Show T Two Iwo Boys D Steal Meal O 1 Horse Wagon Wago Begin Travels T Two v youthful youthful adventurers ad who who stole a horse and a discarded bakery wagon and were trekking toward Green River Wyo were detained by sheriffs sheriff's s deputies Monday They were Alfred Edwards 12 Second Sec See end ond East street and VIc Victor or Gleason 11 11 Second East street Young Edwards told Deputy Sheriffs Sheriffs Sher Sher- iffs Joseph Smith and P Perry rry Holt Bolt they were on their way to visit his mother in Green River The he boys disappeared from their homes last night and the police de department do- do and kind sheriffs sheriff's office were enlisted in a search for them They took a neighbors neighbor's horse to the Su Superior Superior Superior Su- Su Baking company barn on Denver street where they hitched it to a bakery w wagon agon When a w wheel heel fell feU off the wagon the boys mounted mount mount- ed the horse and were galloping out of town when apprehended |