Show provo prove city market Marf cei dried fruits 2 to 3 wheat per bu new oats wa hay alfalfa per ton 4 to hay wild per ton to 6 hay timothy per ton 6 potatoes potato sa s a at stores tomatoes per bushel 40 beans white per par bu to alfalfa seed per lb ib ac beef steers live per lb ib wi to ac best cows live per lb ib 2 to ac veal prime zer ter lb ib dressed ac pork rk per lb ib am to ggs per doz batter utter per par lb ib 12 1231 to honey oney choice comb ato 9 to 10 10 honey bonev extracted canned am to ac cheese prime 9 aj to mutton per lb ib 5 tv 6 chickens Chic keas old lb ib live weight ac chickens per doz siso trout per lb ib 15 black bass 10 feachen Fe achs aches per bushel to 1 pears Pe arB to apples soto a |