnilnlitratlon. He think Ihla veto waa a greater victory than that at Appomattox, because It tol 1 the world that the Uulted BlaUs waa a nation of sound money, of sound bull-uesa, bull-uesa, of sound enterprise. And today, he says, wa are entreuched on the most wild financial fuundatlona of any country th world ever saw. The IUuuIlcau parly la ire-eiulusntly the American party, aud to It w owe our greatuess, proaperlty and wealth. It la to It we muat look for the irolrcllon aud wrpelualloii of our country' glory, freedom and Indrpeadeuce. Ho saytMr. Hellgmau. In Ih same paper, ex-Hcnalor l'latt ha an article which Hate confidently that New York I Republican natural ly, aud that It will gu atrougly Rvjub-llcanlnl02. Rvjub-llcanlnl02. He declare that the manufacturing Interest of that Htale are too exlenslvu to be entrusted to Drrnoc ratio control. Mr. l'latt remarks: "I am for a vigorous and aggressive eainpalgu this I'-iM which shall prtwnt all lb linprtanl tssuo clearly before the i lo, National ami Hiate Issue aro Interwoven In this iuiiiilgii. The but Hcustetob chosen will last for two yeara, and will rllclle lu tha election of United Wales aenahir In IfcM. th reaulioftharleclluuihla l'all will bIki bateau lutiorUnt bearing on tb I'real-dsutlal I'real-dsutlal doetlon In IVW." He got on to y that even tlnre March, I8S9, the Republican party ha liownconclutlvely that It I the rly under whose administration the nation prospers, mends It coinmerie,tlinu. late Hi manulactum, and loowr respected by forelgu nations all ovtr the world. In this grneral prosperity New York hai the largt ahare, aud Mr. l'latt thinks that Its oltlieut will not vote against their own Interests tltliir thl jenr or next. They can not isus a party nhlrhadvo. rate the un-American pulley of free trade, aud whoso only national admin-titration admin-titration for thirty year distinguished Itself waluly by It substrvleucy to rival nations. He (oucludis with them words! "With able and popular i-nudldates, wlih a trlotlo aud truly Aiucrlran nlai. form, I eiinfldenllv expect to sen tbe Sulo larrleit by ua In November. All llio signs of Ihe tlme-i point Hut way. Uur pony la united, aggressive and conddeiit. Our fipponant are full of dlecualon and aro already on Ihodefenalre." Of course thl Is all from a party standpoint. Whether New York City aud Htate at "naturally Republican," la a disputed question. And whether tho financial prosperity of the country la duo to any panic-ular panic-ular itly politic I oom to de-bate, de-bate, A great many thlnga are claimed a the result of party Influence whlcli aro no more attributable to such cause than are the ebb aud flow of all tide or thetpread and uppreelon of epidemic disease. The tatcment of party politician are to be taken cum iruno rurts. |