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Show UTAHJtEQUIRES. Ten Acres-of liroand. fgr Her I)'v llar at the World's' MIND-READER JOHNSTON t"1 ACCOMPLISHES AC-COMPLISHES ANOTHER FCAT. The EnIKh CoTrrnmtnt aai the Atrat of IrUh Leaders r tterdj. DEATH OF DION BOUCICAULT, DRAMATIC AUTHOR. MavKarunvett's l)mo-ratlr Cv 11 realign: rea-lign: TI10 ilcklnlrr ltttl Loadlj Coaddnnrd. Telecnph to the Srarf.1 IT.VII'J. lUSfLlV. The terra or Uroaucl Wanted far il ' at the World-. rlrw CiHCAOp, SepL ib r. II. Lan-nalij Lan-nalij of i5alt IJVf, Word's Fair corumis'loner from Ulali, has applied ap-plied to the committee on tile for ten Jiczes ot grouutl for the Utah HfplaX- He Jays all of It will In utillied, auJ uo State orTerrito'j wilt make a more Intcrts'Jug or varied va-ried dli-pU-. The proposed mala. Luildiug is to consist of a mineral jabcr, coa-Etructed coa-Etructed wholly of Utah minerals and building materials. Ineide of the central court, 100 feet rxpiare, will be a ecriKs of callcrica. The Oaorof the ccurt will be a represent-atlau represent-atlau of Hevcral ofthe Utah mountain, mount-ain, laVeJ, cities, torn, atreams, railroaJs and ever) thins produced on a proper ecalc. The four w Injrs wlU couLaln agri-culturalt agri-culturalt ntiueral, manufacturing aud art exhibits. The walla of the bdilding will be decorated with paintings of Utah ecinery, bird's cje views of cities and prominent buildings. Models of mills and mines will be con-trx'ctcd, and a prominent feature V.III be an imitation imita-tion oflhu Interior of the great Ontario On-tario silver miue. Free conct.ru and oilier entertainments entertain-ments will be given by various muxical organizations of tealt Lnkc City, while the cahibiliou tx-t. - Tim CKOlIMa willbeUIdoiTJnthelilsbest art of landscape gardening and arranged in such a manner nstotho the system of irrigation and it superiority superior-ity overall othirsystemsof farming. All the agricultural ind vegetable products known to Utah, front silk And cotton to sugar and corn, win be cultivated. Unuofthe most unique features will be a reproduction, about an acre In size, of Great Silt Lake. Bathhouses will be provided, and visitors will be provided an opinr-tunltyto opinr-tunltyto bathe in waUrs exactly the Kame as Great bait Laki. From to-dij's tction of the Xatloual World's Fair CommlwLjn-rs, CommlwLjn-rs, and from a canvas of the com-ulssion, com-ulssion, it can bu stated that a majority of that body It opiwsed to a double rite tor the World's Fair, in J that on Saturday next a rcsolu-iou rcsolu-iou will be ollcred and adopted, if metlug the Chicago directory to ender Washington i'ark, or what Is general j known asrjouUi larl, as a tite. I u cae this is refused the com-ni-oiou will repurt to Washington ".t iq adtcjuatc site liaa teen olTered. iu.re ore also Indications of a chaugeuf sentiment In regard to the J i rector geniraUIilis and from indications indi-cations tonight the. local directory will tUect (iiw man as director-general, director-general, probably George R-Davis. thile it is thought the national commissioners will elect a man of Ihelrowu, with the title of commit-loner-general, and place him In charge ot all foriIn and Inurttatu exhibits In connection witli the Fair. This mil, of cour-c, curtail cur-tail the powers of the director-general. TUDA'8 JILBTISM of the commlvlon was an exciting me. Boon after the body was -lll to order a resolution was of fared by Mercer of Wyoming, which tail already been agreed upon in raucu. It utes that the act of Conrrrv provided for the tender of "an adequate space," and whereas the rrrolutlon adopted by the ram-mission ram-mission at its fin-t MsIon Imidledly tdopted two sites, the former action tie reconsidered and the Chicago directors bo called uiun for a site tdequate and in a com pic t body. Mercer, McDonald of California, wtll of Xeir Jersey, fat. CLtlr of Virginia, Martiudalcof Indiana and jtiurs spoke In favor of thercsolu ion. Finally the milter was HiJ -vcr until the committee on titles reports. re-ports. A resolution was then pascd ailing upon the local directory for ramedlalereportas to what extent the consent of the authorities having hav-ing jurisdiction over the I.a'te Front vu Jackson i'ark as itts haj been ecu red, the cot of both pLices ami mtof what funds they proposed to pay this cost, 1 no Chicago local directors held a meeting tonight until after midnight. mid-night. The rt-Milt was the endorsement endorse-ment of George It. Davis of Chicago for director-general. In nnswirtsthe commissioners' inquiry as to the proposed dlviIon of exhibits, the directory submitted ar ugh draft showing the art hall and some kindred exhibits on the Lake Front and the agricultural, mining and other displays at Jackson Jack-son Park. The directors estimate the cost at a million and a hair to prepare the proposed Lake Front rite aud a million and three-quarters to prciare Jackson I'ark. The ten millions guaranteed Is not to be touched for site preparations, that amount being preserved for the construction con-struction of buildings. Jllnd ttraitrr Johnstone. Chicago, Sept- IS. l'aul Alexander Alex-ander Johnstone, the mind reader, performed this afternoon a feat which, to all appearance, fully dls- roves the theory that a man possesses pos-sesses five tenses, and also the belief Uiat mind reading Is really aspecles of muscle reading. In the presence of a large audience, audi-ence, at the Wellington Hotel, Johnstons was blindfolded, bis ears and nostrils stuffed with cotton and a lighted cigar placed In his mouth to destroy for the time being, hearing, hear-ing, eight, smell and taste, and thick cloves placed on his hands. He then rMiuetted the. proprietors of the hTltostand behind him and think of e combination of their safe. Thw was done, and without contact wlil tho gentlemen, tho mind read-MUirncd read-MUirncd correctly to the numbers and opened the safe- |