Show CA oga ua the kind you au have H always bought elege able Preparation forAs bours the simulating simi lating tating t etc sul tin 3 tl tha stomachs of sigman lure r V OY OF ness and Best Rest Contains neither orriff morphine nor hal yi Bral NOT NAU NARCOTIC C 0 T I 1 C i OHA SN seeli ON THE alx sanna I 1 daice seed I 1 Is mufit f pre si ift f J L fier TaSceil j OF EVERY kp berfect remedy for constina W tion sour worms convulsions deverish JD LM 0 ness and loss L 0 s s OF SLEEP signature of az i THE KIND YORK M i i biej YOU bl HAVE i ALWAYS 1 BOUGHT EXACT COPY H J g THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK JOS E ru J PA PAGE GE AT LAW effice room 4 lemmon block ayson 1 CITY UTAH bonear oo NEAR JOHN 8 K KING KING JOHN attorneys at law aw swasey as ey block F PROVO UTAH J L W S N tob ATTORNEY AT LAW rooms 11 and 12 corn com and savings bank building PROVO CITY UTAH ahas H adf DX DEMOISY at af law gawf I bom oin 15 bank building centre st i PROVO UTAH S 11 ALLEN county Phy fidan surgeon sargon B S G W radway no 50 officio at residence smoot brick din 1 block east of tabernacle bernacle Ti PROVO UTAH ATTORNEY AT LAW collection agency office bank building PAYSON CITY UTAH J E BOOTH rj law and NOTARY PUBLIC J street north provo city ity wl WARNER A R N E R HOU goinz 1 z 3 ATTORNEYS M LAW rooms 13 1314 14 and 15 union block PROVO GITY CITY UTAH A L BOO EI ATI t AT LAW and JUSTICE OF THE PEACE I 1 STREET north PROVO om E E L knowlden Kno widen jones general fire and life arienta 0 0 BOX 11 PROVO stahl R I 1 J KROUPA fight ad slyer ores sampled assayed and analyzed examinations on mining and mineral properties P 0 box or 33 N J street provo dr walter W alter R H pike physician and surgeon effice at residence corner I 1 and 3rd ard ets PROVO UTAH vi provo bortol LIRE co GRAI GRAHAM JONI JONES Prop rs 1 I successors to A E ford FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND I 1 EM BAL M E R 8 all calls receive prompt attention next door taylor bros broa co sare 89 prompt cure for ap impotence pa tence 1111 ir 0 of f manhood fr acl emissions emigdo perm nerhea ea tien ausness adf distrust loss of henory Ve nory bryda as will make mahe you a STRONG vigorous man pries ejov 00 0 boxes 85 0 o 00 special Direct directions lons hailed Q with each box address WWI zev lid mett co 3 2919 lucaa am ST wr LOUIS MO PROVO FOUNDRY MID AND MACHINE WORKS ENGINES BOILERS AND AM MINING CARS CABS P 0 box 91 PROVO CITY Y UTA utan UTAH n 1 CAPITAL CASH SURPLUS zions savings han TRUST CO salt lake city utah established 1873 incorporated 1888 DIRECTORS wilford woodruff president geo Q cannon vice president joseph F smith george reynolds angus mcannon heber heberd J grant james jack lorenzo lorenzi snow T G webber francis L cubio IAM H B Claw EoD L john nuttall Nui tall deorle borte AI cannon we pay 6 5 per cent ingreet in creet lerest en de dec write for uarta curr TO THE F AT 0 C Cl alisago iSAGO I 1 I 1 I 1 UA go I 1 KOCK goen lA CEli HAILWAY them The rick Bock island la foremost in adapt ad pt jug jog any plan cil to speed and give that luxury safely anil and comfort that the he popular demand its equip equipment mcm is thoro thoroughly complete with vet ve t bleil trains BEST DINING CAR SERVICE IN THE WORLD SI p ip ts chair cars all the most t ee ir ni n 3 of recently improved patterns pat terna its special fies are EMMUS FIRST LUSS wm and FIRST CLASS MUUMUU full foil particulars as to tickets mars rates apply to adv coupon ticket agent in the united state canada or mexico or address SEBASTIAN SEBASTIA ZT G 3 P A chicago M H geni gen agic denver colo 0 K R ALEY agic K R G W provo coughs relieved at once and every bit of relief is part of a cure care that will atay a cure usa ballards Bol lards horehound Sore hound syrup and agte bow quickly you aie cured and how well you feel afterward specific also for whooping C cough ough and group croup john coffin coffia kirwin in kans says when I 1 began to use ballards bollards Bol lards horehound burup for consumption the doctor 11 had said I 1 w would die in a few days am now uv up and around have no more pain in cheat or lungs 11 price 25 and 60 50 acte no benefit no pay sold by bv all druggists small precautions often prevent great miB mis chiefa chiefs davitts Da Ie Witts little early risers are very small email pills but are most effect tiva in preventing the most serious forms forces of liver and stomach stomach