Show TO AN S SHERIFFS order of sal maln to me directed by bv the district court in and tor for the fourth judi judicial c ial dis tr lr ct utah coun y state of utah I 1 shall expose at public blie sale at tho front from door af tee county aart court house houde in the cay of trova county of utah and state of utah on the ath day of nov 1886 at ovo K M the f howing described real estate to wit com commencing I 1 mancing 1 1 chains esst of the center of ose osecion s e elon clon fifteen town towns abio biD s ax x south ot 01 range two e east gt salt sail late lae meridian so south Lich th ahlich ins thence west 1333 aj chains chain a thence U north 1254 chains thence east igims chains to the place of beginning area acres also commencing at the southwest coer of th northeast quarter of section twenty two township cdx south of r two cast salt ladd nit milid aidan an thence nonh twenty rods thence east 72 rods thence siruth twenty rods roda i hence 72 rods to place of 01 bean ning atea aea 9 IGO acres also commencing i chains chabris south and 15 chains eastok east 01 the nor ewest corn corner of the south hat haf ot the norm normeasy east quarter ot of section utown 22 township 6 c south couth of range 2 tast bast sail it lae lae meridian aa gence thence south 10 chaws thence th nce east 3 chains hence north 10 0 ams thence w st at 3 1 chams am to i of beginning begia ning A rea 3 acres 51 situate in n the county 0 stazi state of utah to te a suh u 11 as th property of james uuna jamesf james P duhm co partners doin doing g business under the firm name of du n a d co company P harrieta harriet A dunn duna james dann 01 clarit ol r jerf eldi edge and company a corporation peter heter stubbs trustee A ford ass asa agnee for the benefit of creditors f buna and mcany mp any F kuetbach Au eibach and samuel cop co p doing business unde the alm name olani r b e eh hand and brother 11 E gibso n ani CA C A e co doing boio abu baines bs sines ines under ua toe firm name of gideon gibson and 6 eimu mu th walte G orue lual daame P nelson remington Kern ington johnson johndon a corporation drat IN saw t bank ot ol provo proto a corporation D P kellogg keg kodney D swasey george daum koble N ba wood and company a corpo corporation a n and the probate judge dge or ol utah co county pato defendants fend ants I 1 ati at the suit ol 01 aloas operative cooperative co melcan a corporation plaint Cs zerma tenna of sale eale cash datel dated oct 13 joada JOHS A BROWN sheriff by thomas fowler D deputy e p It Ichards richards lUc harda attorneys for 1 plaintiff 1 |