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Show WANT ADS FOR KENT House nicely fur- ishpd for S20. Inquire at tue I Springville Herald offk-e, phone 120. j FOU SALE Modern ImnguLow, cor. 2nd V. and Center St. J. W. j .Groesbeck. Phone 12S-W. GRAIN DRILLED G rover Clyde will drill your grain, peas or alfalfa al-falfa seed. Residence east of Springville Canning factory. M-G LOST Hose for gas truck. Call S40. Reward. A.-11 FOR SETTING rnro blood Black ; Minorca eggs. "V. A. Firmage. j Phone 57-W. FOR SALE Good bicycle, newly painted, $10. A. Oakley. Phone 121-.I. A-10 WANTED To by some young hens, also bees. "Write to W. L. Pearson, Pear-son, Payson, Box 241. A-17 . Don't Get -Stung I When a salesman offers to "let you in on the ground.; a 1 floor" and presents you a real chance to double your; j I money in a few short months" bring him to any of our i officers. I Let one of them ask him a few questions FOR YOU. In ? this Avay you can be sure that you are buying securities' , and not experience. 4 "..) Each year hundreds of millions are lost through fake V investments. We want to protect the people of our I community from this danger and will gladly help I them investigate any proposition submitted them. There is no obligation. Springville Banking Company ; , c Hill Snappy Styles for Young Men Ilsrc ia the new popular snap brim model and we are featuring featur-ing this hat in the very latest shades. Come in today and let us show you the best looking young man's hat in the city. The prices are attractive, too. Reynolds Clothing Co The Style Shop Springville, Utah FOR SALE Three building lots. inquire R. W. Robinson, third house west of high school, A-10 FOR RENT Rooms for lijjht housekeeping. house-keeping. F. II. Celventra. Phone 72-.T. WANTED Will deviler 2 yards of screened grayel for $2. Guarantee Guaran-tee gravel to le fine enough for four inch walls. Delivered any where In the city limits. Dennis Palfreyinan, Phone 108-W-2. FOR SAL E Toting registered Shorthorn bulls. J. T. Phillips, Hobble Creek cr.yoii. A-10 DRESS MAKING Expert dressmaking dress-making done at reasonable prices. Mrs. G. T. Nelson, 1st. E. and 4th S. WANTED Work, girl 18 years old. Address Springville Box 47G. VproU-s thcxaSliG, : ; UK. GLENN G. NEIL Physician and Surgeon Office at Springville Bank Building OFFICE HOUP.S 10 to 12 a. m. 3 to 5 p.m. Office Phone E3-W. Res. 53-J. |