Show city and county jottings cottings Jot tings VOTE the republican ticket THE best meals served in ID provo city none excepted for 25 acts commercial hotel you call on your best beat girl pet get the best cau candies clies choca chocolates lates carmels carmela etc at the excelsior drug paint co mayou holbrook will speak at the opera house bouse on monday night TETTER eczema and all similar skin troubles are cured by the use 0 of I 1 ie de witts witta witch hazel salve it soothes bt at once and restores the abe tissues to their natural condition and never fails to cure care piles smoot Diug Company gao E is 13 paying the highest market prices for all kinds of neb flab and game IT will pay etu students denter to eat their groceries from geo E howe prompt delivery and attention to orders prosperity will surely follow M me c Kin leys election occidental main st provos first ulass class abon sa oon t ALY AIA kinds of produce wanted in exchange for woolen goods PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO hoi HO I 1 SAY flail I 1 when you ton want ice wait for the blue wagon are requested to keep away and gentlemen to call at the occidental wilson props t si at the opera house bouse tonight FOB foa SALE A two horse upright engine second hand apply at enquirer office A good watch or clock is is a very fal thing everybody can afford to have one now as they are so eo very rauch much cheaper than ever before J beck back the provo jeweler las a fine stock of cf all the newest designs very cheap also a very lovely acock of rings long and all of the latest up tip to date goods foods if you want your eyes eves fitted with glasses or your watch fixed come and see me do you yon want powers for ta U S senator if you yon do vote for owen smoot and andai A J evans who will certainly support powers posers dr 0 B snyder has procured the among ons graham method of extracting teeth without pain it is 13 perfect ally to young and old and he can guarantee to extract boeth without pain or money will be refunded 11 t t FAMILY washing 5 cents per pound at the troy steam laundry of provo t f republican rally at the opera house monday night hon geo M cannon will address the people on national issues SPEED and safety are the watchwords of the age one minute cocab cure acts speedily safely and never fails asthma bronchitis coughs and colds are cured by it smoot drug company uso E HOWE makes a specialty of all kinds of fishing tackle FOR SCHOOL USE BUY BITILE BATTLE AX SHOES AT mccoard BROS candland stopped oyer over in provo today hone home to yote vote for mckinley he is traveling miles to cast nig his ballot for protection made suits at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO A CARLOAD of stoves and steel ranges just arrived for gates catesr sr furniture urn iture co i i A FULL line of pure wines and liquors at smoot drug co the only licensed drug dreg house housa in provo t VOTE for the republican ticket if YOU yon would haya have prosperity succeed democratic depression and bard times if your children chil dien are subject to croup watch for the first symptom of the disease hoarseness if chamberlains cough remedy is 13 given as soon as the child becomes hoarse it will prevent the attack even after the croup couch has appeared the attack can always ba prevented by giving this remedy it is also invaluable for colds and whooping cough for foe sale by smoot drug co VOTERS what do you voa now think of the position of the leading church authorities as to the democrat ia presidential ident ial nominees DE witts witch hazel salvo is an antiseptic soothing and healing application for burns scalds cuts bruises braise etc and cures viles like magic it instantly stops paio pain smoot drug company 8 PATERSON the tailor is 13 making up suns suil s to order from 13 and up pants 23 3 and up suits alt ato 0 maae up from s own material very cheap he keeps on hand the latest designs of samples sath ples for so i bic p both hotZ hoade aade made and im to select from all work and fit H guara nead workshops up stairs two iorg nor north h of national bank corner corne provo prova utah of the th opera house on election night for abe receiving of the election returns from all over the stats state and nation will be a convenience for forthe the citizens of provo especially the lady citizens tho the building will be comfor ably heated and no smoking brooking or will there drepau thee being three hours hour dif difference feece time between here and the far eastern cities means that 9 here will be midnight there by 9 pm p ma gool good idea of how bow the country is going can be ba obtained and 10 p m will pretty well settle it