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Show THEY DON'T WAST A QMrnO.. Tun declaration by President WoodrutI is arousing the antl-'Olor-mon" element on every hand. Kf-forUof Kf-forUof different kinds are being made to break the force of its tI!Vct upon the pjblic mind. It is the old story. No nutter what the "Mormons" do they are wrong. If they take any etand on any question it is denounced, no matter though what is clo'ie by thrm lias been de uauded of them by those who declaim against itnfler it is done. Among other local tnitrlliod adop'ed to work up popular sentiment senti-ment against the declaration ol the President is the publication of bogus statements nbout young girls being a-keil to become plural wives and "recoiling with horror" from the proposal. Kvcn if such absurd concoctions were true, u hat on earth would tm-y have to do with PreaL WooJrutr manifesto. They would cnlysliow, so far as they go, that plural marriages mar-riages haJ not occurre I. Such stories stor-ies are also full of actuil Impossibilities, Impossi-bilities, ho lug that the manufacturer manufac-turer of the fabrications exhibits the falseness of his own statements by his glaring ignorance of the doc trines of the Church. Such felhm have no ue for the truth, and the fllthiness of their productions Indicates Indi-cates Uie foal condition of their minds. The anxiety shown by the enemies ene-mies of con-i-tency ani human righto manifests beyond the pus-ibil-ity of doubt that the obliteration of the feature of "Morminlsm," h lilcli has been deemed objectionable by the country, Is exactly what tlu-y do not want. Sucha situation di-stroysthe di-stroysthe handle of the political pump they have so long and igor-ously igor-ously manipulated. |