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Show 11KIEF TELEGK.UIS. London Sept 25. TheMcAuliffe-Slntln TheMcAuliffe-Slntln fight took place last night aud the American was iuocked ot.t lutworounetr, London. Sept 2d Alfred John Francis Egerton, member of the House of Commons for Itclts division di-vision at Lancaster, is dead. Paris, Set t. 2. Prominent soclal-Ils soclal-Ils declare that Boulangcr has prombed to cast hM lot wltli the revolutionists iu the first civil cotL-motion. cotL-motion. London, Sept. 26. A dispatch from Algiers says a cyclone has swett over a largo porUon of Algeria, Al-geria, doing an immense amount of damage. Cincinnati, Sept. 28. Tbo pest-oiilc-e KtlioriUcs have seized the entire en-tire weekly edition of lotfafrtuiof in Uils city hcowH it contained lotlery advertlsecienb?. Guthrie, Oklahoma, Sept 25 The failure of the Capital Bank Widuesday caued a run today on tho Commercial Bank, which nearly near-ly caused it to close its doors. Belief Be-lief came from other points and the bank tided over the crisis. Newcastle, Pa., Sept 38. A Uinc-year-old girl named Coojr accidentally fell Into a pig sty tonight to-night Inan Instant two powerful pigs attacked her, and before any-oue any-oue could come to her .csistattce lasceratcd her Indy in au awful manner. Tlie child will die. New York, Sept 2ii. Carlos Pen-alti, Pen-alti, who arrl veil from Mexico two dsyJ ego, rididules Un- story of the attack on President Diaz. He was at tint celebration mentioned and the only musketry he .heard v.as a volley salute fired as the President and staff reUred. iJoslon, Sept 2il. A large audi-encegthcred audi-encegthcred at tho Mas-achusetts Bcforrr Club tonight to greet Henry Wattcrson of Uie Louisville Courier-Juvrnal Courier-Juvrnal who delivered an address on lhe political Issues of the day, including the tariff bill and elections elec-tions bill. Tangier, Sett M. The Moorl-It army has defeated aud routed U e insurgents In the district of Ait Shokhmau. The rebels lost heavily iu killed nnd wounded, nud many wcro made prisoners. All the leaders captured were beheaded. Tlie victorious trooja pursued the insurgents and destroyed several villages. Camden, N. J., Se4. 2S. A horrible hor-rible crime was brought to light this afternoon by the finding of tho routililed bn,y ofMn. John Miller, 1 aged 29, iu a den- wool near her 1 home In Delaware township, this county. Frank Luage, a burly negro, who w-s sir.pectcd of the murder of Slew Let?rony, pe IccVr.! uptliarjeed with eautii.gMrs. 3IilI-er's 3IilI-er's death. Themitive sunyowd is robbery. Biriniughim, Ala., &eft. SS-W. P. l'irkanl, editor and pretldeoi or the.4xf-rrnftf eorajany, km thu morning nrrcsted on a warrant chargirg Idin with i ubli.hiiig au-vertiscmentsol au-vertiscmentsol the Loulelana Lottery Lot-tery company. Tho United States commitaloner held each Issue since last Fri lav to Le a separate- offence-, and put Viekard under bond f.r 3XM to await Uie action f the grand Jury." Grand J..rV., N D Mrpt.2-.. Late la-t night tho Mate eenven-tkin eenven-tkin of rohloillonists and farmers' alliance iniurtcd tho repullKan nomlneej for Ciogre, l!euter:rit-governor, l!euter:rit-governor, icmmissloiier cf insurance, in-surance, the dem-K-nitic nominees for secretary of auic. sutriiitcnd-ent sutriiitcnd-ent of instruction and railroad e-om-niisslocer, and nominated f. r governor gov-ernor Waiter Muir; auditor, 1L P. Dlckiiison; treas-jrer, K JNtw-land; JNtw-land; attsniey general, N f Youug; railroad c.uini.'siioncr,L"a Turner. |