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Show 'Lake studving marccling .mil hau' drossiutf. She expects to return mid ,.pra a .business here in Springvilie. j J Mr. anil Mrs. Isaac Fox o Lchi j were tin' guests of Mr. and Mrs. j ! John A. Fox last Sunday. j ! ladies of the Fourth ward Relief s'ncictv pleasantly surprised their I jsr.si.lent. -Mrs. li. I!, l'alfreyman. at a lioiise warming, 'i'he 1'ollow-ins 1'ollow-ins irnismm wk tiun Willi Soero- ial'V Belle fluids ill cllllrw: "Silllt-mil;', "Silllt-mil;', "l.ove at Home"; prayer. I'risia Beyer: singing. "Kind Words Are Sweet Tones of the Heart": piano solo. Alary Wheeler: reading. Saniautha Finch: vocal solo, Cecil Robertson: presentation of picture by Counselor Anna Mon-dealiall: Mon-dealiall: response. President I'al-Ircvinan I'al-Ircvinan : piano solo, Jennie San-foril: San-foril: string quartet. Fhnina Men-ileuhall Men-ileuhall and company; reading, Fliza Thorn; solo, Margaret Robinson- reading. FUa Reynolds: closing clos-ing 'song, "Down by the Old Mill Stream." Games were played and refreshments served to 72. Mrs. Selena Keisey and Mrs. N. E. Whitinoro left Thursday for Los Angeles, Calif. Mrs. Grace Gnmmall is in Salt ,.,,n shower for Miss M.-lba Brown,' whose marriage to Lewis Reed IVrrv took place January :;(J in the Sail ' Lake temple. Those present ! were Mrs. Zillah A. Lrown of Salt ! ' 1, ;.ko City, Mrs. .lames Iivans of; ( Sail Lake City. Mrs. John Wriu'ht.; Mrs. F. R. Kirkiaaii of American For!;, Mrs. M:lrs j lavis of Prove. Mrs. Parley Perry. Mrs. Howard I IVrrv. Mrs. H. Ji. Perry, Mrs. j Flcanor Callop. Mis. Willis Sum- ! sion, Mrs. A. (J. Curtis, Mrs. iioll ; Craiulall, Mis. C. A. Starr, .Mrs. C.J L. Dalev, .Mrs. D. F. Hales, Mrs. Ira I'.ue'lianaa. Mrs. A L. Pa.vzant. j Mrs. Emma Noe, Miss Sophia Pack-j aid, Miss La Yon Daley. Miss Hcssie j Wannacot, and Miss Yerua Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Davis entertained enter-tained at dinner Sunday for Mr. I and Mrs. Lawrence Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Palfreyinan, and their families. The Rev. and Mrs. YV. IT. Kns'gn entertained nt dinner Wednesday evening the following: YVilford Lyal Tess Ilines, Josephine Mineary, Louisa liolfe, Esther Tofte, Harold Tofte, Mildred lloffnean l.ud Lynn Weighart." Plans were made for celebrating Christian Endeavor Day for next Sunday. An enjoyable time was had by all. The Etude club met nt the home of Mrs. Mary Mower Friday evening. even-ing. The lesson was read by members. mem-bers. "Great Teachers and Writers of Music." A .'ard game of noted operas was played. Miss Tessie Ilines and Mrs. Mower gave piano solos. Luncheon was served by the hostess. All members are urged to 1 attend the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn II. Allan entertained en-tertained a number of friends Saturday Sat-urday evening. (James were the feature of the evening, and refreshments refresh-ments were served to the following : Mr. and Mrs. Grover Clyde. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Chimney Chillis, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wil-lis Weight, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Dal-li Dal-li ii and -Mr. and Mrs. Arch Weight. The members of the Home Culture Cul-ture club ontertainert-their husbands at the home of Mrs. W. A. Firmage. Gaines were the feature of the evening. eve-ning. Slipper was served by the hostess to the following aioletaoin hostess assisted by Mrs. II. E. T'rguhart and Mrs. D. A. Smith. The rooms were attractively deeorat ed with potted ferns and sweet peas. Prizes were won by Mrs. Urquhnrt, and H. A. Baxter. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Menden-hall. Menden-hall. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wingate, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Zahriskie, Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Done, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Garbet, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Barron, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Bird,' Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lyall, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Firmnde. