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Show $ti. Mcdii(Pa.) Military acai emy;lys. Ilrook Hail; girl. Cir-culsrsfrec. Cir-culsrsfrec. (nlilne! 1'riotos nt esiriimU $3 per dozen. IKS SouUi Main. Take elevator. Go to MiWCOMH'S for fine Photograph Cabinets, J3 per dozen. 162 South Main. Take elevator. Tho Mountain Ice nud Cold Sterago Co. take pleasure In announcing an-nouncing to the ublic tliat thtlr Ice manufacturing I but is now In successful suc-cessful operatii.n, aud that they are prtimedto furnish ulstil'cd artesian water ico in any quaulity dtslrid. Tne aleolutc punty of the ice Is guaranteed. Theub!ic aro cordially Invllt-d to visit Hie works f'f tiie Co. at No. Si 8. Tlilrd West Street. Inquiries ma v tw majeat the uptown up-town tifllci-, No. 51 1 last, Second South Street, dtf USIO.V PACiriC SSTEH, M0U.V- TAIX 1IIVIM0V. On aJfla-Movktt, Srpt. lUh, lt), Tratta UtrttH .Vit Late anil Garjidil Btaekvtai run nt foUevt: Lease i Vrrtte . Lease i Arriie at San LaleJ IK.artcW birdeld. Isalt late. s loa.ro. 'sas.B. llif.B. 1ip. laisa-m. Il-aoao. -t-i.paa. siaoiem. ;t5p.n. 3J0p.m. ' s 10 p.m. f Sspaa. Sunday excelled. Tickets for Sale In Wasatch Itulld-Ing. Itulld-Ing. 2f I Main Btrttt, and at Depot. Fsre for Uie round trip, 50 cents. S. W. Eccles, G. P. A.. Salt Iaike. poller to Oar Inlrons Not having any Telephone, our customers will please Icaveordcrs at Margetts' Ilro'e. Hook Store, or at Phillip Margetts' Wine Dtpot for Margetts' Ale and Porter, also for Malt and Hops. Estate of It. B. Mairams. IaUle: Tiie leat Thread for Hand or Ma chine use Is Clark's "Mile End.' White Uiread wound on Uack spool For sale bv S. Kkj.lj.ek. New Dry Goods Store, G5 and 3)7 8., Main. Ptreef, thrisat KehiMl IIoU: Mr boot Hooka:! Full stock of B-xks far University, Univer-sity, Academy, Ctllcse, Seminary and District t-chool Students at Me AUisterand Cos.,72 Main Stmt. FOK saij-:. 4 LOTS ON EAST SinE Or M2XT Mock eortbwest bt Temple, la St. iiaoru. Iat I bars and reed ttasie 30x10 feel. iih raeta. maourera and tun tor six aaloala, alio aammer -shed with m BRn'urIlitorleaaalmala.aiidTars. Jat t la act lo Iccere. Iot T haa a lint roomed eoxuri oait.adioia siz-roonHd twnx, cellar. nlboaca, err. Luti'oloia i.laale-1 vrlUt eholee trap tinea wBlch pro-dace pro-dace S to aalloasot wine per Tear, also Ine l.eailnt trait trees. rtfrlenn.ln jam rf Tno. llaet, c L ocorxe. ia aaBaaaaTanaBBaiammaBaaafenBBBBBBaraamBaBaBBi SPECIAL. MHTIQRM. MMexlrnn Colonlea." As I expect to leave fcr Mexico on 10th Ootober, iiUtntkntf oolonUli ' who may wish to go fit that Ume, should report to Wm. C. Spence, or the undersigned, Box B, Salt Lake City, not later than tth Oct. next 07 s2te A. F. MACTwyALD. UM0 TACinC STSTEII. Sptelal I tales to Salt Luke for I on. ferenee. nelober Sad to ib k0i For Uie Gist Semi Annus Con-frence Con-frence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, to be held at Salt Lake City, October -Itb to Clh, Inclusive, the following rates are authorized for Bound Trip Tickets: raose aava. Green Uirer, Wromlng s as llrran. - ......... 