OCR Text |
Show jM RAILROADS. '' WNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. f JSPIni TilB 0nly Uce Cirr?1 tbe 0nlted states Teiluidl&11 7 t 'KsgSpSyfj 5 Direct Conncrlloru btlnwn AH Points, Jforth and East. J, 1 "" TJtali Central DlMtrlct. ',' PASSENGEK TCAIVS ACLiVE AT 4 LKATE SALT LAKE CITT DAlLT.as follows- t ?p From tbe SorlU. OoUttlJIorfh. (S Atlantic Fast Ma.. iMa-m. AUantfe Lxrress. Atlantic Fast - - Mtt , l-rii and Utah i:otthern ! VeilandUiA.SortneniLocal..8.l;A.m. is-. Lccsl JlUm-ra. Local Express . Uopjn. S jT. ABiiGe CIrmu JilO rim. c-irtrr. I-orUand And JJatte. I-, , "TJ I-ortladandlIutteFastMai... . 7.00 pm. Eiprtli JJOpm. dsejsrT LneU Lrpress. ...... .nuapja. Ulrl Express. 10.19 a.m. j Jult Iirrrn ...-. ......I JjjM1-,J" JjjM1-,J" Express ..... LM P.- UUforfl hwai - - AM p wv. fYSH TJtiiii .Sc cvaila Dlnta-Iot. 8 (.olRCHnl. J l ram he West. TbronelfMlied duly (ex. Sunday) 8 10 m.m. TonnrtMl lr feij Saudiy) MSiua. . lor Crtild Bech dillr, mu.inlOJ rromGrteldBellS jp.m,J3p.in p.nux..Ip.m. -Mp nC.mp m. gjjjj " "" ' " Salt ILrtUo .Ss AVostcrri DiHtrlot """" jr " " Vasengcr Thin. Leave Silt Lake, daily (except Sunday), for Iroalo a. Surer City Ereta,ri.it71Sajn. Feter leg . armc at CM p m. v. !. flj!;;,' ' o. 2. TTir I Imllml 1 ait 31 all. eistbound daily, U equipped with Irst Class a. Cosca Galt Latelo Cueyenne. ettltnle sleeper San FraneisM to Chicsrri, ria ? JbbUm'7 e Council Bluffs, estiUnle Meeper l'ortland to ducaeu. Tta Council bluffs, "" WUKmOv 5 TfcrouicasieTperrSaitLsketoCLiraeo, Dunn; Car lartland to Council Bluffs. u v " A. r "Tlie Atlantic i.Kpr. easrboand daily, is equipped with Throujrn Z ' KloperEalt Lke ty to bt. Locuna Kaaaaa utr, Tuoncti Coacb ealt Late . to Council Blnfla. Colonist Mcfrpct Lo Ansele to Eantai City. '"" ' '- vr- E-ni.E.s. C. F. KESSEGUIE, , .w t:cn.Frt A.Pis.Ast. Gfnl. ilanagtr. jf JTf ACQTJAIHTED CTTn TnE CEOBArEr Or THE COUKTBr. 'S7IU. 0BTAI3 jM flDCH VALUAELE EIFCIUiAYlCIT TEOIl A STUDrOF TS13 MAP OP fHE GHiGflOG, ROOK ISLSHD & PSGIFIO RfiiLWflY, txisfazcUnr; main lioea. omnci ea and extcaslcns B&3t zuid West of tho M tsou.-l Diver. Ii o Direct Iloulc town JToa CUcsso, JoHct, Ottawa, "aorta, LaSRL&.HoJiso.Eocklslard. In 1LLUIOIS Davenport, llascatlne, tittuiatra, OsfeaJoosa. Dos liolnos.Wntcroet, Audabon,IIaxliin, rud Council JmOS, tn IOWi.-lirijjcasoll3 as bt. Paul, In lUNNESOTA Watertotra id .Sioux Fulls, in DAKOTA Canjeroc fat. Josrph, and Kassas CltTiln MISSCTJIU-OTO&la.l?alrt)CT.IllCeIa3.1lMEBEASKA-orton,ToMc, tletcMtsaon, Wchlus BeUe-lli, Ab 'ena, Ca'.itreU. In KAI.SAS-Pond Vrae&.Zlicedsbcr. Fo-t H"no, In tio INDIAN TiaJElTOHT aad CDlorado eortn23, Driver, ruebl 3. n COLORADO Traverses now and vast areas ol rich &rmlns and praJns larale. ancrdlnc tn- best fccUltlco or lntercom-i,n1calon lntercom-i,n1calon to older St"a u 1 to n'l towns ani cifss-wst, northwest, and ousiweet rrom Colcop), and raclCc and trans-oceanic Seaports. PflAGKIFiCEKT VE3TSCULE EXPRESS TRAINS, adla all compotltors la ajioaei of cxiulprasnt (cool. vrJl ventilated, 3-ce from dust In summer, trormed by s tram from tne locomotive In -srtntcr), PAIIji between Ctlca?o and DesIiolneannJ Courcll Bluffs rtritnthrourb a9ep--r to Cmaaaj and Cb:sai70 and CUonnio Snrlnirs, Denver and Pueblo -S6 bt. Joscp , K-- u I. n or T"-x-Ka SJecsnt Dav eocenes. Keeping Jars and oistof RLieocrl UlvexlplntoJr Cars.-w'ta JRSE nochmnsr Chair v,. irnnMH oitypadCiicscoand icnvcr Co.arado Springs and Pu-pto. Pu-pto. ThrousitPaloco-ilsepDrto and IromWlct'ta, Kansas. Splendid Olnlns Hotrta -vost of St. Jo-pn end Kansas Clr. Ca lfortda cxcuTC'sns dally, tt!t CHOICE OP SOOILS to and fro n Salt Laia. Portland, I-s Anseles vid Sen Franc'sco Ti.o D UEOT LINE to and sVom Pike a Peak, Aultou, -ard. no! the Gods, o ruittariums, nnd Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTEs 3oHd rit-rssTralS'-danyb&t-B'OenCtlcosoand ZnneapcUs and St. Paul, j-itn THitoU GH Reclining CnEtr Cars HT1EE1 to and from thosorolnts and (lanoas