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Show flE PROGRAM OUTLINED ; FOR SEMINARY GRADUATING CLASS EXERCISES SUNDAY members of the Pioneer pi'iul-1 pi'iul-1 1 class of the Koloh stake scm-U"ivill scm-U"ivill conduct tl.oir .urartuat in:,' j,,., in the SpriiiKVillo hi:,'h t V nuili'1"''""1 Sunday ovcnini;. I' V, at 7:31' oYloek. ncoordini,' "'.'.micenientof William T. Tew, . . irinc-ipul- dnin S. nonnion, supcrm-i supcrm-i 1'nt of ehureh schools, will ad-' ad-' L tho L'l-ndunti'S, and the proscn-,Vn proscn-,Vn nf certificates will ho made evident (J. H. Maycock. Prin-iTi'W Prin-iTi'W "ill present tho ftraduales. i .,,'ciiili(l prosram has heon ur-fur ur-fur tho oceasion, and it is ,,,",1 tlnt a s-'o.id reiiresentation of K(J"ii l!lk0 "m bc i"'l's:,:,lt- . " v.Jl.rtviiii.' is 11"' proiirani in fnll : '. rr.fsiiMial : vocal scloclion. minrli't : invocation, liix -,,. welcome address, Leo Felix ; W'li Need of Hcligions Kducillion U: I'" s,h"01 s,u,,u-"r lowanl A. Bird; violin and cello pft Wililn and Ormon Weight: fal'iiiilJc Lessons of Life I Have Mined in My Seminary Work," Meniienhall : vocal scloclion. j.b School quartet: valedictory. 'jdn-K Bessie Weight: trombone tl o.r'net duet, Kalph Weight, and fillhiiii Parry; address to gradn-L gradn-L llr. Adam S. P.ennion, superiu-Li'.nt superiu-Li'.nt chtirch schools: vocal selec-Cn. selec-Cn. Peerless (piartet: presentation irucliinles. William T. Tow. Jr.. Lfipnl: presentation of ccrtl'i- . lies, (!. It- Maycock; benediction, ' trie Child. |