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Show M.tS IN A M rslll 1.1. II rou with to la tntertalnit jnit lor. Ifflyouraelf lonw enough to talk to aoiiicbn,ly alout lilmnplf. Tbo man whoraiitltiutllyitenlrathat be baa any iclal vlrtuea hnaat leaat llievlituoof truth. r.Ll'rt-atdeiit Clerelan I lout Ida tint can In the U11IU1I Htt.t.- Hnprinie Couit. lliitliegota$U,OiMfri. , Oovcrnorllllt.ofNew Voik, wlllde. liter tbeo'allon at the unvelllni? ft theUraily monument lu Atlanta neat Auguit. Ihcra are flvo inndldatea In the Held fir Mayor of Chlivtito. Carler llarrlanii, who acrved four tiruuiln that olllce, la a cnndldato onct more. Dallae A'ricr Tliey will iloubtleaa change tho law of Kantaa la fore long Mthat Arrtdltor ma be heavily lined for duutilnif auylaiily, CJcatllil 'ir Mlaa Bcadda1 face la her fortune iheUoeiii'l rate rtrry high." Ilollj "Her i value la much above her lart value.'1 "llowlajotir frlenl dolnj out In Heb h3?""0,he'HCArr iiir everything ltefore him " "(looilt what taialneaa la he In?" "Ht'a a waller lu artatau. rant." Hlr AtthurHulllvan la credltett with aaylog, In re(l) hi an Ignoraut, but trettutloua, wiiuiau whoaakett hlnl If llach were compualtig anjlhlng now-ndaya: now-ndaya: Sut tnadam, he la deconion lug." Ki-ltrapnua Carlotta of Mcilcu la m far recovered trom her mental Irtaibln that the la ublo to laWlnltrcat In the inanagiment of her homo near l,acken and the control of the laautlful eatate III whlcll HU,j,,hI. Mr.. Inland fllanroM la an rich that ahedota lull healtate to wear tlreaava Ibathrnoiitoffaahlonby evcral)eara. NevelllieleMalieltalwa)ahandoniely nUlled and Ilia uiaglilllcttlt Jewela. Hhe entnialna a great ileal and ft oja-n. haiidtnl lu her naahtance to women who have beoll leaa fullllllale III life than herftll. Cliea1liirile Ivrapt I.lverhof, ehau-cellorof ehau-cellorof the Austrian legation gave n uavt I dinner In Waalilngtou, 011 the lithlnt. The giioata weie all men, wore maika, and were altlled 111 iharactt r coaliimo. The m rvuula were gailatl aa w. intm. Tim fun la il.rlUl oafnttand futloua, one of Ihe.o orgl.it which ilcttroed clanalo Home. "How ahall 1 larctmut lieaullfulj" aalta a woman cuireaiam lent lu n rural tathaiige. rihv might eloatwith her coachman. Time lint not la-en n woman lu the -t kin yeira who eloaal with hertaiacliiuan who waa not Intuitu), If the newpaar ac counta of tho altalr are reliable, AtHlouiflly, luwa, on Ilia loth lmd.,nuattiuijt waa male to Ijurli Ijtla Chrlallaiiaon. IMer lairenaou charged him with lielug erlmluilly In llnialo with Mra. lxiniiaon. The filiiidaof Iort iiMjtt look up the mat-ttr, mat-ttr, and made the nlltmit to I) nth CJirUllatiatin. There are nine poraoua arretted, Including laorenaxni. ht. lua(;A Arniocruf The Kami. era Alltauee haa tlnne imtlilug tlnia far lu the rltatta lu which It haa a "pull" except to unaellle prlcea of agrl cnliuril pruieity, frighten toplull.t,, and liijuru tliu farmera. In fat t, the farmera are In a gwU i.llou to Itnru tint they have 11 thlux to gain, but very much to Imp from tho prettuiloua crauka nud tntcka whom Ihty hae plaifdln power. Chhago tletecllvea areaaldtohe hi Hatiaiuvuto watcliliiifthe memUra of tlipCallf.iriikiltglalaiurf. Ifllietan. tlldate who allflettda III gettlog tho Utilti-d htattl aelinttirahlp tuya the I lace, then tbo lutttvr will I re juried In Washington. I)e Young anld oKiilyln Chicago laat aumnier, that Ilio aenatohhlp would coat tuk),. law. " The Iiidlanapolla Journal uyalhat the KanMia hoiiko haa made allrtr ihaiige, wblthlaiiow legal lender b act of CougitH to the amiaint of f), full Ugal tender. How thla attlou coullhelp Hid fanner la oho of the thlngawhhh the mull who aumtl the tlllt aliuot kll. Hut Conlna baa the aoltt ower to ilctlare what la legal teudtr inonej , ctiuattUenUy the ICan lUleglalauira could Jut aa well hate inmtla bill declaring that their own uotea of hauil ahall lat legal tvlidt r. r P. Clllfhrl.'