CHv. Tnrougt Cliilr Car and Slooper between Peoria, En Jit Lake, jDd fclot.x Falls, via Itotlc "od. The Ftvorl'o Line to Pipestone, Watjr-zcrxn, Watjr-zcrxn, Sloan FaHi nd U. oonimcr BcEorts and Hunting and Fishing rounds of tl?o Nortnwaot. niE SHORT LINE VIA SEiralc. AND KAJ.KAUEB offera facilities to "ravel between Cincinnati, Indian polls, La&yotto, and Council Bluss, Bt. Toscph, Atchison, Iavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. PauL ForTlctets.lcp.roldors,crdP5irodlnfonnatlon, appl to any Tlctc'. OSca in the TJnltad State3 cr Canada, or address E. ST. JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN, Central rTmiagg. CIHCAa . II .U. Ocnl TSdtn & Passu Asr.t W Santa Fe Eoute. m ;f ntchisoaJoFela & Santa Fe Railrcad ap Rnn the Flnut trains from PenTcr and WBfJ&$m IUfbTo to Atchtrna Topcka, fit- Joieph, Wsir-Tn KnaQtj and Chicago 9Hw rec Reclining Ch&Ir Cars, Modern fiiLS Improvements. Snoklng Rooms, JBpgffll Toilet Rooms. Etc. 5SE folid Tenubnlfh! Tnlm brtwecn Kantai S' CttT Dd CblCJjrO, 1IE1TCD BT fcTXAJI IcCgiB- and UcnrrD bt Elxctkicitt S FASTEST FREIGHT LINE fiwipaS From Chicajro. ct. LonU, asd All Eutcrn aftly?M Prints to potnis ja l-uh. Sgj Irorare your TicLeu and Conitgn your -BflB Frctcttt via to &j l3V2Xt - X0 "- IlOUtO. graapiCal Tor tuxxtxr particulars cail upoa or address fgSS Geo. T. Nicholson, J. D. Ken worthy, H5 . GraraMATkt-agt, Frt. A rasa. AjrC Pl ' TTeta. Kacsia. luwra 513. "HftSrF , Progress ltaUdtnjr. . J !m Salt like City. UtAn, pfkJtl ' " ' "I Bio BranilB Waston Ry. ftfpC SCESIC LIKEJffTHE WORLD. tfell ynlrfLT'lairKr.'l-1 ?StS ''n'r Line to Denrer with nirnincnf ( IpP-lf CCLBENT TIME TABLE. ; t?f 'n EirfctfromiarierJIarltli, ISOO t 1 I EAST COUXD TEALVS. i t4 Sat I Wj? 4 Atlantic Atlantic f ?& t ,. Lt 0-ln Erprrtl y ? ' WKST BOCJJD TBAD-S. f No.1 No.! jd i-aersc racifle H- Jsbj .'SI- -357S r lt ihifJl Bp.m. uoa.m lr- uf'' 1 JOOpjii. lajsajn fj '-- ICLTRAlSTO OODEV i tf s LreSaKLaae JJJ a-rn. 9 CB a.m. JO p m I 't v- -irrircOgicn 9, 0 a.niflL30 a m S M p.m. " R 38 p.m. I LOQAL XE.V1NS TO IllNGIIAM ASD J" S, ' . tVA-.ATCII. 1 ir '.'iJi'.11 i '.' L,n I Lt w"1 I0.M a-m ., ' r,"iifMnl-iiB t-T Bincaam iS5 n ra f-ii " """ a m UsaltLaJellopS Jm2SiS& m Mo'"u-T l-cllmin ralaee and LuUtt S'ecping Cara on all Taroota Traica, 1 T!lYl'Lim'nlCmlirttn Salt ' LateandogdenonTralnjlaadl. 1. C. DODOE. J n BEVVETT. I t neral Mrarj Qen.rrLAraiVAgt. UMt I'lCIUCMSTETI, aOU--' TUN IIMlsION. , t "'! traiojmruaaorotrj- Sa'fSe.telS! JlSSk UtfSS I v ST?'-"1- 3ajn fra"a.ni. iT-Tibul iuE. il1""- '"i-"- (Sp-s. i " J "P-m- 3-Mp.m. 5 10pm. ! SArtmT I "3)nm i, lien gaopm. lniinn na-s Ticket? for Sale at Union Ticket Offlc aHSHj"! Gen. Frt. & Pas. Agt PH Ah.lEnS0s "-"- "EnrBT i;!rm"-' I""-n" --e Tonally proTided . iT,,n"'? ""more tnePbodyoi - dJir1Si"'lt or - " "'" of any ,r WILUAM SnOWELI - Utah Central Railway. Time Card in EKcFhaY 22 1890, I'dttrngrr Trains Lrare anil Arrive at halt Lake CUy, and Park City, Dally, as Follows: SALT LAKE CITY. Traial leave. nhSonta Main St, TJ0a.ra 12"" " LMpra -armca" " ,Mtu 4 " " '. " ;Mpm PARK CITY. Train 1 arrirn rark City 10.00 a.ra 3 " " " 7.00 pm " '" - " 7J0a.m 4 " " , t M p m PASSENGER RATES """."J!" 1" ,-le Clly and Park Oly. Sine Tripwire. ' " Edwetn Salt Jake Cily and Park Cut Itoand Trip, moo. J "' "-UJ j J IL TOUNC, T.J.MAtKIMOSU. llanistr. Gen.rrt.AraBa.Ar; ;iWH.N. ANDERSON & CO, ;! IROHMdBRASS FOUNDERS CiMllnt or AH Kluda. Loeoraollrc and Car ITorV a Spec Iillj roLNDHl-Voi Stl and sm wt. rifi fronth Street halt Lake City ,CHEAPCOAI I Rock Springs, S5.S0 Pleasant Valley, - 5.25 Websr, .... 5.25 Rod Canyon, - - 4.50 j Rock Springs Nut. - 4.50 QiEB Slack, - 3.50 j Dolliercd to Any Part of lbs City. I J. C; & H. WATSON, TeTephons No. 10. 