tron troubles bles they cure care constipation and headache and regulate the bowels smoot drug co for over fifty years WINSLOWS 1 syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil hons of mothers for their chi cn ildren id ren while teething with perfect success it soothes the child softens the sums allays kalns cures wind colic and the best remedy for diarrhea diarrhoea it will receive the poor little sufferer immediately dia tely sold by drug druggist giat in very part of 0 the world twenty live cents a bottle be sure and ask for I 1 mrs Wina lows soothing syrup and take no other kind to chesl the broken and diseased tissues to soothe aba irritated surfaces to instantly relieved an to permanently cure h she mission ot dewitts witch hazel salve smoot drug co australasian i lashan illusion history story in getting up tho the history of the australasian tra lasian and other missions of the pacific islands as tho the hawaiian the society the samoan and other groups iu in order to insure accuracy of the dates and facts I 1 desire the elders who ho have presided over missions and who have kept journals that they will kindl kindly lond lend to the historians office such private journals as they can consistently submit for perusal for the inte interest fest of church history on condition that th they ley are well taken care of and returned to te the owners as soon as they are used the brethren who live at a di distance stanca might perhaps bring or send their books at the next approaching a 1 conference in october next nest a F D church Hi historian C ST aft I 1 sm tor bor infants infants and children no fit 9 11 aa y fr 1 1 12 f s eta orr cf W tetter salt sait kheim and Ec eczema zeina the intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases is instantly alla allayed ye ca by applying chamberlains eye and skin ointment many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it it is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples chapped hands chilblains frost bites and chronic sore eyes 25 acte per box bos dr cadys cades condill condition 1 on row powders ders are just what a horse needs when in bad condition tonic blood purifier and they are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a hor horse se in prime condition price 25 cents per package abla th Is astour conr opportunity on receipt of ten cents cash or stamps 8 gec cious sample will be mailed of the most popular catarrh and hay rever fever cure elys cream baim daim sufficient to demon X irate strate the greit great merits of he remedy ELY BROTHERS BRO rHEES 56 warren vu reu E lt new york city eer john celd jar r rf rails monac recommended el J 0 1 re a balin baia to 0 o me 1 can emphasize his satt in r t it is a tive cure for catarrh 4 1 uc v directed 11 rev francis W pastor Central Prea church helena ilont elys cream adm is the acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercure cor bior any injurious injun oua drug price 60 50 cents AL A cure for bilious colic REs ouncE screven co ga I 1 have been beens subject abject to attacks of bilious colic for several years chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea fremed remedy y is the only aure relief it acts like a charm one dose ot of it gives elves relief when all other remedies fall fail G D sharp for sale eale by smoot drug drag co coli conference ferenee notice i the sixty eighth semiannual semi annual conference ot of the church of jesus quist of latter day Saints will convene in the tabernacle salt lake city at 10 on monday morning ina october the of officers ficera and members of the church generally aro are cordially invited to attend the s of the conference WOODRUFF GEORGE Q CANNONI CANNON JOSEPH F P SMITH 11 first presidency my mv boy came home bome from school or ore 0 day with his hla hand band badly lacerated and bleed blendine ble edine and greab pain bays mr E EJ J schall with meyer meser bros drug co st louis mo 1 I dressed the wound and a applied RP ed chamberlains rain balm fre freela el v A all ll 11 pain ceased and in a remarkably time it healed without leaving a sear ecar for wounds wound sparing swellings and rheumatism I 1 auw of 0 no medicine or prescription equal to it I 1 consider it a household necessity 11 the 25 ond and 50 cent sap s for sale elleby by druz co ces caveats and trademarks trade marks obtained and all patent business conducted for MODERATE fers FEES OUR