Show AN LE I 1 1 m to MOTHERS WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD VORD CASTORIA AND A PITCHERS CASTORIA 11 AS OUR TRADE MARK 7 1 DR SAMUEL PITCHER 0 of ff 1 Nass massachusetts achu seft was ms the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the same that has borne and does now y on eve every ry bear simile signature of 4 wrapper Ms is the original P which has been been used in the homes of the X others bothers of america for over thirty years LOOK CAREFULLY at the and ses see that it is the kind hind you have always bought yar a on the ne and has the sig signature re of 49 ax wrapper ko ato one has authority from me to use my name except the centaur company of which cias chas H is president march 8 1897 0 c yf xv do not be deceived do not endanger the eife of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it the in in gradients of which even he does not know the kind d you yon have always sought bought BEARS THE FAC FACSIMILE SIMILE SIGNATURE OF insist on having the kind that never failed you 77 currat dyean GITT J JOS 0 S E PA PAGE it ATTORNEY AT LAW effice room 4 le lemmon block PAYSON CITY UTAH ria THOMAS ozIAS B S K r KOG KING KING JOHN attorney attorneys sat s at law swasey block PROVO UTAH J W IL h ATTORNEY AT LAW rooer 11 and 12 corn com anil and savings bank bunding PROVO crry CITY 11 aja DEMOISY attorney at law davs jiom lt om 15 bank anfe building centre st PROVO ciry UTA S H 1 I ALLEN LI county auty Pays lma spurgean B R G W rahay no 50 office at residence Kesi dence smoot brick douse I 1 block east cast of tabernacle PROVO CITY UTAH i s ATTO RN t iby collection agency office bank bulliung PAYSON CITY UTAH J E U BOOTH BOOT marney at law and NOTARY PUBLIC J street north provo city ity WARNER HOUTZ aj Z AT LAW booms 13 1314 14 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH A L BOOTH AT LA and JUSTICE OF TRE PEACE J S STREET north PROVO CITY 19 2 I 1 knowlden jones general fire and life ASSENTS P 0 BOX 11 RJ KROUPA 1 l tel ani lisl ores sampled assayed and analyzed exan inactions on mining and M mineral properties I 1 P F 0 box or 33 IS 3 street provo lare frempt cosm I 1 ca cars for or improte impotence e loss ass vf Stis I 1 Smet emissions a self distrust j t loss of memory aa will wan 9 I 1 boxes 95 00 i special directions miffed with each BOX Eos addam eluira eam L ca lucaw ST LOUIS cdo dr walter B pike Physic physician ia n andru and surgeon ageon effice at residence corner I 1 and 3rd ard etc ats PROVO UTAH M provo mm go g A JONES Prop rs to A E ford F DIRECTORS AUD AND EMBALMERS all calls receive prompt attention next door taylor Bros co PROVO FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS ENGINES BOILERS AND MINING CARS P F 0 box 91 provo raivo ciry UTAH carlf CAPITAL CASH SURPLUS zions savings ban TRUST CO salt lake city utah established 1873 incorporated 1888 wilford woo woodruff duac president geo Q cannon vice president Preel dent joseph F smith george reynolds angus bl cancin he haber ber J grant lorenzo Lorenz snow T G webber francis AM blyman ML ff B Gla ireon L john fitall ui tall georte M cannon we pay 5 per cent in interest ferest on write for particulars i TO T ll 11 E an SS T KOCK ISLAND pacific RAILWAY HAILWAY the aock island la Is foremost in ad pt ing any plan calculated to impy improve 1 oye speed and ad give ive that injury Itu xury safety and comfort that the popular patronage demands ita equipment is ia thoroughly complete with trains z BEV BEST DINING CAB SERVICE IN pullman sleepers Slee pere chair care all the moat elegant and of recently improved patterns pattern 3 i its ita specialties aties are FIRST HISS and abi FIRST CLASS hatice GIVEN for full fall particulars parti calara as to tickets maps retes apply to any coupon ticket agent in the united states canada or mexico or address JOHN S SEBASTIAN G PA chicago Obi cago 31 11 gen benl abt denver colo 0 K R ALEY abt E R G wa W provo for over fifty years MRS mas has bas been used need for over fifty years yeara by millions in il of mothers for their children while teething with perfect it soothes the child softens mg allays wind colic colia and the best remedy for fai diarrheas jt it win will the abor little i Buffe iee immediately dia tely sold by dr n ogist in every oart dart of the world twenty five cents cen ts a bottle be ba sure anre