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Show DAUGHTERS OF PIONEERS MEET The Aaron Johnson camp of the Daughters of the Pioneers met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harriet Har-riet McDougall of Springville. President Eliza Thorn presided. A talk on the life of William Henry Kesley, pioneer truck gardener, gar-dener, was given by his grandson, Mr. Blaine -Kolsoy. Mr. William j Henry Kesley was born in Dover, ; Kent, England, November 30, 1SM0. Personal reminiscences of tbe life of Mr. Kelsey were given by a number num-ber of the pioneers present. Song, "Jingle Bells" was given by Master Mac Dougall, a great-grandson great-grandson of Mr. elsey. A brief history of Mr. Kelsey's wife, Harriet Iluggett Kelsey, was given by her granddaughter, Mrs. Harriet Dougall. At the close of the program the matter of raising funds to assist I in erecting a monument to Spring- ville boys who lost their lives in the world war was discussed. It was decided to give an old-fashioned dance for that purpose. Benediction Benedic-tion was offered by Mrs. Pheobe Singleton, after which a very nice lunch was served ot the 33 members present. Those assisting Mrs. Dougall Dou-gall as hostess were Mesdames Colena Kelsev, Ellen K. Wheeler I and Ithoda Hatfield. |