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Show j SPRINGVILLE NEWS A number of Pprinville people motored to Kelley's grove Thursday evening, where ball games and a delicious picnic supper were enjoyed. enjoy-ed. Those included in the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bear-dall, Bear-dall, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Weight, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lovei idge, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sanford. Mr. and j Mrs. Gerald Thorpe, Mi', and Mrs. Frank Sanford, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davis of Peerless, Utah, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Averett, Mr. and Mis. John Hardy, and Mrs. Levi Thorpe. Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Ence of this city spent the past ten days motoring motor-ing to places of interest and visiting visit-ing relatives in southern Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanford entertained en-tertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Eustus Menduniiall, who were visiting here from Payson. An enjoyable trip was taken Thursday when Mrs. Sarah Palfrey-man Palfrey-man and sons, Lorus and Warrick, and William Masters motored to Lagoon. They were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Masters and family fam-ily of Bingham, and enjoyed a picnic pic-nic supper with other amusements of the resort. Mrs. Glenn Allan had as a house guest during the past week her sister-in-law and family, Mrs. Jessee Scovil of Elsinore, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Bird entertained enter-tained at luncheon at their home Sunday in compliment to the following fol-lowing Salt Lake friends who were visiting at their home: Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Lambert and son, Mrs. "William Staub and daughter, and Cannon Lambert. A pleasant motor trip to Fish lake and Bryce canyon was taken by the following friends, who left Saturday returning to their hoim Tuesday evening: Miss Leona Sumsion, Miss Alda Larson of Gunnison, Gun-nison, L. C. Ainsworth of Salt Lake and Arthur Condie and Burgis Sumsion Sum-sion of this city. ' A nicely arranged dinner was giv-1 giv-1 en Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. George Simpkins at their home in compliment compli-ment to Mr. and Mrs. J. Westley Robertson and family, who left the latter part of the week to attend the B. Y. U. summer school at Aspen Grove. Mr. Robertson and family will leave soon after the close of summer school for Love, Wyoming, Wyom-ing, where he is offered a splendid position in the schools. Mr. and Mis. Dell Warren and mother, Mrs. Annis Simpson and son, Oliver, all of Salt Lake, were dinner guCsts Thursday at the home after a ten days' motor trip Ihrough the canyons of southern Utah. A number of relatives and friends formed a party and enjoyed a swim and lunch at Glengarry resort Thursduy afternoon. Those included includ-ed were: Mrs. Lois Hughes and children of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and daughter. daugh-ter. Miss Virginia and Donna Collins, Col-lins, Mrs. Lee Sumsion and Miss Melba Sumsion. Miss Mildred Wannacott of Soldier Sol-dier Summit has returned to her home after a visit of several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Simpkins. Mrs. Fred Wing of Salt Lake, formerly for-merly of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Boshard and children of Salt Lake spent several days of the past week with relatives and friends in Sprfngville. In compliment to her little daughter daugh-ter LaJune and son Earl, whose birthdays occurred during the same week, Mrs. Lewis Whitney entertained en-tertained a number of young friends at a birthday party at her home last Thursday afternoon. Various competitive games were features of amusement, after which a dainty luncheon was served to a large crowd of friends of the honored guests. : ' Miss Leona Sumsion. accompanied accompan-ied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ...Sumsion, visited .. their brother and son, Arvil and family, in Salt Lake during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dallin and two children spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Dallin's parents, Mr.' and Mrs. B. A. Jolley, in Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jolley recently moved to Salt Lake, where Mr. Joi-ley Joi-ley will manage a new store. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bird entertained enter-tained at dinner Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bird and two daughters, who were visiting here from Bingham. Miss Eileen Harrison delightfully entertained a number of girl friends at her home last Friday evening. After attending a show at the Ri-voli, Ri-voli, a delicious supper was served to the following guests: Miss La Vera Hardy, Miss Madeliene Harrison, Har-rison, Miss Bernice Neilson and Miss Marie Simpkins. |