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Show HALT, -AME, BLIND. 10,000 Afflicted IVrrans Celebrate SL.-Anlhon)''' Day In Allegheny CTtjr, Pemu'Iranla. i--j z AN "antOINAL'IPACKAGC" SENSATION- IN p'lTTSDURG. - I X Sail to SHcp ibe Consummation t of the sale of Chicago's I " Steeaxrd-" ' J , t iii H-QHE, spytBEkSTOflMS IN THE ' at - i i". iroJtVoJne' Senile Republican i Committee on the Tariff Dj Tttfezn r a lJtbe zwtj "JfotleJ'aTbf Only Wfsr." PrrrsTtcnu. June 11 At least lO.OOOafrlicttd from all parts of the country gatheredjit FatherMoIlIgers church in Allegheny City to-day to be healed and take part In tho celebration cele-bration of St. Anthony's Day. It was a curious assemblage of the lame, deaf and blmd, drawn by reports re-ports of Father Molliger's miraculous cures. The afflicted began to arrive yesterday, and last nlgbt 6000 were camped about the church, sleeping on floors, doorsteps, xrches and the ground. Services) began at da) break and continued all day until late this evening. Thousands were unable to gain admission to the church and all day stood in the hot sun, awaiting await-ing their turns to be cured. 1-atherMolIlger is a physician, as well as a priest, and does not claim any miraculous powers, but Is a firm beiie-.errn.fal th, coupled with works. He charges nothing for his prescription;, pres-cription;, butfewltftwlthoutglvlng the church from 25 cents to $5. |