8.M S.asger, ......... 7TS Harter. ...... sal laedmoat, ....... ICO A.pca. ....... sn Iliuurd. .-.. . sat Kraattao, ...m.... 43 Almr. ........ 120 Wahuteh. Vuh . l.ro CUllelaxk - ....... 3.n larkCiif, " ....... ail w anthip, M zjo CoaltUlc, ......... 1 Leloo. " ........ 3 19 Weber. " ......... iM reieraon, .... 2:0 LlnUh, LS4 Urden. " ......... IM Hooper. ........ lrl rneoaeJaBetiaB ......... LIS Laylon ......M. lOO Xajaviue. .... JO Sanniataon, ......... CO Ceclrenlle. ......... .tl Stood. Cross. JA SImpUns. ' ........ .ta ueaTerCanroa,lilaho....H.... isaa Carnu. - .... ILSJ Marlct late, " .......... lojo Laate Itocx, so lllacafoot, - S.C0 I'jeatMJo, J aleCamtooe, jiij...... &7J fltton, u t.n .... t natUa Creek, - . iTealon, M ., 9UU rnatlm, " IO Lrcfimond. Uuh .......... IZS MniatSeld. " I to Logan, - ... .. 350 Mradon. " ......... ail eolllnilon. - .......... XU Lrlibam. " iai Millard. - 1.10 Hot spnecs, M l3 Tcrmiant, ..... U& Tooele, " LSI 1-rJ". " LIS Ha.C War Ifome, - M sallslrJuacUoB. JU Chamber!, ja trtseo. M io URftfrd, M ss Sailja'a Rancb, sjo Illatk Itoct. " ZM )aa. - im Lemmlsaion, ...... .... Juab. " i... 4 00 Nephl, 1 Stooa, M ..... 3 09 saauqata, M H......... -v. rajMM. ..... ... tu Vepjamia. ........ iro Spanish Fori, ........... ts SirlBKTlllr, rii I-roto, rw late iew, ........... lts laaact trose, LM Amerteaa Fork, M ........... LI4 lal. - no I ctlJocction, M 13 liraptr, " .. .TJ Sandj-. - ........... J4 JaiHsaan. M ja Lorenitanrff, ........... to CcriBtnta, M ........... jo SraaeLIrn, M ........... j lareka. la IroaUn. .......... 3SS sater mtr, ........... 3 s atanmotn. ........... IS Ilarcmna. ..... 300 lauh S allej-. ......... V Cedar tort : Tickets to be sold from Octolier S toC.incIu'lve, limited to continuous passage and good for return until' October 12, 1593. C. S. Mft.le, j General Traffic Manager, j 8. W. Eccles, 1 ilsw General Passenger Agent. Go to the Saudbcrg Furniture Co, 103 W., South Temple St., and ex-amine ex-amine the J"cw Sofa Bed. Best in Uie markit. aBsasaiaaaBaBaaxamaaaaaBaBaaBmmnaaBBaaBm CONFERENCE NOTICE. Wo aro preparing for ono of tho Grandest Bargain J Sales evor l:nown In this city. Wo propose to glvo a hand- ' somo prosontto all our cus- 1 tomors during Conference. Look out for our list of prices and description of presonts In tho " Nows," later. W.LANCTON, Supf. Peoplo's Equitable Co-op. H. DINWOODEY IS READY FOR BUSINESS AGAIN. And will bo pleased to havo tho public generally and all his old customers call and seo him at Calder's Music Palaco, (tho Caldor Estate having kindly allowed him to uso part of their storo), whoro ho has opened out a New and Beautiful Stock of Carpets and Parlor Furniture. Furni-ture. All ordors will recelvo most careful attention. Ho still hat tho 6 5 omployes with him ready to exocuto any order. Glvo him a Call. The Patent Sofa IJ-st at Sand-Iwrg's Sand-Iwrg's Furniture Co., is as flue Parlor Par-lor Sofa as