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Show OUIIEX ITE3IS. A Dote uf Mrjchnln Litlt HU Ufr. Yesterday afternoon about 3:30 o'clock a littlo girl aged f g years was run over by a bore nnd cart, Tho accident occorird on Vashiug-tcn Vashiug-tcn Avenue between Twenty-thlnl and Twcuty-fourtb statls. Tile child attempted to cross tlie street and was knocked down by the hone, the wheel of the cart ilng over her arm. The driver Immediately stopped his horse and went to the assistance or the little girl. It was discovered that she was not seriously serious-ly injured, being scratcbod about the face and arm, but no bones broken. The driver said bo could not hold his horse, and ottered to stand any expen which mlzbt oc cur from the accident. Last evening) In this cIty,CharIes Young, a freight conductor on the Utah JSTorthcrti rallrond, ecdstl his life by taking a dose or strychnine. Young arrived In Ogdcn at 9:43 o'clock yesterday morning on a peeial freight train from I'ocatello, Idado. In company with two or bis brakemen he went Into a saloon on Twenty .fifth Street and took a drink, after which be stated he was goln home. Tlie brakemen went to their caboose In the Union Pacific yard and went lo bed. AboutOo'cIucklast evening one or the men looked out of the cabooe wludo wand saw Young stai;geringup the trck as II be was considerably under the Influence or liquor. From what was afterwards learned Young was on bis way home, which is situated on Pacific Avenue, between Thirty.firat and ThIrtyecond etrcct, just oil tbo Union Pacific track. Arriving at his home, It Is stated be was upbraided up-braided by his wife for drinking, and immediately started for town again. About 7:30 o'clock Young went Into the residence or his sister-In-law on Twenty-sixth Street, and in her presence swallowed tlie poison. After taking tlie fatal dose he again started for hit home,where be arrived about S o'clock and informed in-formed his wifeot what he had done. Dr. Bryant was immediately summoned, sum-moned, but the poison had racoon)-plbhed racoon)-plbhed its work, ani at S.30 o,'cIock the man was a corpse- Young had. recently commenced the construction construc-tion at a cottage, and it is staled by his wire, gamblnl off bis wages which be drew on tho 21st of this month. The matter prejed uton bis mind, and he told his wife that he had a good notion to put his head under tlie car wheels. lib) wife told him not to worry, and that the 'experience should be a lesson to him. Nothing more was thought of the occurrence orof tlie threat he hal made until he had taken po!in. Young Is a native or Switzerland, agl about 33 ear. and leaves a wife and three children. He lias been employed as brakeman and conduetor fura period or rourycarson the Utah & Northern roid, and nothing In his actions ever led thse most Intimately acquainted with him to tnupect for a moment that he would ever think or committing so rash an act as self-de-lructiou. Coroner Allen was notified of tlie death and will hold an inquest at 10 o'clock today. fSandard. |