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Show Tagaa lllrectleae. There are aome old fashioned cooka who not only never spoil tha troth, but who cannot tioeelbly give any one else tto eecrct of making It Gochwaa lunt Ilully, who often trleil to share the reel pet for her plea an 1 tm Idlngt, Intt always In vain. ' Hire ye Ihe retell I for my er ng" cake)" aba woull aay 'Of coirse I wilt, dear Diva me a lece of paper, an 1 I II aet It right down fur ye. There 'tit." 'Hut Annl lluldy, you ay, 'a little water' Now how much do you mean!" "W hy, Borne folka don I use any at alb Tley Jest depend on Ihe eggs an 1 augar an I flour Hut I Ilka a mite mreetf It gives that aort of dry laate, yon know H ' Hut how mncb, Aunt Huldyr" 'Oh ust a little. Sometimes I pump a mite Into tbe bowl when 1 m cooking near the sink" At another time a young abl palnitak log housekeeper waa trying to (tarn tbe procena of hunmaklng. "A iinrh of cinnamon ant a few currants" cur-rants" ended Aunt Hutdy'a directions. ' lint how many curranlef ' waa the pua-xledlmiulry pua-xledlmiulry Oh I don't know," sal I Aunt Hnldy placllly "Here an I there a traveler ou don t want to hare 'em look loo thick." hen Aunt llul ly It reminded that the Ignorant or Incaiwrlenced cook can acarce-ly acarce-ly be el-feted tounderstand her direct Ions ate luoke at If audi Inomiprlence were much to to pltld, and can hardly conceal hsr Impatience. "IW creatures r she haa been known to aay ' Why, I guen I eoul I ha' told whether mincemeat needed a little more tiled elder II IbryM gin me a taste o( It In my cradle!" koulh e Companion. |