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Show ItassaetinsellaDemorrats . Worcester, Mass., Spt- IS The democratic State convention platform "renews, and with more emphasis, in view or the approaching approach-ing passage of the republican tariff bill, our demand for free raw ma-tenaL, ma-tenaL, particularly wool, coal, and Iron, and for lower duties on the necessities of life, for wider markets for American products, and we emphasize em-phasize the Importance of reciprocal trade with Canada as a means of promoting the commercial and Industrial In-dustrial welfare of this commonwealth." common-wealth." The McKlnley bill is denounced as the most Iniquitous piece of legislation ever attempted In this country. The platform continues: "We observe with interest the recent attempt of the Secretary of State to secure an amendment to the McKlnley bill by Incof porating Into It some provision looking towards morn Intimate commercial com-mercial relations with the sixteen sister Republics of North. Central and South America, which the democratic committee demanded in 1SSS. and we regret the failure of Uils attempt We condemn tho unwillingness, un-willingness, of the republican Senators Sen-ators and Representatives to secure a proper regard for New England interests in framing the UrifTblll anifor their avowed readiness to sacrifice its prosperity to the engineers engi-neers of party polillcs. The federal election bill Is condemned; con-demned; the financial policy of the present administration la condemned as short-sighted; the course of Speaker Reed anJ the abamelesa partlsanshlpof the republican majority ma-jority In Congress Is declared to be without paralleL |