cau l fouud. Come and seo It. IPS W.. South Temple. Torlunalr I'nllier nn.1 Son. "I am as cei-talu as I now live," says C. K. Bartholomew, of Kalkaska, Kal-kaska, Mlch.,"t!itDr. David Kennedy's Ken-nedy's Favorite Ilemedy, of Bond-out, Bond-out, ". Y., saved my life when I was a victim of Uiat terrible renal disorder Bright' Disease. My son bad a fever sore on his leg. He, too, used Favorite Benicdy, and Is now well. But for this medleiue I am sure both faUier and son wculd have been six feet under the sod.' IIIuUTIiat rr Heller ll.au l.ol'l If you have bad breath, sluggbh boweL, ain In the small of your back, nervou-ness or giddiness, your vital organs are sadly out of tonditlom A mere "dote of phi sic" will not help sou. Your only wise course Is to take Dr. David Kennedy's Kenne-dy's Fasorilo Kemtdy, of Hondout, Js.z., and cleanse sour systtm of the impurltleK. It regulates the Liver aud Kidneys. Buy your drugs of "the boys," Johnson, Pratt & Co., 4S Mala at. The New Sofa Bel is tho veal far Offices and Phyalclar. Conferenrs- IVpl, Aisenllon I J.S. JrS3t2.,Uie practical Watt h-makcr h-makcr and Jeweler, extends invi-taUon invi-taUon to Conference visitors to call and Inspect his stock of iS'ew Good, consisting of Diamonds, Watches', Clocks and Silverware. Don't for, get the place.22 E. First South, d A s Wanted one ton Bess wax, Joii:.son-, Pratt & Co. OCTOBER 4th. 1890, You will find us at our Old Stand In tho NEW CONSTITUTION CONSTI-TUTION BUILDING, No. 36 Main Street. Call and so us. JOHN C. CUTLER & BRO., Agents Provo and Deseret Woolen Mills. THEATRE SPECIAL! Greatest Dramatic Event in the History of Home Theatricals. THE HOME DRAMATIC CLUB Take pleasure In announcing that they have engaged, at enormous cxinse, the Fumcus Actor, C.W.COULDQCK, Who will come from New York to fill an Engagtm-ut of Five Night and One Matinee, during FAIR AND CONFERENCE SEASON, OClOliEJi 3, 4, G, 7 it ml S. OXL.Y MATINEE WEDNESDAY, OCT- 8. Iu the World-KcaownesI Play, Hazel .Kirke! MB. COULDOCK In his great character nf DUXSTAN KIBKE, as plarcdbrhlmfoareonMraUreaeaaonaat tae head, ot tac Ma hn siaare TbeatrcCompan7.ew Tork. tpi-ii; S3 U AJJ--OIl.TXa3"G- CAST: Mr Wills Mr. Sp-ncer, Mr. Young, Mr. Evans. Mr. lUrluw, Mr. Hammer, Eilth Claws in. Birdie Cuatming. laitty Claridgp, Ivy Clawson, Nettle Sli-II, Buby CLawson. .NtttwiUnunJiar tbecreat cipesie atkadlo; tau eezifeaeat. Ike rrxes HI net Lelaaeated. DFale ot Keserred Seats brpat Thundij;. October I. Casintry ratron majr write, ictearapb er telepboae Ur ptteea. XX G-. VATAXXTUET. - - oVrnnngor DUNCAN M aMcALLISTEK & CO.,, J v VI MATS ST., Sail Itlco City. yC f "Z ? v Wholesalo antl Retail. s b sfs" STATIONERY, g " ill B00K5 ?H ? if TOYS AND NOVELTIES. ? f " i? S jiniInrinVorki. Pcrlo.HottlOv f q Scliool Hooks. Ilwtltli PiiIiHc.iISmiiOS. " Supplies for Office anil Arcliilec.