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Show NOTICE FOR rUlLICATIOX.Js 1M!. L.ixn Office at Salt T,a r City, I'tau, -May l.VI. Notir is hereby given that the follow-ins-named settler has filed notice of his intention in-tention to make final proof in supnortof hiselaim, and that said proof will oe made brfr-re the K. or K. of 1". S. Jjind OOiee at Salt Lake ( itr, t'tah, on S.Miir-dav, S.Miir-dav, Julv 12th, ix4, vi.: Irin K. Kctchsjin, of Uurbank, Vtaa, I). 8. S71fl, for ths S 4 N W if and N iSWJ seeiioa 17. Tp 2 soath. rsne tl wart. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and eultivation of said land, viz.: Willard ! Burhnnk.AleiarHsrroadtr, Gorpe !(!-iusnn !(!-iusnn an'l Isaa- Vindv, all of Kvrbank, Millard Countv, t'tih." JI. r MTF.K, RejHster. : T. T. Hailcv Jc Ilro. AttorncTS for Applicant. Appli-cant. . 4-3l-i j |