119 8 Main B LEGAL NOTICE. In lie Probate Conn of tne Connty of Salt L&ze. Territory of Utab. In the matter of the eatue of Anna B. c Bale, deceaaqd. Order to show cante why order of tale of real ciute i hould not be made. VINCENT SHURTLlrr AND SOLON FocterAhe Admlnutratora of the Eatatc ot Anna B. Bale, dreeaaed. harinic filed their petition herein, duly Teriaed.prayinjc If for an order of tale of all or a portion ot the real etlate of aaid decedrnt. for the purpoMi therein act forth. It U therefore ordered ty the lodee of id coart, that all peraora interested la the estate ot said deceateJ. appear before the ra d Probate Court on Wednesday, the Slh day of July. l'QOt 10 o'clock in the forenoon of taidday, at ti e Conn Koora of said rrobate Ooart. at the Conr.lT Conn Ilonse In tbo City and I Comty of Salt LUe, Luh Temtory. to show cams why an order should not be jrranted to the aaid administrator, to sel so much of the real estate of the said de reaped 4 private tale as shall be necessary. and that a copy of this order be published at least four sneressiTO weeks In the Des txTr.TEicco Nrwa.anewrpiper printed and pnblisbed la said city and coontr. Dated Jnne eta, ISM. G. W. BAETCH. Probate Jadre TuutrroiT or TJran. I . Connty of Salt Lake. I " I.John a'Cntler, rierk of the ProbaU uoortlnand for the Connty of alt Lake. in the Territory of Luh, do hereby certify that the forriroins Is a faa.trneaad eor-vect eor-vect corrof order appoinune time and Place to hear p-utlonior oroerot sale of real estate in the matter of the estate of Anna B. Bale, deceased, aa appears of record In my once. ..!??"?." "'. hare hrrenntoset Court, this eta day of Jnne. A. D. lsaov. I""-! John a crrnxn. a w Clerk ot the Probate Conn. 4 sisiBkHBHsSsMBHiBBBBBBesiHBl ?IAnEL'S CnitDJIA. The world Is errn aa we take It. And life, dear child, u what we make It," This was the sentiment of an old lady to her rraadchild MabeL And maayaAlabel has found It to be true, and she has taken care of ber health. She keeps cu band a supply or Dr. Pierces Farorlte Prescrrw Lton. and so Is not troubled with those warder otacajes. wc&kncssee, crajrfflair-down crajrfflair-down sensations and functional irrrsu. larltics that so many women endure. It la the only medicine for women, sold by drupplsts, under a positive guarantee rrom the manufacturers, that it wut iriro satisfaction la every case, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle, wrap pen and faithfully faith-fully carried out for many years. tPavorite Prescription is a legitimate mrdlrtne, not a I -ererajr. Contains no alcohol al-cohol to Inebriate; no syrup or rurar to deranre dhrestion. As peculiar In its remedial re-medial treulta as In its composition. As a powerful. Inrhrorntlufi' tonic, lt Imparts Im-parts strength to the whole system, particularly par-ticularly to the womb and its appendages. For feeble women RTuenlly; Vr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription is the crealcst earthly earth-ly boon, bring- unequalcd as an appetliinfr cordial and restorative tonic, or streogtn- A Book of 10 pasm. on "Woman and Her Diseases, tbeir Nature, and How to cure them." unit sealed. In plain envelope on receipt of ten rents, in stamps. ddrcss. World s DirxxATtr JlroirAi. Issocianax; aa Main Ft UuSalo, N. V. DIlPIEBCFSPELIiTSSGeSry lAxatlrr, or Cfethartlr, sxenrdiar to size ox ioee. Br dmcstSts. S cents a Tlal. LEGAL NOTICE. Is the rrobate Coiirt of the Concty or Salt Law.TerTUoiTOf CUh. In the Uattcr ot tie Estate and Gcardian abip ot ITink II. Mil cr, a minor. Order t show cacve why Order of Sale of Ceal Estate sbonld not be made. CHILLI V IMILLriVn.EGUAr.niAV of the ferton and etate of FranV JL "itiLler. a minor, natlnc flle4 bis petluos herein duly Terlfled. praying for an order of sale of a portion of ue real estate of said minor for "the purposes therein s forth, it 1s therefore ordered by the Jadre of said Gout, that the next ot km and all per-sona per-sona Interested In the estate ot said minor, appear before the said rrobate Court en Thursday, the 25th day ot Jane. lOJ. at 10 o'clock, In the forenoon of said dar. at the court room ot raii ITobaie Court, at the County Court House. In theOityand Co&atyof Salt Lake, tub Territory, to