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Show AX CXVOKTI XATIS KXVVWmi.- .-at ij Kntal Ai-rldrnt to a Party or Railroad Rail-road l4tlMi;-crs Near Descivt. Iefhi:t, Utah, July 6. At ft30 this morning a fatal accident occurred between Neels Station and Brunt Corral, on the Utah Central llailway, alout twenty-five miles south of Deseret, by which Arthur V., son of II. C. Haskell, foreman of section No. 40, w.-.s killed, Mrs. Haskell seriomdy and Mrs. Filmore, wife of an employe on the same section, slightly injured, and several others more or less bruised. It appears that the employes of sections 40, 41 and 42 were returning re-turning with two hund cars loaded with thcis wives and children from Xeels, where they had been spending the Fourth, and while running gayly along about half way, a little girl ou the leading hand car accidentally slipped and fell directly under the following car, and before the car could be checked the foot-rest 0:1 the first car broke, precipitating the hoy and three ladies with nursing babies, under and alsmt the follov.iiig car. The little girl escaped with a few slight bruisis aud the loss of her clothing, which was torn from her, but the boy's skull was completely crushed under the wheels, death ensuing en-suing almost instantly. Mrs. Haskvll is seiiously aud Mrs. Filmore slightly iujurod. |