Show AC C aa N ri last letter is arof SP A answered ns vered 1 eitor enquirer I 1 S sj prof nelson as aa at last answered question the professor pr olessor saya 1 I 1 am net anding dr halls views I 1 never b lieveld nor do I 1 b ba lieve lieva 3 pa i aga of dr ha halls id lecture quoted eo af afir iu these letters letter 11 and it 13 ia to be winfored from ira in that that the tha doctrine is aleo repudiated by the B Y Aci academy demy it is well bat would it not bave been a great deal better batter had it been answered at the first without an exhibition ol of temper my connection with the matter ia that of a loker on and as I 1 said before the few lines that I 1 first penned was only for the tha purpose of seeing the matter properly pd jasted to call mcall names and then to rel rei erate wiil hava havano no force ve nith ith intelligent ip sope e if patrons of the B Y academy read in ill tha culumns clum ns of the public press presa that lectures are de livered under its auspices that seam beam to a be in conflict 4 with their rali religions gions faith are they to ta bs be denied making inquiry into the fac or run the tha risk of bri bringing aging down up j si their heads such epithets as vils vile el bigots Izac ignorant irant ind and thus like being a reli institution the principles principal pl of the tha sermon on the ought to shins shine forth clear and resplendent te its light ought to chine that the world can see aes its rood good works as noted above will ba hardly idly contri contribute bate to that end I 1 know of no ons one certainly among the tha latter day saints but feels a lively interest in the B Y academy that wish it the greatest success yes that pray for its success its influence can be made to be widely felt it has baen widely felt T tha h with regard to its cass no doubt hal had a great deal to do in biary rasing tais ans qu question eltion he did as we well 1 aa the writer hereof the isali perhaps animated by the exuberance 6 of youth and which when the judgment beca ass mss mature would be governed by prudence and amiability exhibited by prof nelson I 1 am willing to overlook indeed I 1 am willing to forgive yea to forgot forgat but would woud like for a moment to td at tho tha charge of being a vilo vile slanderer we reid read in the papers that a professor skilled it in the tha sciences cieu ces and philosophies of the world is invited from some eastern institution to deliver lectures at the B Y academy I 1 tais of course made every Latt erday saint carious con earning the subject of his lectures the litter day saints aro are a peculiar people their views on religious subjects widely dv diverge arge from frim the views of every other denomination their faith is based direct and continuous I 1 revelation from god now anything that may be ba advanced that appears to con filat with their faith and the teachings they continua continually ny receive with th regard to the tha same causes them to halt an and dr re e fleet Is mgt n st very proper we havo have removed ourselves from every other doctrine and upon our own faith we stake our eternal salvation it is the heart and soul of our being without it ebery ayery hope that w we 0 haye hate would be wrecked now kow the lecturer comes and in the newspaper report r of A one of his lectures appear the wirtz originally all digestion was waa by the skin then by the ekin ebin infolded folded in eo as to make mahe of the tha animal an elongated eloc elou gated tube with apper tur a at each end for tha reception recaption G of food then tho the necessity of of cho chaoing between fools foods led lad tu one orifice being specialize d for ingress tha 1119 other for fc aress ress the f he quest for food led to the aeise of atu tanco and from touch by furt further b er c aliza tion grey grev aig it hearing taste and smell now when ws we read that it almost took conr breath Que query tyis it seems wanted to unde understand what it all meant lie he probably cro Dro bably pondered thus 1 I nays have been a latter day saint for the ibe greatest part of my life I 1 have sent ent m my 7 children to the B Y academy one oae or more ot of them listened to that lecture and I 1 must find out whether it ij ii understood that the tha academy holds to th the e doctrine of that lecture he accordingly wrote to the paper in wh which I 1 ch he had read the report of that lecture prof nelson answered but the position of the parties was still left quite indefinite then it was that t the writer hereof not ine that the question should be left in doubt penned the few lines that he ha did dia now this is ia what is termed a vile slander I 1 submit that there is no elander in it I 1 claim tobaie to have the right to a full under of the tha ples that via the schools of ray my church every one oae has I 1 may misunderstand der stand their te teachings P chi 0 gs I 1 ma may v mi misinterpret S it but if I 1 do wh who ought 10 0 be ba more ready who ought to be more willing in a brot brotherly berly christian spirit to eay eav to me my brother you have a misunderstanding of the mat matter ter we are ale teaching tea chine notting bat ohp pure prin arin of the gospel as we both believe it god forbid that we should offer anything to the youth of zion that would cause canse the them m to become the least skeptical of P any dy of tt ti e truths of the gospel in this latter dby day than these in charge of the academy if wo we are approached in that way eno ana wilh that spirit how eoon would any and aad all OPPLIS tion from any quarter be disarmed ds armed why I 1 it would disarm the real slanderer I 1 will wiil here clote with the request that professor Y nelson elson study etude tho ful ow ing voids 0 d S of st paul though I 1 speak with tho tongues ol of men and of angels angela and have not charity I 1 am beaole as aa sounding braes or a tinkling cyL cymbal ubal and though I 1 have the gift of prophecy and understand all mv and all knowledge and though I 1 haye have all faun so eo that 1 I coald remove mountains and have not charity I 1 am nothing charity long lon and is 13 kind kiad charity en vieh charity vaun teth not is not puffed up doth not behave itself unee unseemly emly I 1 not her own is not easily pro fokd thiu keth no evil rejo ceth not in iniquity but re in the truth wishing Via hiag that the B Y academy may have the grez greatest test success that alit ner her instructed S may with the true spit spirit it of jasus ennst impart to the youth in trusted to their care the true end pure principles of the and that her graduates may become great and sn stunning inning lights in the world I 1 again sub aubac iba myself sept 30 |