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Show IMPORTANT ITEMS Relallnj to the Furririmln? Tr-rllorlal Tr-rllorlal Fair. Articles Intended far exhibit at the Fair muit bo delivered at the Exposition Buildings, on Tenth Ward Square, during Saturday, October ;th, proSImo, al Ms laUU, to ensure being placed In proper po sition, excepting live stock, flowers and fruits (perishable articles), which will be received until 11 am. Monday. October Gib. AU exhibits shipped by rail should be consigned to Secretary Territorial Fair, Sail Lake City, unlers accompanied by some person having charge of the exhibit. Tbo Fair opens at noon on Monday, Mon-day, October Gth. All jiersons making exhibits and coniptllug for award., should remember re-member ttiatan annual membership ticket (fee S1.O0) has to be obtained from the Secretary, before the exhibits ex-hibits are placed ln the Fair. Tlie exclusive privileges of the KcstauranL Lunch Bullet, aud Fresh Fruit sale stalls are In the liands of S. P. Ball 4 Co., the well known caterers. Spencer and Schmidt (of Garfield Beach fame) have the right or sale orpop corn and peanuts. The Dlnlug Hall will be located In the south eni el ihe new south win?. The marriage gifts will be displayed dis-played in the north window of IJar-ratt IJar-ratt Bros.' furniture store, on Main Street, during all next week, and the list so far Is as fallows: Elegant cook stove, Lei room set (oak furniture), and cash SiS, given by the Society. Toilet set, crockery ware, given by Steele .k Co., or the FalrStore. Beautiful table laaqs given by Uopck & Clnwsoa. i-ancy water set, pitcher, glasses aud tray, given by Ik AW". Wash tub, wash board and pair, given by Remington, Joburou & Co. Fine silk umbrella, given by Bast, Terry Mau. Co. One (air of lady's fine shoes, to fit the bride, glveuby Spencer A Kimball. Kim-ball. Valuable book album given by C. H. Parsoiu-1 Roast Beef (far wed-Iintr dinner) given by White Jt bons Co , and other articles w hlch will be enumerated enumer-ated In our next issue. It will be seen that the happy couplo whose nuptials aru ieriormeJ at tho Exposition Ex-position builJlug, during tlie Fair week, will be iu possession cf a ' fair start" In housekeeping necessaries. Groesbeck &. Houghton offer a special premium of $2i for the best display of A rt Embroidery, limited to work done in Salt Lake City. The following special circular Hems interest all Utah arti'ts. AKT ULPAHTJIt-ST. We believe that with carefully selected se-lected material from the studios of Utah's artists Ills ioibIeto make an art dlspla r equal, If not superior, tosoaie of the art exhibits or the Iartw Eatem cities. The undersigned, as surervUcrof fine arts, Is exceedingly anxious to, make his department the feature cf' Die fair, and believes such a result Is easy of accomplishment if he can secure the prompt ani energetic support of yourself and other home artists. He tberefaru solicits your active inteiest Intlie exhibition. Hcalrobegsto assure yu tliat the directors will do their utmost lo have all the exhibits judged upon their merits alone, by a carefully selected committee of competent critics. To add to the convenience and Interest of sii-ctator, it is tho in tention to jiublMi a catalogue of the works ot art exhibited, with name of artist, elc. It lias lieen further decided to have Ihe pric iueludrd iu the catalogue of those pieces that are for sale, In the ho that this will result re-sult In tlio artists being able to din pose or many or their works to visit-ore, visit-ore, as Is done In the Academy exhibitions ex-hibitions in Xew Yoik and elsewhere. else-where. The fallowing special rules will apply this 3 eat: 1. Exhibitors must list their pictured pic-tured Willi the SujiervUir on or before Sept. 30th. to ecure mention in the printed catalogue. Catalogued Cata-logued work will have preference in hangicg. 2. Use enclosed slips for listing a separate slip for each picture. 3. Xoa-t work will lie received liter than Octobers, and exhibitors are earnestly requested to have them iu by October 2. For any further particulars confer with the undersigned at the State Bank, No. 00, Main Street. Repeclfully, HL.LEK M. WKI.LS, Sujervlsor. |