show cause "why an order should not be jrranted U) the said guardian t sell so nroch t the real eta.e ot the said nibor at YrirateMle as shall be neeessaryBd that a copy of th.s order be published at least four successiTe weeks in the Puekxt tVKMVO news, a newspaper news-paper printed and publlJbed is said dtyaxd county. Dated May Jsnh,lW. w.Burrcu. rrobate Jadxe. TxsxxroRT or UTan. i.. County of Salt Lake, t " I. John C CuUer, Clerk of the rrobate Court In and for the Cnuntyof halt Lake. In the Territory of L tab, do herebreetufy that tbe forecolnc Is a full, true and correct copy of order to show cause why ordct of sale of real estate should not be made In the matter of the puardianthtp of Frank IL Miller, a minor, as appears of record In my oflce. In witness whereof, I hare hereunto ret my hand and aflicd the seal of said Court. I hi 13th day of May. V. I ism. IfsUL JOHN a CUTLEE, tUw Clerk ot the rro"hate Court. LEGL NOTICE. In the rrobate Court ot the County of Salt Lake, Territory ot Utah. In the matter of the etate and ruanllan thlii ot Walter F. Ul'cr. a minor Order to show cause why order of sale of real cutc should cot be made. OKIIIN I'. llILLEIt. TIIK GUAKDIAN of thcteraonaBdetatecf W alter t Miller, minor baric;: filed his locution herein duly TenCed prayt-K for an orderof sale of ail the reii eeUtc ot ills ssld Minor, for the purposes therein set forth, it is therefore ordered that ice ncatot klo ot the ward and all persons interested in-terested In the esuteof said mloor, ap Iar before the uld ITobale Court on Thursday, the 33ih day ot June. Iffi. at ten o clock in the forenoon of said day. at the Court Room ot said lro bate Court, at theCountr Court I louse, on the city and county of baft Lake, LlabTer ntory, to show cause why an orer shouu notberranted to the said aruardian. to sell so math of the real estate ot tbo said minor at private sale as shall be necessary, and that a copy of this order be publish"! at least four cacccssire weeks in the Des-eset Des-eset EVavrio Ews.a newspaper pnnted and published in sitd city and county. Dated May J,1WJ. OEO r.BAnrcn, rrobate Jadce. Tekritoet or Utah, i m -Aunty of Salt Lake. I, Jobn U CuUer. clerk of the "Prolate Court. In and tor tne Coontr of "alt Late in the Territory of Llah.do herehr certify that the forcfroiajc I a lull, true aod correct opy of order to snow cause in tbe jruardias-ship jruardias-ship of Walter I Miller, a minor, u ap pears of record in my office. In witness whereof. I hart hereunto set my band and affixed tbe seal ot said court, thislttadayotMay.A D ISM. Jonx C- CvnxB, Beit.) aerk ot tbe Irobate Coart. CHEAP HOIVIES us 3rx:xco. "CI OK YEBT DESIEAHLE LAXDS, Beth Arrteultural and Graunr, ta Xorthem Chihuahua, near Colony DUa, Tor full particulars, apply to Dzsekxt Kxws Offiee, or W Ierby Johnson, Jr., Colony IMaa, Canton G alcana. Chihuahua, Hxleo. JsAwtT Utah Cracker Factory, Man afnctn rent of Tbe Silver Brand of Sno wflale Sodas : . aso ( racked In 1 and S Poena Boxes for PlrnleHirtIcs,TrarcIersFamllI(a. Sold by Atroctrt. B , -al " i!s ( fSga'S - c eosft 5 . Z s "" 2?I -jssjs o-k3 , m 3ss .d5S ? -- ess 2sr PliEASE IIEjIEJIBER That we stCI Cany a Complete Ltneot Disstous' Celebrated Saws coTstsmc ct rutT or CnMsfnl, linur. One wa. Inrhrht- WIII. Ilruid. Illp. I-aneL Knn cwii?, wi m i m m wi ad "TJRIUMPH," ForFellnir Trees with, and areSeJlar at LOWER TRICES TIIAX EVER; ALSO A JTIX STOCK Or THXtK Renowned Rstpt & Flleislwaya en hand ZS. O. 3VC. X. CHICAGO SCALE 1GEXCT. aix xutdi or sum an n. Salt - and - Blueing - Depot dPILDIHG B0CKTDg,yID?g ALL HKDS OF PAY IAKTEDI Dealer In Cedar Posts. Pole, ana wt. br Car Lota, rta. Dnaip Cart. Wagon, Two ann. j, ?tos. Burrs. $30, One Iron Btrrs, jjo; nck Press, t, Uolaases Aim 144. IDAHO J5TORE. iSK LIST OF LETTERS ItenalnlDg In the Post Oflce at Salt Lake City. Utah, Jnne II, I'O. which. If sot called for within two weeks, win be sent to theDeadLetlerOacestrsshlngton,D C. LADIES' LIST. Alklnton Alice