.ofDfa Molnra, Iowa, and W. I', llojerof Detroit, Mich, two N eft IVIntCaleta, fought a ngu-lar ngu-lar I rite light, at tho luck of tho Aiidemyi on tbo morning of the 1 llh lll.l. The nferre waa a mfeaalolial laiglllat from New Voik City, The Untie waa ronducletl under Ihu prlie rlngruliaformulaied by the Manpila ofCJueenalAiry. Thetroubloarotooter rlana tllnhtllllea, and tho ayatem of aunojaiice piaclln-tl lu American collegea. The tliluj la getting to have, a "Malli" iuct In thla counlry. (Illcluht, howovtr,laihainplon. Mllwaukeeftriffacf; There wlllUno more Invtatuieiilaof outalde capital lu Kanaia until the Allliniu goea to plecta-and 110 eileualon of railroad lineal Kcw Vork l.'eeanlcn To bo ture Ihu faimera hae crletauiea nud aerloua 0111a at that. They havo bet 11 tnxetl for tho lieiivllt of othtr lnleriU,and are eo taxed allll, but when they turn round and bluntly 1 roioe bi lev) on nil tin i olhirluterctda In order to better their own lot, they nreariniiloglioua which they laniiol will allord to haveoMii awakened " The rittaburgautliorltloaare tryluit to 1 levtnt mrit cremation, nud It la la Int ho'd they will aucceud. Tile Mlblllty of couteallng murder an I other Crimea by burning the Indleo of docuued peraona without uotlto 10 the nulhorltlta la 0110 of the grounds on which en matlon haa Uvii ojanwd. Haverai bollea havo bttn cnmnttl recently ami 110 publication of Ilio fact haa Ucii made for Maya aflerwahl, Home ayatem of reghlry and rmlta ahoiild laidiivlattl er that the author-lllit author-lllit ran reitlfy lfore cremation It allowed that Micro la no good renann w hy the body ahoul 1 not be deatio) etl. New Vork It agitated over a mytler-louaimirdtr mytler-louaimirdtr raits which lu many re-m re-m mblea tliu llenwell traguly lu (,'aua. tla, annietliiie ago. I' 0 filonda uamid lbitlluger and Wilgbt lamu from hunnailo.Sew Vork lu January laat. They boarded Ilia faalilnnatdo laiardlug houw, A few daja time the iltAd tiodyof Itiittlnger. or what waa Identl. Ileil aa hit body, waa found lu the out-tklrta out-tklrta of the city. Itulilnger'a llfo waa luaiired for SSI.oOcI, and the .New urk iillce think It la what la known In trlinlnal alang, a"gravejard"lnur auce tdot riiowoni"mlHlntr," which It llu familiar auint rl tlon of many u alicp lu the United Klugdom, uei lu origin. to Milan. It taki-a ua luck to the IMh century when Milan held the primacy In the wnild ot dreaa an I faahlon, and gave to i:unie the "modi," at Parla haa donelii more modern Urata. Hut allhough In Ihla rtapect the tt title of Kravlly haa ablfled, you hive only bi tnttr one 0 tbo haudaotue Mllnneae ho to lie tonvlnretl that the mllllntr lu Milan la by nouietiia niotlbunl. Woltla ulilnlelllgltlit to maaculhie tara lalalhlloworda relating to tho Arranaor female cututne How forth, while the eye la Invllitl to gate on a bew lldetlog vltlaof w ell gniiit,l rot.ee, niaumtanudoirafuniurcauiitllou are fain to con leu. with the air of a awutHrnte, that the airtlmrna la-fore jou ro "nilraclea of art," an I, at a lairrtu mnfeMlon iiiiallendetl by a pur-tliae pur-tliae would thow tuch abotklng liuir-banlty, liuir-banlty, you may probably cry "cm tare to the gent ral." and liecmne n raoual aubacrlU r to the proweaa of the Milan eae milliner. " Alaly erllea to the Woman'a 11. talltmelil 1 f the Near Voik Itmtrdcr fornremedvto iruvent or tret rid of wrlnklea. dhe received lliolollowlllit replyi "t'robaily the only reilnln reineily fir wilnkn-a la to avoid getting them. Thwe matka nud Ultra that turn facea Into railway m-aie m-aie not alwa)a algn of a;e, but Indltate quite at frequently the nervoui temia-ranu nt of Unlr ata. acnor, or the habit of continual wony. lug. A akin that la catefully bathtd with warm water and pure loan and mUad to a glow wltlt xifl II tn 11 W ought to pretrve Ha elaallclly and amixilliticka, If thwart gelittu Inllueiicea aie nut counteracted by frowua and contottlon of ctaintenanoo and the tarloua fvhl trlcka that women uu. rotucljutly mil Into, and that Ihty can aa eaally gtt rid of by a little thought ami ntlentlou. A t ry ahu le and to A certain talent itllcleiit intana of amouthhigout thercmarka of tare an 1 worry la once n day to w ring out a cloth In water at hot aa 0110 1 an livar, pri-.lt amnothly over the faro and Ho ilowu for 19 mlnulea, for a nap If i. ble. To Mp Without A lllowlabt llevetl I y annie worm 11 to be of great t nitvtcy Hut iirobably the mot iillo ant hlo mode nt proretliire ta tu look for thing lu life to enjoy. To kit n liar py la the beet way known of keeling ycuog. |