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Show cuid'Aiii.1: urnciti. majluicnck. Ox tut: lllh hut, one or thoao f.ar-fill f.ar-fill lulocHiiila which from llmo to lltnu urprlw Iho world occurred toveii mlletfrom Naahvllle, Tenn. Thla waa the burning or the Central I hat no Aayluui, un Inatltutlon whluh had 4 llimalea, After tho fire, half a Uoxen charred a p"rriiwnitataiHg hHlli-a wera found Hi the dehrla. Tho repntt aUlea that It waa pitiful to tee the Inmalea huddled In outhouKe, chattering ami walling, aud uttering allklndaof exprculoiiaof grief, terror and alarm. 1 1 It Mid that twenty-five of tin lunatic, made good tlitlreaenpe from the ptarx. ThelamentaUe feature aliout thla fire IS that when the Xaahvllla fire de parlnie nt waa telephoned for, tho chief waa nbaenl, aud the uwinbera would not mive without Uielr chief. It waa two houra before Ihalolllctr waa round. He proceeded thru lo the flee, with two euglut. Here It a clear raie of onlcl.il negligence, negli-gence, and there la every rvaaon w hy that chief ahould ho arraigned for murder. It It a alrange kind of dla-clpllne dla-clpllne too, that when a chief leab-tent, leab-tent, haa no provltlon for auyliody to take hla place; and lu a flro department depart-ment above all, whtte au emergency la likely lo arlae at tiny moment. Thla la a matter that ahould bu grave, lyronaliered by tho authorities or all towtit and cltlri at here a fir detriment detri-ment la maintained t the ubllc ex- |