come came out and aid pay your dime for the latest news from ai al over the country the admission tea fee is si i ply to lo kiy incidental expenses go and laugh langh at I 1 IS oi perkins perking J D mccarty is over from manning with a petition petti ion from the citizens of that place placa for a school district it will ba I 1 submitted to christeneen today and to the county board next session bession div tur TUB celebrated Merri SeId piano is ia now eold by the gates GateB furniture cot cof buya BEY Asand v and McKinl McKin nley luley will speak to the people of provo on any date between no now and nov 3rd ard through the phonograph at C E Osier Oster loha lahs parlor next door fc r to U P express office ladies are invited to come in mornine and afternoon to hear bear the of free silver and protection F W wil and the sixth vial of wrath will be bei subject abject at the baptist church sunday evening at J 0 andrews pastor aror william fogelberg the renowned violin teacher has removed to provo we regret loehoe this talented gentleman very much and recommend him to the people of utah county as a musician of rare ability ab lity logan jour nal MANY lives of usefulness have been cut cat short abort by neglect to break up an ordinary dinar y cold pneumonia bronchitis and even consumption can be averted by the prompt use of one minute cough cure smoot drug company A MARRIAGE MARBiA aK license has teen leaned to john hansen aid aged 25 and mrs rose hansen agad 23 both bath ot of provo the couple were divorced about seven beven months ao bishop remarried the couple ED wadley of peasant grove last evening was in the city showing three bears which he be had bad killed in the north fork oi of provo canyon mr wadley also killed a mammoth male bear which wh ich he left at pleasant grove fon FOE STALE fine large sugar bests at per par ton just the kird kind of leed feed for cows inquire of andrew knudsem Knud sea corner of I 1 and third streets THE good luck steel range Is ie considered the finest range now on the market you will find it at the gates furniture store t f VOTERS be wise and prudent think what misery to the american people the last four years vears of democratic rule has wrought do you want another four years of such buch rule if not vote the republican ticket A hacking cough is not only annoying to others but is dangerous to the person who has it one minute cough cure care will put an end to it smoot drug company THE ane bi perkins hayseed band captured provo this morning the bays gathered at the bank corner from all directions in odd costumes and their music there blended into a harmonious w whole that created preat great en thusia sm ern among the crowd THE democrats of cf provo engineered a very pretty flag parade this in morning orning compared compa comp ased aed of about two hundred chil dren carrying flags the gillman band led tle the procession which march P ed d and counter marched on nn center and J streets MA MANY ay iy voi political speakers clergymen singers and others who nse the voice exclusively rely upon one minute cough cure to prevent bus lustiness kiness and laryngitis its value as a preventive is ia only equaled bv it power to afford in stannous stane ous relief smoot drug company roxie white has filed euit enit of divorce against HG H G white on the grounds of desertion the rhe plaintiff asks for 40 alimony her maiden name and the care of six eix minor children the couple inter married at salt lake in 1833 D D houtz is the attorney for plaintiff I 1 si perkins Per feins engagement at the lyceum theater closes tonight there will be a matinee performance in the afternoon rhe piece ani and the company were a big success with the visitors to the festival it is a rural production and has several novelties in that rae line denver republican publican Ee sunday oct 11 2896 THEY are so little yon ton hardly know you are taking them they cause no stripping yet they act quickly and most thoroughly thoron ehly such are the famous little known as de witts witta little early risers small in size great in results smoot drug co miss barbar jarman an employee in the provo woollen mills met with a very painful accident about 1130 this morning she was going up to the spinning room on the tha elevator when her foot caught between the floor and elevator badly crushing all the tha toes of the left toot and breaking two ot theet the atin was so great that the lady fainted when her foot was extracted dr pike wait waa summoned summon sd and it was found that the injured member was vas so badly swollen that the broken toes could not be set tor about twenty ly lour hours miss jarman is suffering great pain |