and aasc for mrs winslows Win Blows slows soothing syrup and take no other tind lind run 11 ing sores bores indolent niceas and similar tron troubles bles ever stugh tub of cf many mady years yam standing stan ding r nj ay bo be cured by using witch hazel Sal velt soothes and heals it is the great pile eure enre smoot drug go co the laver keeps people well when the liver la is sluggish all ot her organs ire are involved you suffer buffer from biliousness jaundice head headache che indigestion pain in ia the back chills and LOES of energy YOU yon will adver know hoa promptly prom ply these troubles jes can be cured until yo you u use a it cures quickly when abe n other remedies utterly fail liver purifies the blood is a Il armless vegetable remedy that gevea avei new life and energy almost from the elret dose price 75 cents free trial buttle at all druggists tetter teatter salt SaIt Rheum and eczema the intense ns e itching ail incident inc to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying chamberlains ey by islan ointment ent mao many irei very bad cases cakes have been permanently cured by it it 13 equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for bore aigles pip ai ples chapped haf bands ids chilblains frost bites and chronic sore eyes peep 25 craper kerbox bos dr cados cadys condition powders are re just anat a horse needs when in had bad condition tonic blood purifier and they are not food but medicine and the best beat in U use se to put a horse in primes prime condition price 25 cents per package buckless Buc klens arnica salve the best beat salve inthe io the world for cuts bruises soree ulcers salt rhe rheum fever so res ater chapped hands bandi chilblains chilblain corns coma and all skin eruptions eruption and positively cures piles or no pay required it ibis is guaranteed granteed to give perfect batisa action i or money refunded refunds price 25 cents 6 n ts per bo boat for ifor sale by smoot drug co are usel useless ess if trifled away and they are dangerously wast wasted d if delay in cues cages where one minute couoh cure would bring brin immediate relief smoot drug co These who believe chronic diarrhoea to be incurable read what mr P E grisham of garra mills la has to eay on the abe subject viz 1 I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever since the war and have tried all kinds of medicines medi cinea fo for r i ak at last I 1 found a remedy that effected ec ted a cure anat that hat was chamberlains colic cholera chole ra and diarrhoea remedy li this medicine can cah always be dep depended en jed upon lor for colle colic cholera dysentery and diar rhiea it is pleasant to take and never falls fails to bo effect a cure 25 and 50 cent sizes bi zes for sale by smoot kp drug ug co at the V 7 br n neither gas electrio b haht nog f aki in taoist of the tha booma shaded candles electric lec ric bitters eielt alc era ia a suited J for any ye raon u but perhaps taa more gener 0 7 ii de s W when en t tha he hing T ad jesting velji i Y th the a V i r wa liver is la t torpid 0 arvid aw 1 lal ri A arthe nd the f need oll ota tonic nd altera ive i A prom pa pubis often 11 andi ji h S fi fevers no X 0 medicine will act mote moie surely in ia counteracting and freeing avate system from the malarial inal anal poison headaches 1 ach ea constipation dizziness bizzle ay bield ild to electric bitters alters BOC or per bottle at smoot drug drag pa co igei 11 la has ciu member af of parliament to every 1050 elce electors tors ireland ane ne for every 1 scotland etland Sc one for every and wales wale s coa cde for every A few weeks ago the editor was taken w with ith a very ver y severe cold that caused hini him to be in in a most miserable b le condition tt it was undoubtedly a bad case pt ot Is la grippe and recognizing it as eroca he ccok k imme immediate d f te st steps eps to bring about a speedy cure bom the a d ver t i mt OC of hamber lai aik f and tha many goo good a included wak tided to make rat ft Z that it ass satisfactory in in its i t q lesul exults teia 18 putting it it very mildly lude indeed ed at I 1 it erfia acte q d eikema like A alit iesue t was a speedy y and permanent yura cure iv ve have hava no hesitancy heBi tancy cy v ln in anz this ex cellena cough RP me 1 N yo I 1 t to anyone afflicted with a 11 or rol cold a in any y form