Kennedy Mrs P 11 Abbott Mrs A Laalz Fanny Anderson Anna Lambertoa Emma Ames Miss Oil Larson Nora Alen Mrs UL Livingston Mamie llnnksrMrs Leave Mrs Tooy Lois Bessie McUoskyTIt Itsrnelee Mrs C W McCray Jenny llasouMlssK Martin Anne Barnnolt llntda Metfrow Mary BcntcttUrsTlI McLeod Mrs HruMMralW J Mason Mrs JH Bowman Mrs J O Mavbea Uuby Bradley Mrs J L Miller Annie BellCC March CaletW lloihcc J It Madden Mrs K BivlaslAtUe MlddletonKau Batsman Mary J Myers Louis D lceckMatrte Maogum Lncretla Bradley Mlf s M E Monraa Marmret Brandt tarah K Marnnls MTTtie Brown sarah M Nason Marie t Chri.tcnseB Annie E llajcr ltoda Conrad Mrs B F Peterson Augusta Chapman Catherine Patterson Minnie Cooney kJla l'ctterson Mrs K O Christeosea Laura Person Maria UuxLanra3 Patrick Mary Cregs M It Peterson Chris. Calwell Nancy Pierce Lydta CamiNaneyJ lorterLiule Drew Lena Boss Clara Dickinson LUlle Kobicson Mis KB Lbeihard Mattie lUvmondMrsnb LllesMrsTI Itotnnson Lusa Ireeman Ualtie luwe Ilerie Falling r Mamie Belch Margio Frame hda lueh Minnie t ox Mrs T lt Self rid; e Mrs A J (ardterLliu stiroplLmma t.ullei Ilulda SiUeeldaF; bites Mrs J M -pencer Ullui Cross Minnie Stafford Mrs M C llerner Mrs A S Shell Mary Jlolt Mrs "chulu Mrs R II Hall Mrs V Smith Mrs U II tlughrs tar-ie Smith potly Hinckley Mrs V SmltaMay IIUI til. Thorns Miss A S Ilinsen llnlda TounlayMrs IIUI sills P Thompson Tame Haddon Mrs H II Thompson T M JausouElsra Travis Miss I Johnson LUzie Ta,lor Jennie t JordonMrsA .n Horn Mrs EM Jsnson Clara Willey Martha hyleMrsJW slier Mrs MC Kenyon Loralne ToungMrsLC helly Madame USXTLEUr.VS LIST. Armonr& Banner Lee Jos Ahl,nutCA LempserMart Avaoxiattjua IngRT Anison Jno lgsdoo S P Anderson Jno Lee 1 ctcr A Aneenon J P Ltrri p ndern J Lonct V Anderson Paul 2 Ixnmer W W Allen I'E Livingston Wm. Alea o McDermottThos Kail It E MrLaliea B Burche 1 McDonugh D L Bntoldl E McD nald D It Becker Chas MeConn Peter BuUer llli! McArthar J Danuan Frank McOand L Boottr Wm MltcaellJG HcitrrWm llolletJb llanrlela beo n lackey J II Balnum feo MaraisonJno Brandt CM MlllcrS: Brendenbach teo Morriin S W BushJas Milloek S u. Bigxs Jesse MoassonTho Baldwin James Monson W W Hark L W Me Walt Bowen Jno Mortensea A Balfour Jno MttlbemA BowneJno Mune A llistofaJas MarUBA KurkeJU MsyarAJ Bnee Joe Matsou B Baker G Mrrtx Adotp Bergman Jno Marnn C BeTend It Moore C BradshawS Maruney D Beveredge R Marshall C P Barnard Toney MaldnneEd Hi ure illle Marshall E C Butcher Moore F Bailey WT Mark James licnnell Mr MarkiCC llntl.. II llula Wiri. Brown I, F Nirtths A Oil Browne 1 No.keCU Brown U M NorberK It ClateraoBA L NibbyJsmes Campbell BL Nelson Oscar carpenter Chris Mchols v E LlaatonCH OlsonMIs Clereland C E o'Mahoney M J C Jias Fred o Han ! Conner E T Oliver W Connor K VDonnelly .V Ciller El OTenUM Connor 111, Olgir o W Wrllie.il OlseaUS Cromwell G R Price Dr OolwellJ It 1-snoinMr CondsonJno Poped Chandler T 3 l'ctterson J G OookJD . PcuirrewJL CalionsJack Pare Jno csopbell Jo 1-urni M E S CaskellJact I erry Dand CantonerJoe Pons chas Carter Jno Pntera Geo Carpenter W II Patterson II Campbell W S Pratt Levis Ulel II IcusrsonLP Cut er III I erry r O carlow w H 1'aimrr o K Casanlino I'helpsPA 1-ookM B I-etenonll Curtu Norman (Jotgleyjpo Carey T J Hirers chas bnslenson Thos Berer C W Carroll J P Itic sards J instensea James ltahisiahC Crowder oliter Ituh rrsnk Dixon D W Bcid ad E DsruChas ltockweUEL "eraeger L larers E Dsvit L C Kickards E DargartW KrccardsJU Icmoit orsoa ltensbaw James Dodson R E Koten J Dlkeman llocker O E Dsrgott Blille Kobarts Sam Dcunag r O ltTsky Mr Duke r II Kobinson A Dans L J Uyland Us. Denton II Keren Loa DarU Jacob Huberts L: Dennis James Klce t L Dans J M LaranTB lMddsJJ lunelhoe Dunbar M G 3 lUdenons W J DtubscH C Lesoner Will Edwards Jnol Leynulds WJ dwards Wm Kogerr K" L JJeyWra sewardBerAL Overman Geo W Simmons Mr I plm A ShemllAW Fngermin C bwessea Alms Lean t M Smeller C tyrn.cn NXs Steward P R Elmer t. O SborbEII JlOBll Suavely LD tronsea C K Stewart t R