Show WE are not in favor of further in debt eness for provo gity city but bat with neighboring towns of the county lighting a their streets with electricity it is plain that provo will have to fall into the progressive procession the question of is upon the people and ought to be made part of the municipal campaign WHILE the trick remains unexposed whereby the citizens ticket was nominated the confession is made that the candidates are all men above reproach the people when not worked by politicians and ward heelers c can an always be trusted to put up a good ticket THE strong showing made in favor of protection by the revival of industries tries 3 throughout tie the country com compared with the panic and depression during the he free trade period will forever settle the principle of protection in the minds of the people as the american doctrine THE mar local democratic organ commends the citizens ticket as containing the names of honorable men and women and the salt lake herald commends the method of their nom now where does the trick came come in lynn LEHI received well deserved adae advertisement r ti throughout the state b by V its local fairand fair and the kind invitation extended to the newspapermen it always pays to treat the pent pencil il push puh era N well 11 I 1 I 1 ELDER ELDEB james mckiernan of the reorganized sed church of jesus christ corn i 7 monin gly called I 1 josephites Joseph itea arrive d I 1 ii 1 town this mornine morn iDS with beveral other elders and will hold meeting in a tent teat just jast mccross the road north f om the courthouse court house meetings Meeting swill will le held every evenich eveni cg rg for the next week or so at p in to anere ere will be a meeting tomorrow sunday at 11 c clock a in |