fonn aba aniber ol 01 town maryland aryland sf atie 25 and 50 cent sizes corsale for sale by smoot drug co castu IN tor for infants and Oh children ildren itar y ff i la 12 OR ita SO a a L pride of jap J ap tea p loses none u ci aroma or strength on W the long ocean voyage CA from the orient because 5 it is the finest W v re first pickings za properly A v fired and packed as soon as gathered tea that has not been fully tired fired loses lases its good qualities as on a long ocean voyage 0 absorbs the salt moisture al J brandenstein CO full weight ya 4 andr and i it packages san and yokohama at your groc grocers rs W BINDERS headquarters FOR THE grated cooper wagon wagn lie co constantly on hand A fine line of granite ware farm arm im implements cements ments le hardware ete etc 0 8 11 in 0 URFA r N centre street between 11 anda provo brovo holda the worlds record for long distance dis last fast runn running ingi E X 0 b r 18 n 0 T ay ej S say sav they know on the barlin burlington ator L the moment strike it it is so smooth h free from jolts and so ea earv 8 v so delightfully IA 7 jars and 3 udden sudden starts and stops another proof of the truth of what we try to bring home to you evry week in the year that for right down solid sol id comfort tile the burlington has no real competitor among tile the railroads of the west omaha peoria chicago st joseph kansas city and st louis jamis are only a few of tle the points to which it will pay you to takee take the burlington Bui lington ticket i 8 and full information at all E R G W ticket offices or b by y addressing W F mcmillan A 9 ent az ET 17 f tass freight ad 11 walker block salt lake city r f FIRST OP provo ass tevi W R PIKE president 14 8 B S consa jonsa Vice President J 0 GRATTA GRAHAM gao TAYL 01 GRO GEO Q CANN E F D A SWAN D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on now new chicago san francisco rud and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum find and upwards commercial Coin mercial and sain Savings 3 a 1911 Z T M s PROVO CITY UTAH capital DIRECTORS seed reed smoot prest D T dark clark vice vica prest john jones james A bean roger farrer 0 E loose L B S hills J E R cmar i i s uasa general banking business fransa coo w 1 S kah tm ah 44 I 1 y M W 13 IAN 13 R S 10 1 lur R R na chills WH ills 11 4 P OR I 1 RD ARE A rew g 7 W 5 ra R P 0 box 84 A L delivered to any part of the city bock springs lump castle gate lump 4 76 75 pleasant valley lump 4 foad FO fa winter quarters lump Ro book springs nut 4 castle gate nub anthracite 1050 TELE JONE fone 17 in 1 I 1 agents zions savings bank and trust Com company paty salt lake city utah pays five per cent interest per ann um on en any dev deposits you maze majce write for particulars WILIFORD WOODRUFF M prest frest cashier MADE MAD r ME ivie A MAN AJAX TABLETS positively CURE A LZ nemous dinst diseases wes failing ar etc caubet by b abuse and other excesses caesus and indas cre creti tiow oae they r and a 1 restore IA lest st vital vitauts liffa in old or TO aad fit a man aal for study busin business or in prevent frent insanity boil and n u taken in t tune e their ns pe 6 shows aws immediate ment meat and aid effe ejects acks a CURE where ere all ah others fail la agoa eist apon banes a the ginaine aa ajax s tablets they tiara cured an buds bad d aul wul anra TOO we eiva a p written auntee to defect a cu core in each cass r d the money price 50 cen kage z six BIX packers pac kees fal treatment for V aa aw fac 7 mall machla la plain alsia wr apFer upon apon receipt of P anea tic circus Clr colar tret AJAX REMEDY CO ID DW for sale in provo city by E R 8 hines bines druggist er YEARS TRADE SHARKS DESIGNS COPY copyrights aa anyone sending Bendic ff a sketch and description buy ascertain free whether an 1 probably strictly oldest nauncy forve or curing in america ameria we have a washington office patents aalen tocea munn co arecelys notice no ace la in the scientific AMERICAN I 1 largest es ej any scientific tea on hs specimen eimen copies and haab 1005 os ON PATE IVra sent seat free Addre sus MUNN CO broadway nevi ew york 7 13 I 1 I 1 jr lo 10 rul h this nis water is a sure bure cure for rheum cheni hatlem mineral leading catarrh constipation chronic diar of the heart and all kidney and nervous troubles tro ables cowals and washed ty by empire Lan lenadry adry |