tieoersdorS M S Southerland V F nU??t5 (-B" ''eymour II F : x ox C W Shaw 11 Foster J II Swans II Forrest J a -toitJS fmeW SeconeyJoo breenlJ SharpJU LlanTllleE SaucnerJ behim F SaryJas GereerdtlU SuussJeac Gatterldg. H r seoa J L Gardiner R Scott JO bnOlhll scobyLeuls bsnedaJ suhIL Grant Nat SehuluS braham T P Sperer S T Green T J SlebrtttS beerwn ridierVII llettoun SheUWW IlopklnsW ShoemskerO Holmes A J SlscUW Howard A J StockdaleW I1'?.,tA8s Shurserbouie W Hay chas ShnlndtD i5i!if Smith Joseph Hays Fred Smith JO Howard Ed O Smith E J Uooten Mr .Smlta F Hughes brant Talbert Est Halt 11 Traer B IlngnuettlT TanaiaJtCo GrbsonFO Tornb.rgA Gross Theo Tsnnsr 11 I ri2f.rJ5 Thomson GIT J- GsreuaTF TlIlminMr Grimes Dr W L ThempsoB H GallawayWJS Tsjlorbeo HoraJsck Thomas G HUIJX IhomseaUP HsnU W T Tobm U nulls L TsrgirtJno IlsateaWJ TsmgeThos HanreaPL TiermsmsBT IInnsSL TaUmaaWU Harris Stephea True E L llucyjno TyouMIt Huson Roe Teorae J II I JackWT SoreuVaa JennlsgsR Lngerrmll Johnson J XT VlmsrGco Jennsen O Isssr E A Johnson G tviseGL IsgersoUAS WoodsZark Ine A Writers C Johnson A B Williams Of Jonssoa Mr C Willlsms Chas S Jnstensen L V Woerleln E B Johnson J B u hue Frank jack J E Wymaa itto Knoons Ella Williams Gil Kenedy J M Wallace Dr Kampe Jsol Woolereh Jos Kimball Lin Wallace Jao Kimbley Thos huf ord J R KrouseoW Willlsms PP Kavanaghir WenterrPA kirk a J 2""r5 Kobel O Wycongh B KanlsilseC WUliamsoR kobel Carl S-t"0? T.i t. LeTesstoaA Wheeler WD LunebergAJ WcarjnWn Lore Dr Klmansee W Leeka D Z O S?' M' Lumoklns Csy Wneeler o G teapbro WoolIeyAE Leasing Gus Woodford G Loag J I Zlmmer II L LspeleyJM To obtain any of these letters the applicant appli-cant must call for "Adrertlsed Letters," and give the date of the list. C. E. BARBATT. rosbaaster. A Hafe Xnreasirienf. Ii one vhlch Is Kuamnteed to bring you satisfactory results, or In case of failure a return of pcrchaao price. OnthU safe plan you can buy from our adTeruM.-d Druggist a bottle ot Dr.King's New DisooTery for Consumrtlon. It Is guaranteed to bring relief iu every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Consump-tion, Inflamation of tbo Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cojgb, Cruup, etc., etc It Is pleasant pleas-ant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Got a trial bottle at A. C. Smith A Co's drug store. 1 Verlt ttsdp. We desire to say to oar citizens that for yearr we have been selling Dr. King's New .discovery for Con. sumption. Dr. King's New Life rills, llucklen's, Amid Salve and Electric Bitters, and have neTer bandied remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction we do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price If satisfactory results do not fjllow their use. Theso remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. For sola it A. C. rimith t Co'a drugstore. I Wli.t It rota Stut be carefully considered by tbe great majority of people. In buying even necessities of life. Hood's Sarsaparllla commends itself with siecial force to the great middle classes, because lt combines positive economy Willi great medicinal power. pow-er. Itistheonly medlclneof which can truly be said "100 doses one dollar," doll-ar," and a bottle taken according to directions will average to last one month." 6 Bneklem'a Arnica naive. Thk IIkst Salve in tbe world for Cuts, liruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Klu-um, Fover Sores, Tetter, Chapped Chap-ped hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all SMn .Cruption.", and positively cures Piles or no nay required, lt is guaranteed to give !rfect satisfaction, satis-faction, or money n fu nded. Price 5 cents per box. For sale by A. C Smith & Co. Stono in the Kidney. 