Show EIGHTEEN E I 1 G HT EE N DEAD big landslide on the chilkott chilkoot Chil koot pass ONLY OLF ONE MAN ESCAPES caused by the ilie heavy kains Tic libone mystery atly astery in new wales PORT wash sept 24 the rho tua pioneer which left puget sun jun I 1 on ept with the bark shirby in tow for Sk aguay returned at I 1 I 1 clock this morning haying having made the ran ari down in 96 hours the pioneer rings the story of a landslide wilch which scarred near sheep camp on the chil boat pass last sunday morning in which IS 18 men are said to have lost their lives only one body is said eaid to ave been recovered that of a man named Choyn chodynski ski a conein of joe Choyn ehi the prize fighter the men suppose ito i to have been were ere era on the dyea trail the officers ol of rho ha boneer say eay that the story was rought brought to on sunday events by three men who told it in such euch a way as to leave no doubt as to its they describe the aya tancho lanche as consisting of rocks ice and which had bad been loosened by the recent unprecedented hard rain which bats teen lean falling continuously for the past mouth month all the bridges on the river have been washed out and the river Is ia a raging aging torrent the tichborne Tich bone Illys mystery tery B 0 sapt 24 special according to the latest advices advises from sydney new south wales the sup rene re ne court of that colony will on monday next reopen the celebrated tich bone bane mystery by taking up the case of J ohn john cresswell for sometime past an inmate of the ula deaville hospital for the insane and who it is alleged is the real simon pure pare long missing mining sir roger tichborne the investigation has been countenanced by the tichborne lich rieb borne family ia england move movements mente from the day of his departure from E bigland igland down to ro the present time will be tra traced ed and it will be shown that he was on confidential terms with the no arthur orton known as the tichborne claimant who was sentenced to a long term of imprisonment for per lary jaty growing out of his civil suit recover the tichborne estate and who a few veara aso apo made an exhibit exhibition iou tour 0 the tha united states over one r d witnesses are to be examined nearly all old coloni colonists ats of unblemished character meanwhile cresswell Cress weH knows nothing of what is being done on his behalf land evidences no desire to leave the asylum the hearing of 0 the casa will probably occupy three weeks scandals in manchester LINDON L sept 25 special the ext ec audala ls in the police department part ment of manchester which a couple 0 months ainoo were made the subject of a parliamentary investigation have ended in a remarkable manner the municipal council by a practically unanimous vote has decided that john malcolm wood the chief constable or superintendent of pol police I 1 ce and to whose lax methods the scandals were in a melaure attributed be ba granted leave of abzanka on full salary from october I 1 until february 1897 a period of se seven months and that after that date he be shall retire on a pension at the rate of two thirds of his pay the pension will amount to annually in itlear memory ory vf 11 ermann NEW ULM IN minn linn sept 25 special the dedication today of the monument to the memory of hermann hero of germany was attended by an im crowd from several states the event was under tte tle auspices of the supreme lodge of 0 america sons of her wann As aa president of the monument commission henry Orl Or laumann anmann of st sr raul paul turned mined the pile over to the su preme lodge and it was accepted in ba behalf half of the order at large by president paul gebhardt gebbardt of new hai Haen on conn ane oration was delivered by julius julias of austin texas who has the reputation of being the most moet brilliant german orator of the southwest the monument is located on the high bluffs where it can be seen for miles around it is feet in height the base alone being thirty two feet high and forty feet in diameter above theba the base are heavy steel columns supporting a huge dome which is ia to be ba used need as a hermanns sons library above all is ia the heroic statue of hermann in the position of a conqueror Sit situation Situ ailon mation in new orleans new orleans sept 24 eminent doctors believe that the work of the board of health is productive of good wd results and that the fever is not spreading but on the contrary is being confined to localities thus far i there have been a few less than ICO cases cages and fifteen deaths death the death rate is iu in the neighborhood hood of 15 per cent it was in 1878 16 per cent so that up to the present time the diseases is about as virulent as it il was in the last great epidemic new orleans had ono ona of the sensations of the day was the that the board of health had decided to prosecute dr Mon for having failed to report a caso case of suspicions fever of the ninety odd cases annew in ew orleans but four have been among the negro population there are still bev several serious cases among those who are ill hut but the board of health is daily discharging patients as cured A FrigI iKuI explosion ST louis MO sept 21 2 1 A special to the post dispatch from irom A Marion larion 02 III baye an explosion terrible in its eff effects act 0 occurred in the williamson county coal companas comp anys mine four miles north of here shortly after midnight this fifteen wounded miners two of whom have since bince died have been rescued from the smoke and flavest while one was found dead when the rescuing party went down the shaft several of the v wounded are so BO se verely crushed as an 1 I otherwise hurt that t fiey ey will die daei chere are said eaid to be five or six miners minera stall imprisoned in iff the burning mine but they cannot be ba reached on account of the smoke and fire |