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. T'rguhart, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Smith Mrs. Joe Yane of Salt Lake City, and Elmo Coffman. Mrs. Sam Jepperson Jr. of Provo was the guest of Mrs. Ivan Child Friday afternoon. Miss Grace Clegg entertained Saturday evening nt her home at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Melba Brown. Luncheon w-as served to the following guests: The Misses Hilda Yan Lenvan. Helen Keiini.;s. Louise Suiasioii. Melba Sumsioa. Thelma Bird. Lois Plaueh-ani. Plaueh-ani. 'elma Hone. Mabie Warren. Kale Fralidsen, Hilda tie:.'-. Teelma I'.oyer. Helen Manuariie.' Yerna r.iowu, l'.essie AVanueot, Florence Daley, and Mrs. Kenneth Jones of Sal: Lake City. Mis. Clenn II. Allan left Tuesday Tues-day for Meat l'tah. to attend the wedding reception id" her sister, Miss Gladys Scovil which took place Wednesday Jan. .'ill. Mrs. J. L. Faddis entertained Thursday afternoon at a parly in honor ol" her sisier Mrs. C. S. Wil-liard. Wil-liard. Music and games were the afternoon's diversions. A dainty luncheon was served to the following: follow-ing: Mrs. Ernest Oakley, Mrs. Will Perry, Mrs. Kenneth Condie, Mrs. John Crandall. Mrs. Earl Condie, Mrs. John Whiting. I Irs. Fill Salisbury, Salis-bury, Mrs. Ivan Child. Mrs. John Beardall, Mrs. Eenzo Weight, Mrs. Emma Long, Mrs. Dan ftuinsioii, Mrs. Delos Oakley, and Mrs. Fanny Oakley. Miss Arline Mendenhnll entertained entertain-ed a number of friends Wednesday evening at her home. Gaines were played and ref resmnents served. The guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyer, Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Wal-lace Mace, Mr. and Mrs. Ffauk Salis bury, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weight, Miss Ag-ness Ag-ness Lindsay of Salt Lake City, Mrs. Blanch Condie, and Miss Blanch Worley. After visiting with relatives in I Springvilie and also in Le Grande Oregon, John L. Whiting has returned re-turned to his home in Calpine, Calif. ( Mrs. Emma Johnson and son Morris have gone to Salt Lake City where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Payzant were Salt Lake visitors Monday and Tuesday. Tues-day. i& I The Primary officers of the First ward surprised Miss Melba Brown at her home Monday evening. The ' guests included President Mary oe, i Mrs. Julia Dallin, Mrs. C. W. Errick son. Mrs. Wells Crandall. Mrs. Liu : Sumsion. Mrs. Emma Xoe, Mrs. ' Harry Pennington. .Mrs. Stanley , Forsythe. Mrs. Zora Hill, Mrs. Claude Smith, Miss Ira Weight and .Mrs. Glen Dalliil. Games and refreshments re-freshments were enjoyed. The advance oral expression class of the Springvilie high school under the direction of Miss Maud Settle will present a one act play Feb. 8, at 10:15 at the high school. "Play goers," by Arthur Penero, is one of his best short plays. The following include the east: The Master, Carroll Car-roll Harrison ; the Mistress, Iren? Metcalf ; the Cook, Thelma Nielson ; the Kitchenniaid, Madge Johnson ; the Parlormaid, Iva Phillips; the Old Man, Julia Porter. Las 'Wednesday evening Mrs. Nephi Gledhill entertained at supper sup-per the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Halliday of Payson, A. O. Miner of Shelly Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Goates of Springvilie. The evening was spent, nt cards and reminiscences of old times. ; Tuesday. January 20, 1924, the ; ;.s 4 ' t I Sl'KIMi VU.LIC SOCIETY I S ic . '0 Mr. it ncl Mrs. I. S. I'.rnw n an- f liouncp tin , eni;,ij,rci!U'iit of their .'I0"" l;M.t Luhi to Leo D. Weight, m;ii'ri!!Lrc to take plnco in the "is, lfjiut Lnko temple Felmuiry G. (n, 7 iiimr Mrs. Zinn Y. Curd f Salt Lnko ' nr City was (lie nest of Mrs. M. F. , - l'fc Miner last Saturday nii,'ht and Sun-m1 Sun-m1 day. ston, rcr; , "'family gathering was bold nt ' of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. ' " SPRIOVTTTP 2S' in ll0n0r 0f fel KlGY ILLR. tQ t)ilk ovef ( ftuutinston fam-, 'j V." .'