1 was first taken with iharT pains In the lower pirt of my bowels In the reg on of the bladder. Shortly blood apneared mixed with my unn. and a few weeks later I tad an attark ot gravel 1 tred a number ol doctors. One said It wss gravel, another Inflammation of the Illuddrr, and another stone la kidneys. For three months I wss nadcr the cite of sb cmtaent dortor at Albany. I ut constantly growing worse, went home to d e At this time 1 was Induced to try Dr David Kennedy's raver Ue Remedy, of l.oundont. N,T.. snd am now rebut and strong. V remedy which csn do this for one soneardeathas I was should bo known everywhere. I hope this statemest will cauie others afatcted as I wss to use ibe remedy C W. Brown, letenburg. N l. Dr.Kennedj's FaToriteRemedy Made at ltonn.Ioul. N. V . II, SforU. For Sale by . C. M. L Drug Dept. 1 A Box ot Wind Matches Free to Smokers of CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS f-v RCO CftOSS DIAMOND IM-oA V(S(M U rssMsarl vMS T- -fn pn tu .MrrrMt MnlstKrlt f? m -ItlUf rr L41w- tm MSsv, Sj V rvtarsi msIL JTs?. rp - r.1 - riJa.TCss.-si'asa,r "liebig COMPANY'S EXTRACT of 15EEF Finest and Cheapest Meat flaTortojr Stock or Soops, Made tnshes and Sauces X fleet lea, aa lnralsable tealc Annua tale i?0,(.X( Jars. Grnntn. only with fe simile .1 Jnslns von a.lrblx'a atgnatnr. bine .eroe label-Sold label-Sold byStorekeeperst Oroeers Druggists UEBIG'S EATIfACT OF BEEr CO, L't'd. llndon. dwAs UTAH BONDS FOR SALE. Three IIandre.1 Thorium! (9300,. OOO) Dollnnar Five (5) Per Cent. I Uh -Territory Manffs for Male. rpiit LNDEnsiONLD, in runstj. JL anceofthedlreeuonottheLoanlom misslonera of the Territory ot L lah. hereby advertises that bids will be received albla oflce la the city cf -alt Lake, said Territory, Terri-tory, between 11 o'clock noon of Jens so, l4 and It o'clock noon of July SO, If), lor the purchase of the bonds rrr..-rCri described, nsaely Three hundred bond', each ot ta j.nomlaatloa ot ll.om, ef the ensraved negotiable trra-pon trra-pon bonds of said Temtory, bearing Ave tcr ccrdrun inlaiest per annum, rsyabls semi annually, on the first days of January snd July of cirh year, st the IJvteret auonal Bank In said city, or st such bank ra the cily of New iork.ln the State of ew lork as may Le dcsUrsted by said Loan Commissioners, at the option of tbe purrhnursof isil bvs.es. Tbe principal of said bonds shall be pay. able la the laaful money of the United States, within lacnty years alter the date of thiir issue, tmt redeemable at the pleasure pleas-ure ot the Term ry after tea years from date. It Is proTtded In the lew, that at the eipiratmnof tcnytars after ths Issuing ot said bood,ttierena'l be set apart And apro-brtatedoutof apro-brtatedoutof tbe general funds In the bands of the Tcrrtotlii Treasurer ot siidTem tory annually the sum of ttt.MO, to be Haccd by the laid trsasursrtnafuad tab. saeSnas lis 'reuempiioa fund." forth redcmpUoB of said bonds. And it Is also further provided that whenever, After the expiration of leu years from the dale, el the issuance ot said bonds, there is araiT. sole in said redemption fend the sum of 130 . or more ilull be IhS tatr ot said tressur-r to adrertiie the amount of money lathe ssid redemption fnnd and the num. bcr ot bonds, numbering them In ths order of their issue, commencing st the highest number then outstanding, which sach fund U set span to pay ard dis:birge, and the date when they will be paid, and If such bouds so numbered in such advertisement shall not be .resented .re-sented for payment and cancellation at ths cvplntionot the dale menUsned In surn advertisement, then sucn fund thai! remain In the trrrrry of the I emtory to discharge suca bond whenever presented for payment, pay-ment, but such bond sh'll draw bo Interest after the expiration of the date mcutloned in such pub.iratlon. la no case nl said bonds be sold for less tain the j face or par Taloe snd the accrued In'ere.t at the lime or their disposal. The bids will be opened and sales made to the hlgheat Udders at twelve o clock noon, July aist. Iwi, at my osn Ja Salt Lais Clir, L tsh, but before making any award, security will be rtqulrcJ of ue successful Udder lor compliance wills tin terms of his i1-,,", ,aM "" coramuHrJuers reserr the right to reject any and all bids. i-IV t!?'a aSaT r to Ue Issued for iMmS.K.W MocatlonU sed chsrttahls ast5,S' V1 t5TUj".rnoT " HgulsUTS ilTO',tri Ttrrt'oT.sndbysuihor ityaad ia pursuinrx of aa act of the OoTer- aej pravKJIiig for the Issuing snd dupcslnr tt IsH,05Jl.1S5" MIOTedUreI cd 23, IE T"11'0' Ms a bond MTnJ.'i'J ? . 