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Show Bnnnnaa-asvB-as-ttaBaaaBsrirfafxticsnTnisaaC .NEWS .NOTES. Itrnu of Interrst Culled from Ex changes. Onuhi, eb.i May 24 A joas-enger joas-enger on Union Pacific trtlu o.c, Henry llobb by iiamt fell from the train near Clark's Uils mora I tig. When found ho was unconscious, lying with his feet on Uie track and his bead lu the gutter. He had in his pocket a check on a San Francisco Fran-cisco bank for $45,000 and papers which indicate that he hail friends Iu MonUceilo, la. He was cared for by physicians at Clark's and his friends notified. Medicine Bow, Wyo , Siay I- A terrible accident occurred yesterday on the Union Pacific road about two miles from Uils place. ,Two freight trains going east, following etch other, a car became detached, and as some of the employes failed to flag Uie fol'owlnu train, It earnest a rapid rate, derailing Uie ears and engine. The fireman jumped and saved his life, the engineer engi-neer kept bis post and wasuniiijurcd. All trains are dela ed. Wreck trains are clearing the deiris and hope soon to have clear sailing. Butte, Mont., May 2t. Tliomas Fltzpatrlck, a section hand In the employ of the Utah A Northern, was run down by a switch engine iu tho Moutant Union yards of this city at noon today, and instanUy killed. Fltipattick vrss Intoxicated and staggered around Uie end of the train upon a second track Just as the switch engine was tacking pa,t. The ardmaster saw him, but too late, as he was under Uie wheels before be-fore a movement could be made in Ills lehalf. Tlicunfo-t'inate man's body .vas torn nearly in tneces, and he was del before thu last wheel stmek him, FiUpatrhk Mas atout thirty years of age, unmarried, and came lo this country from Cs County, Iowa. Bhekfoot, Ida., May 2i L. D. Hopson, In charge of four men under un-der Foote's geological survey, w ent three miles u-I.iw- Eagle Rock this motiiirigldtbutid tiii river. They had a ferry boat placed to take sounding.' Jutas they rea hed Uie current of Uie river, whieh is very high, Uie boat, UIng waterlogged, sank. Thty succeeded in raising it I w ith ropes and a cable, but the ropes I slipped and let them down tho river 1 fifty feeLTItty then took their clothing cloth-ing ofTand Frank Moore Jumped into the water and attempted to swim ashore llv get within ten feet of thu shore, when he U-canio exliausted and went down. His body has not Ut Ktli found. As Hopson could not swim a rope was thrown hinij lut he Ucame so en-taug'etl en-taug'etl In It thtt. he could not help himself any. He was pulled out dead. HoiJion was a native of Columbia, South Carolina, but as et nothing lias U-eu ascertained as lo win re Moore hailed from. ' Butte, Mont., Ms 24. The ide waller a large two-story brick bulld- 1 lug standing on tlie main street In the business portion of the city fell out tt ( o'clock this evening, crushing crush-ing ttat a small shanty lielow and bur Ing three men iu the ruin. 1 The fire departmuit wis at once ' called out, and with tho assi-tance of clUzens the three men vercdug cut and found much tothesurprise of everybod to have no injuries I lteyond severe cuts and bruises. The britk buildlug, which is occupied oc-cupied by Harrington A O'Rourke, wholesale liquor dealer, stand I rttty will up the mountain, tnd in aa exposed Osition. The wind ha l-ct blowing with great violence all eby nitj It lsm--! Itmurt have started the vtll, a no elhi r eaue can Le given, and wlintli.it immense mast if britk fell it erushel the small tailor shop below as though tt had been an egg shell aid covered W Freetlmanu, proprietor, ant! J. H. Frank and Autoine Ftrgau. his eltrks, witli a veritable mountain nf brick and woodwork. Fortunately, the tlmtx rs In the 'hop arched over them In sueli a way Us to lave their Urea. It was a most miraculous tcatic, as none of the crowd expect ed to see a man come out alive. 1 Aside from the damage to the wall, J a hw hundred dollars will cover the loss. |