.Morale dinner was served.! ', lp Those present were Zina Y. Cnrd : ; of Salt Lake City, Bishop and Mrs. I c( O. li. Huntington, Mr. and Mrs. ,( JMnunU-k Iluiitiniiton, Mrs. Olive Childs, Mrs. Elizabeth Huntington, j' John Clark. Mrs. Anna Mendenhnll, t el Mrs. Ella Miner. Mrs. Jennie "Whit-, "Whit-, ; taker. Miss Hilda Dalton, Mrs. ' 1 Vand, i Jensen and Mrs. Ethel Money. "day J' ' 11 A-v!"'1'- " Wils sur" enlii iiiwi' "l I"'1' home Monday even-;li even-;li ing hy a number of her friends, a The eveninir was spent at card Mrs. John llhiekeft, Mrs. Chas. Averelt, Mis. lleed Clements, Mrs. 1 Tom Aveivit, Mrs. John Averett. J Mrs. Jessie Kniidif. Mrs. Austin lioylanee. Mrs. Willis Strong and Mrs. Albert Thorn. Kenneth Jones of Salt Lake City is visiting in Springvilie this week with relatives and friends. Mrs. Kufus Averett was surprised Friday evening at her home. Cnrd games were played and refreshments refresh-ments served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Averett, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Averett, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Johnson, John-son, Mr. and Mrs." Charles Averett. Aver-ett. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Averett, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Child, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Averett, and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Averett. Miss Margaret Bird, Miss Lela Boyer and Win. Grooms motored t Salt Lake City last Saturday and in company with Fay C. Packard attended the afternoon performance perform-ance of the play, "The Fool." Mrs. J. M. Brown, assisted by her sister of Salt Lake City, entertained Thursday evening at a miscellnn- games nl'tiT which a clulicious luuchi'mi was served, ii - . Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clyde wore sur-' sur-' prist'd their ln)im Wednesday (f eveninu'. it heiau Mr. Clyde's birlll-day birlll-day amdversary. Those present were Mrs. Xura Clyiie. Mr. and j" Mrs. Wilii.nl Clyde. .Mr. and Mrs. ;s Cruver Clyde, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cherrini;km. Saturday evening Mrs. Klaneh 0 Condie enlertained at a party for Miss Vernelta Lindsay of Salt Lake l! City. Luncheon was served to Miss Arline Mendenhall. Mrs. Ed Civile, Mrs. Ethel Weight and Miss lieva Lewis of l'ayson. The members of the Alpha Beta club were entertained by Mrs. A. C. Bird at her home Friday. Mrs. George A. Anderson gave n paper ' on "Modern Progress." A paper on '. "l'ure Food Laws" was given by - Mrs. 1). 1'. Brinton. Miss Lela 1 Boyer sang two solos, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Wm. Whit- ' ney. Luncheon was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Margaret , Bird, to sixteen members. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finley re-. re-. turned home Saturday from liazel- ton, Idaho, where they have been : visiting for the past two months. The Woman's society met Thursday Thurs-day at the home of Mrs. W. L (irooms. Mrs. 1. B. Welch assisted assist-ed the hostess. Mrs. Feter Forsythe For-sythe gave a paper on ''The Chinese Chi-nese Girls of San Francisco. Mrs. A. E. Blanchard gave a paper on "Medical Work in China." Light luncheon was served to the members mem-bers and one guest. Mrs. Joe Vane of Salt Lake City. Mrs. IX B. Welch was presented with a birthday birth-day gift by the members. The members of the Home Cul-fure Cul-fure club were the guests Friday of Mrs. Bhoda (Pougall. There was a musical program featuring the compositions of American composers. compos-ers. C. (J. Salisbury gave a paper on rhe life of Carrie .lai-ohs Bond. Miss Tess Ilines gave musical numbers num-bers from MacPowell. Miss Catherine Cath-erine Ioilgnll rendered solos written writ-ten by American composers. I'iano Selections were given Ny Miss Al-aada Al-aada Wilmot. Kcfreshmcnts were served by the hostess, assisted bv Miss Catherine I'ougall. i Mrs. Hardy Averett. assisted bv Mrs. Tims. Averett. Mrs. Wm. CbtJds and Mis. Norris Averett. entertained en-tertained .'it a Miower for Mrs. .nlm l'auii.k's three-weeks-old twin girls. Lunraenu was served to tiie 1'eHow-itu: 1'eHow-itu: :.l .'. llitius Averett. -Mrs. "..eu Hall. Mrs. Fran!; Aver, it. Mrs Jay Averett, Mrs. Sol Clyde, Mrs. rptou Clicrrington, Mrs. Lim-Ini'k Lim-Ini'k Cliilds, .Mrs. .Norris Johnson. |