0M ""ixlred and fifty Ihousana doJars. snd by aa "set ?i.,rJ? lT"ed June'sj, isst. ii .?rI?,f.U!ffV",r ! '""Jed indebted, ejucrs except for cbantabl sad educations! educa-tions! Institutions, snd is limited la its power loerestelodtbtrdness foranrrur? 1? """i "Shown by ibe last assessment " " taiable preperty lor territorial and "cly ptrpesea. Any IsCtbledness at-Irmpted at-Irmpted 10 he creatrd in eacrss thereof ve declared roid ILese bonds are exempt lr.. 'na Uxsiioa for any farpoae witti in the Territory BOLtl'AB BOBEUT8. I c.. ..lettnorialTreisuTsr I Silt Like Cii- MsyTJ.ls?;. I BSBnSnsaBs.rfsnnlasnlinnnJllllSnBsaBSSSSsaas ss.sssss.ssBsssassssrssssss.sssssssss.a...s.sSiSssssslsssssa.a.a.ssnn.ssa (KHors.e Owners, Attention!. IS YOUB HORSE LL.AMEP Ntlli. -l rw Hbl ta Split or SMvr wnesi drrtwo, THUS: a. Mnwtrst tht snrtivpH of the hoof, csuilog LekJw and Mt. AVOID THEM. The Putnam. Nail, WMch Is HOT FOBGED from head to point, from, the best Ssedith Iroa. ana" caoaot split orslhrtr In snynunnersndBE SAFE. s SewJwthePatosm Nsll Co., Sepoaset. Boston, Msaa, far ssB's. Tar sals by SB. O, 3VT. X. snd Its Vranekes. UlSAcrots i Geo. Lomssy, Maaagsr, Geo-II.Tsylor, Geo Forr.nsy, Geo-II, Tsylor, Assistant Atsaager, F. Armstrong AmtfmRomn'T' Geo. EJtomney,cyAnd Trsssursr. LumlierYard & SteamPlaningMill TAYLOR, ROWINEY,"! AR1VISTR0NG CO., One, JBloclr. East orTJ. O. II- HU 23opot - E. C. COFFIN frDUirE 5.O., PEOGrEESS - BTJILDI2STG ' - We are now ready to promptly attend at-tend to the wants of all who are needing Hardware, Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Etc. Our prices are Sure to suit. Our goods are sure to please, and if you will pay us a visit it will afford us pleasure to meet you whether you buy or not, and you may see just what you have been looking for a long time. ECOFIIIMAM EDINWOODEY HASvJUSTvRECEIVED 1 Car load of PARLOR SETS 1 " " REFRIGERATORS 1 " " BABY CARRIAGES i " " LINOLEUM 2 " " assorted FURNITURE "And quito a fine assortment of III I II I ITT CARPETS And a vory large assortment of :FbTTGrrS ( 1.1.1. M7.lv Which aro for salo In CALDER'S MUSIC PALACE, (Part of which I am pormittod to uso through tho kindness of D. O. Calder's Estate.) i GIvo mo a call. No troublo to show goods. All ordarr )y mail promptly attended to. EDINWOODEI It 17 W, Firsl South St. R- k.. litM - XSe,- 28,- 30, . 32o 1 ' East, FIRST SOUTH STREElJ Restfally iayitcs aU his old p 1 wms aid trientls to call on him at f his lew qnariers. Purchasers Trill f ofciain there all the advantages of 1 selecting from a lai-ge stock al. est Prices ii a perfectly lighted slre' Ia the baseiaeHt six counters m ieyeted to bargains, where B, ceHitry frieias will be able to 4 gwla at abBBt ene half their u TEASDEL'st' New Goods! Spring Arrife IN ALL THE ATTRACTIONS OF f M NEW STYLES1 DRESS G-OOK, LADIES' STEAW HAlJ Fj&uKst-A-SOIjsI ITJOTVTEIi.'. ETC. ETC,!. C AIJO A Fl LL LIXE OF j " BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHII .Men's and Youths1 Hats, Caps, Ettl GENUINE BARGAINS! Fair Dealing and Good (M . FOB LOW - PRICES it TEASDEL'i . rCV I COMTlY.PliJl Parties desiring; Farms, Ranches or Towns Lo1' ? jjH suit their own Interests hy calling on uu f H have a largo list to choose from. l Farms and Ranches in Cache and Tooele Co, t AND IN GENTILE VALLEY. IDAHO' S , a.'j: extuejielt.' xovc tRiC Hg Tho following Is a partial list of whatwehaVJiJB HO Icres Firming ud Haj Land la Cacbft CtaH- H 310 " Improved, House, all fenctd In GentiU WW. IjB 108 " lea Park CUy, ,K 360 " ImproTid Land, & bargain, ' B For further Information call on K AL0WZ0 YOUNG & C"B 24 East First South. Pnder Utah Commercial and SavInir,riI,B: M. P.e5o uxmir onozcrs C fliB |