-. ! S.R.MARKS&CO. Opposite South of Temple. CHEAPEST PLACE IN UTAH; patnitae. Carpet 1 1 i TT"iTT.i7 1 l fi 1 1 ITTj jjll AndUala PVPEli 3r- XiOOK U.T TXXXaSIJ ritlOES: -sKl UCK COIITAIN, S 1.00 PKIt PAIR AD UPWAItDS. r.nu)it surrs, 35.00 " " , C11A31HER SUMS. 25 O0 " " " rrjg- Wo nic INovor XJiiclt'i'Holcl I amnaaamaraBaBmaaaBaaMamaaamDaamaaaamaaaaamasmaaaBmaaaBaaamna '' IIH STMyfllliyS ill Every Department Fully Stocked . I WITH h ' H FALL IJV1P0RTAT.J0NS, ! Embracing the Mos(7aried Stock we haYeEyer Exhibited 1 M i JmWMWM - r ; H A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF i H LADIES' PLUSH COATS, I Q.0TH ULSTERS, and VALKING JACKETS. j J'ij M ' fl MESS GOODS In Hoveltles and Staples. ' B iEiMH ACDMaFEHaEMGEWSITOHS I WILL BE AMPLY REPAID TO CALL AND EXAMINE H sasassaH Clothing! Clcthmg! Clothing! , fl Ks cry CIitsw to nll Hit: I'lil.lio. ! jH Hats & Caps ! . Hats & Gaps ! I IX ALL. TIIE aXWLST STYLES. LL gSsiDST GOODS !aoB ; I Newest Arrivals, New Stock, Latest Styles. M Boois&Shoes! Boois&Shoes! Men's and Boys', Ladies' and Childrea's, H In Every Style, all Bright, New, H Fresh Goods. t H DUItAIJILITV ASl WHAll (JUAKAXTKKD at H S. P. TBASDEL'S. . - I m DAVID JAMES & CO., I Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, I sraxziu i.t jH Flemblns Material, Pumps, PIpo and Fittings. Steam H Heatlnf Suppllos, Tin and Iron Roofing, Gal- H vAnlzod Iron Comics, Guttering, Etc JH GrA.HIEiV HOSE oad iwVTVTsI Sa?KIMICI.1i:Rs3. jH No. 67 S. MAIN STREET. M COM :BR0S. I JEW WRAPS WORTH SEEING I I Our Cloak Department Fully Prepared for 1830-91. H Our Collection of Vl!.in5 Jarktts surpasses anytliins; we ft H have Ii.retofore shown antl Is well worthy a vlslt,lf only ofinspec- ,: jH tion. The prices are extremely moderate. j 1 A lino of All Wool Jersey Jackets at 3.75, S4.S0, 55.00 auJ JM up arils. H Jaunty Walklnc Jackets in a variety of Xew Kasliionable J i H Cloths at J3 M, S3.". STJ50 3 ), S1C0" and upwards. ( j B f-eal riu-h JaekeLs'ln IUefers Kittlns, anil Vtst Fronts, at J H $13 00, $10.00, $17.50, J1S.SO, $il.00 aud upwards. ; H TVUXES" T'T-.UIX SACQCES J ' i M For a leader we are otXerlnff an Elegant Seal Plush Sacqu.-, 'jl li iil Full Lensh. with High SiouMeM and S-al Loops at I7.50; , I If H fully n ortb $:5 00 J J H Our $23.00 Patqurs sell else-vLere for $30.00. II H Our $t1.00 Sicqucs are worth $30.00. 1 91 1 Ileautlful Vrt In ill the Fashionable Materials and Styles J H al SI5 01. SM50 SIS HO 523.00 and upwards. JQTSPECIAL 3 HH IWCES IX MKUIUJI WEIGH r WItArS. -j H 3ti.-s.o.-i' rind C'liiUlrcnV Cloaltta 1 H VE ARE r FFERING GREAT BARGAINS g f Lt Inalotof Cloaks, size Itfli, heavy weight, all Wool Materials W H IuU-stUretchenr,tyltsat5X50to5bliO. kiff 2 H Misses' KewmarkeU In Great Variety, at Very Low Trices. Bj f H Misses' Reefer Jackets will be a great feature this season. We fp H are. showing a large assottment. fit H Of Ibis popular stylo we have oencJ a romrWe stock -la '" ti jB Russian Hair Capes, Persian Ijmh Cpe, French Sef Uan.l l H Astraciian Capes, Iteaser Care. Fine Mink Cafes, mado up I ) tfH with Medici Collar and rotated Frout. W it I asaal COHNROS. til Mi IH if Hi iiilM |