Show vill evl lt h t IH 1 H LL i diio 1 THE original incandescent lamp jamr inventor henry goebel is dead the board of aldermen of I 1 meridian diss has adopted a resolution to pur nase the edison electric light plan for the city for the sum of IT is said that the commissioners 0 leish irish lights are about to improve th 1 light ight at the old head of kinsale light house and will shortly introduce elee elec trie lighting there ay electric railroad from washing ton D C to falls church pass assin through the center of alexandri Alex andrii county by way of ballston baleston Ball ston is said t tc be in contemplation it is to be bull buil by the land owners along the line PLA PLAINS is have been made at geneva N Y it is said for putting on seneca lake an el elmerc perc boat for c commercial purposes ahe 1 at is to be feet long 25 4 e and 9 feet deep with 5 feet draught it will be driven by tw twin n screws THERE is said to be at columbia S C a cotton mill nearly ready for operation which is to have its power brought from the canal by means of 0 f electricity instead of the old fashioned belt method A boston man is the engineer and the capacity of the mill in is ftc f avo ve P ri and sni idles iks |