Show r I- r- r Deaths 7 1 Wil William iam Meikle William 1 65 65 a grocer in in Salt Sart Lake for lor many y years ars died Sunday morning at a a. local hospital He lie was is born boin In Scotland nd In 1863 and ind cama to Salt Lake In 1888 prior i ito to the time he ho le entered the grocery business he was a stonecutter Mr MI l Is survived cd by his widow and the tho following children Gilbert Mel- Mel kel cei Los An Angeles eles William L. L Oklahoma City Mrs Airs Ed Garrett Mrs r Vern Sconberg Sconberg- and Isabella and Miriam o of Salt Lake Bird Murphy Bird Murphy 89 avenue avenue ave aye nue flue manager o of the tile Murphy Candy company at Su-arho Su SugarhoUse se died Sunda Sunday Sunday Sun Sun- da day at his 1115 home He was vas born at Mill MUI Creek January Januar 1 1863 the son sono o of Jesse E. E and Mary Murphy Murph He lIe HeIs lIeIs Is survived by two wIdOws Mrs 1 Martha Maltha L. L Murphy and Mrs Edna Murphy and the tile following sons and tl daughters Lyn Murphy Salt Lake Mrs Robina Harmon Los Angeles Mr Mrs ArrS i Irene Millet Salt Lake LottIe Kenneth Kenneth Kenneth Ken Ken- neth lu 1 Murphy phy New Jersey Jersen Mr Mrs Louise Douglas Los Angeles Raymond Raymond Ray Ray- mond Murphy Salt Lake Lale Roy Murphy Mur Mur- phy Salt Lace Lak Lake Mrs Thelma Dav- Dav Los Angeles Miss 1 LaVOn Murphy Glenn Mildren Catherine and nd Marie Murphy all o of Salt Lake The following brothers and sisters also survive Mark Charles Frank Thomas and Hyrum Murphy Murph Mrs Etta Horn Mrs 1 Lulu CarlO Garff Mrs Mary Marr R. R Norris Mrs Ella Smith and Mrs Maude Hovey Ten grandchildren grandchIldren grand grand- children arc also among th the sur SUt Mrs Eleanor n Burt l JI Mrs Eleanor Nc slen Curt Burt wife tife p v 1 l f tr f. f o of i l B. B Hurt Burt Eighth c a flUe nu died I d Sunday Sunda at the th family homo nf lifter lilLer u me brief brier Illness She was born In Salt Lake July luly 7 1860 th the daughter of ot Robert Hobert 1 F. F and Elea- Elea nor jor Stevens She is survived sur sur- Ul by bv her husband and two chil children hll- hll dren Eleanor and Harold Burt lut Funeral elal services will be held Tuesday Tues rues day at 1230 p. p m. m at the Twentieth ward 1 chapel Marie A. A M. M Rock Rode Marie Mario Anne lsen n Rock flock cl aged 53 3 dl died tl Monday londay at the time I family resIdence residence res res- Crescent Utah She is survived sur sur SUI by her het husband Charles II Rock The bod body is in charge of the thc mortuary pending fu funeral Lu- Lu u- u arr arrangements James William Hudson James William Hudson SO 80 died Monday at a to local hospital He lie HeIs HeIs lieis Is survived by his IsIs widow I Ellen J J. J Hudson one one- son Mello J. J Hudson of ot Salt Lake two daughters Vida May lIny Crane Crano of ot Utah h and J. J Webster of Charleston Utah and three grandchildren Tile The body is in Ill charge of the tile Deseret mortuary pending funeral arrange arrange- ments meats s Louise Smith Agnes Louise Louls Smith 46 46 died Monday londay at the family I residence Euclid avenue 11 She Silo was born October 4 1888 1838 In Grass Gians k Utah She is survived sUr by her lIar B. B F. F Smith one son SOIl Clyde Clde of Salt Lake Lale and the following following fol fol- foi- foi lowing brothers rothel's un and sisters Peter Ieter Marshall 1 Alex John und and Thomas all c-C c f Downey Idaho Mrs T. T O. O o of Loma Lonan Mont and amid Mrs Mis Elizabeth l Frogner brogner of or Ida Idaho ho Falls The Tile body is In ill charge of kin mortuary pending funeral ar ar- ar tos Hyrum Dorius I Hyrum Dorius Darius 57 7 died Monday at the family residence East Thirteenth South street lIe He was born December 20 1571 1871 at Eph- Eph raIm Utah He lie had been a resident resident resi resl dent of Salt l L Lake l k for the h past ost six Ix years rears He lIe is survived by Y his widow Hannah Dorius Dorlus and the fol following following fol fol- lowin lowing brothers and sisters Mrs hs tm a Rasmus Hansen of Ephraim Edwin Edwin Ed Ed- win Dorlus Dorius 0 01 oC Los Aneo s. s Frank Christensen of or Salt Lake Lale Mrs Bert Brimhall and Mrs 1 Neb NeU Frost Frost- of Salt Lake and ten half hale brothers brothels and sisters The bod body is in ill charge of the Larkin Larkin Larkin Lar Lar- kin mortuary pending funeral ar ar- ar I IThe I Henry James Henry James Ijames A Anderson derson Henry James Andersen 70 of or 6 16 F P street died Monday londay at a a. local ho hospital pital He lIe is survived by his lila wid widow a Jane I 1 Andersen II The to is t at t. t th the D 1 seret n mortuary ru y pending tun funeral ral ll Ia S. S Davil S. S died at lit hb home 1483 1482 South Hi East Bast Sunday In His Imis sixty firth year He lie was wali a native o ot of Cheltenham J England and had lived hived In this city for Cor the put past three Years year Surviving him lire ire hl hi wife two t sisters slaters Ann AnnIe e 1 1 of Salt Lake and und Mrs SIre H. H I Love ve ot f lo 1 ono one brother rt I 1 K Darra dale of ot l St V Walberg lberg Canada Notice of oC tune funeral will bo bl given In Inter ter |