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Show A DRAMATIC SCE.VE. Dr laiU or Mist Ohoa's Snrrsndtr to the 0 Hirers. Probably the whole world of dramtUc literature docs not contain a scene portraying more Intense emotion, or more striking exhibition exhibi-tion of certain quaiiUes of human nature, raflerlng, strength and weakness, than w ere -witnessed dur-Jn dur-Jn the tew. nlonicnU thai Immediately Immedi-ately succeeded the entrance Into the City Hall of Miss Olson, when eliecaaieUicre to surrender herself to the officers after having shot Frank C. Hall. After firing the avenging shot, -.. vu aieuuentcrately Irom thespat towards police headquarters. That she had nerved herself up to face anl enluro death, Is evident from the written itateaient she had prepared, and frotnexclsm-dtltfns frotnexclsm-dtltfns roade by her to the oulcers. So firm and w calm was she in her resolute purpase to avenge hcr honorand then to endure the consequences, con-sequences, that she seems not to have attracted the attention of any one as she walked from the placo where the tragedy occurred to the City Hall, it distance of about hair a mile. She pas-ed through the main hall of the building as If familiar fa-miliar with the premises, paused an instant at, and then entered, the door which bears Uie card, "Police Headquarters," and as she did so, sne emitted wlib each breath a sound Which was a mingling of a groan anJ a gasp, indicative, of o erpowering emotion and tremendous tremen-dous efforts to suppress the same. Police Justice Laney, Mr. Stewart, Stew-art, clerk of the police court, Desk Sergeaut McCurdy and City Mar-shaf Mar-shaf Young were In the apartment, acrsss which extends a raiting, having a gate opiositc Uie door. Justice Laney was in the act of say. ing "Good 'night Marshal," and passing out of Uie gate in the railing, when Miss Olson stepped within the door of the room, squarelr confronting con-fronting him, aud holding a'pItol and a letter in her left hand, which was extended In front of her. To get out of range of the pistol, Justice Jus-tice Ianey atepjied quickly aide, and Miss Olson continued to mnvu straight within Uie gate, all the time uttering the sound described. As she did so she said in a tone, deep and husky from the terrifllc excitement unjir which sho was laboring, "Take it! take ill" meaning mean-ing the pistol, and pointing It towards to-wards Mr. Stewart. "What's the matter?" asked Justice Jus-tice laney. "I've shot Frank my betrayer, were the words utten-d in reply. "Who?" asked Justice Laney. "Frank Hall," replied the young woman. Your truo dramatist docs not depart de-part from truth as It is exemplified in nature, when h? Introduces Into his nrat highly-wrought scents an element of tho humorous. Tliat dement de-ment was present here, though attended at-tended with others of such au utterly utter-ly oppoi!r character. Mr. Stewart did not comprehend why the pistol was being extended towards him, and,omcwhat lacking in prescnceof minJ, he cut a unique figure in attempting at-tempting to escape what appeared appear-ed to him Uie tian?er of beint? shot. He moved around and dodged, Miss Olson continuing to extend tho weapon towards him, uuUlshtood with her hack toward Marshal Youug, who stepped cIdm; to her aud gently took tho pistol from her han j. As he dil to Mirs OIon ex-ilaimed: ex-ilaimed: "Won't lhr kill me? Won't they kill me Mar-bni Youug endeavored to assure her that m one would harm her, aud asked: "What did you Jo it for?" "This will cxpiiiu all!" re.ilied Miss Oisen, flourishing the letter with a dramatic itfect seldom witnessed wit-nessed on the mimic stage. Marshal Mar-shal Young took the letter and, as ho did so, remarked: "cho shot him, sure enough; one of the chambers cham-bers i empty." Justice Laney Oh, she may have fired the pistol, but she probably dldn't hit him. Miss Ol-cu Yes, yes, I did! I was so close close as I am tu ou! And he fell fell with his fate down! And the womau ran! Thtse sententious utterance were spoken huskily, as if Uie effort at self-control was about to have an ex-ploslvu ex-ploslvu ending, an I the speaker walked to and fro, exhibiting au Intensity In-tensity of excitement and emotion coupled with a giganUc lTort at sf control, which presaged a serious rcut Ion and collatM of the nervous anl physical systems, anl imminent danger to the mental organization or tho toiffrnr. Marshal Voung read the letter and comprehended the situation. She, whose life had been so quietand unuvxi tuex!tement,and who was possessed of such an Interne, In-terne, enotlonal natare, ooald not lon sustain such a strain, and serious seri-ous nervous prastraUon suiervened She was removed to the houe of Officer Merrill, where she still remain, re-main, and is receiving suitable care auJ attention. |