OFFICE afric C IS OPPOSITE US PATENT 0 OFFICE and we can secure patent in less time than th those the e remote from washington send model drawing or rp photo hoto with description we wc advise adise if ie or not free of charge our fee not 4 one till patent tent is secured A PAMPHLET how to obtain patents fate antz with cost of same saine in the US u S and foreign countries sent free address OPP PATENT OFFICE washington D C PATEN bairt Ts v U s FOREIGN ED eugene augene W johnson solicitor x ail horneg in patent gate Kew ave washinton WaB hinton I 1 0 established 1868 CHUM correspondence requested COL POWDER wh dw 4 va Q al an FOR MST when you can get it right at a honic your grocer sells it M A DE ONLY BY THE N K FAIRBANK COMPANY chicago st louis now york boston philadel A R ru a 0 eff fa aw a U V 1 ga va ea 1 I aa E aea ia 9 5 A Z 0 a ER I 1 R og V A OR i bover X G U sa s1 U ava af provo I 1 UNI r V I 1 ARE TP SM U 0 J W HOOVER F 0 box 84 holds the worlds record for long di distance stanco fast running gunnine run nine you y rv s yi set Y OU coin can bal your watch by the burlington Burling tows flyer its so re rego ular aldr leaves denver pm arrives arrive omaha pm arrives peoria am chicago am sleepers chair cars diner the service to st josephian Joseph Kan sas city and st louis lobis is equally good through tickets via the burlington to all eastern cities citie sare are on sale atall at all R G W ticket offices or by addressing W F mcmillan general agen abut t E R F NES LEN irav pass freight abt 11 walker block salt lake efty city FIRST 1 I 1 s 41 n 7 j i R ri I 1 1 U ll 11 1 11 OF PROVO faiers 61 M isgrigg a v 9 icuss tt tr t DIR K pian pre u tish vc J L C mirabah i RABAH TF FI 0 E F D A WAS WAN D A SIVAN oa exchange fi drawn draw n on no ma chicago san bin frac isco anti MR fth 1 principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum aud da upwards PROVO com bep mep C ial and U sayings 0 ar t PROVO CITY UTAH iusi cap sal plus 1001 10 DIRECTORS seed reed smoot prest D T dark clark vico vice prest john jones james jamea A bean noar farrer 0 E loose L bhula S hills J R general banking banki of business ba siness tran sae W old A AL delivered to any part of the city rock springs lump 34 S 75 castle gate lump 47 6 pleasant valley lump 4 TO winter quarters teri lump rok bock springs nut castle guto gate nut anthracite 1050 YARD TUR LONE IONE 17 imber 1001 amm r IF agea zions savings bank and trust U company com X nany sail lake city utah pays flye five per cent interest see der annum on any 1 deposits you yon maxe mase 1 write for partie alais WILFORD alle WOODRUFF M mox prest cashier MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS positively CURIL CUKE ALI 1 U X gervous r sms k fealing rem mem ory Impotency sleeplessness Slee aasness etc called by abuse abisa and other excesses excesses and india creations cret ions they and surely restore lost list vitality in old or young ronn and fit f a man 4 for study ba siness or marriage prevent k re insanity inanity in anity and consumption il taken m time their vw shows imme diat improta ment and effects a CURE CUBE where all others fail I 1 la bist upon having the genuine geini ine ajax tablets they have bare cured cared thousands and will mm caro you nye e give a 3 11 tiTO written ritten guarantee to effect a cure in each each case price 50 cfall treat euta for v 3 knafl im upon receipt of price ca AJAX REMEDY CO chicag for sale in provo city by R S bin binea e a druggist gr YEARS p TRADE trademarks MARKS COPY copyrights ac anyone sending a sketch and description may ascertain freed free whether an invention inTent ioa is probably Ta communications strictly confidential oldest nency ency for securing patents to in america we have a washington office patents 1 1 taken IT through 1 musa munn co ca receive 0 special 92 notice t 1 in t abo b scientific AMERICAN fimi GAH beautifully falu illustrated st rated largent lai kest dreWa circulation tion of cf any scientific journal weekly Y terms a year ear also a bl mon months bs s pien copies tes an and D BOOK OS ON PATENTS seat at fre free address MUNN CO 61 Iran dway bew goriz 1 71 1171 11 U Z P aal I 1 I 1 JJ 3 e h U qt r e ir this thia water is a sure cure for rhea eben miners iners AI leading Lead mp indigestion Cata catarrh rrb constipation chronic diar abma of 0 the heart and all kidney and nervous troubles toselo and suits washed by empire laundry |