Show z ONS IN tug THE COURT OF su SUMMONS t the fourth judicial district of the otate ol of utah uth couty james cb aman plaintiff vs J B boshard jane B t Bs B bard daniel P F kellogg kellog AA A A h oon G jon a S a jones amos D holdaway J ames E daniels jr beorse aa n e id leed timoor and benjam n lc kman j a a a or of the estate of benjar ala mla a ria I 1 etiman tta ia c hman dt deceased ceased omaha hardware oa provo cu lust gutlon a corporation coro curo oration W u I 1 al boive xander or josel hobbs swea saen freed james A adones jones johnson hao S N oisen isen nets pearson john jones C H dahlquist alquist N X M H joh sou son benjamin bachman jr J F gates e probert ert rt L hda H 1 brook reter peter tut a it ff dodd or company a corporation nation al can bank of commerce Vom merce a corpo corporation radon the ibe if 13 company a corporation first national tiann cr ct proy pro y i a corporation william ackley Huc kley and K H D wasey swasey and H S AJ martin artin partners as aa swasey defendants ane state of uta atau a send irrett ing tol 11 Bosti boshard ard jine jane E bombard bo Bos bard daniel P kellogy KeHo gir A A noun noon joh job G Jn junes esS S a jones amos D holdaway james E dani danil l jr geoge sutherland reed aeed f and beep benjamin in baca man manar J r as aa administrate adminis trat rs of tle the estate of kac timan deceased omaha marl hard wa company a corporation provo cooper co oper 0 active institution a corporal I 1 hii W D alxander jose hooi outs s dwen freed james a A jones I 1 ho auen e ja J a jonae jonseen Jon sEon onha td t d how man inan S ai N ulson n nels ee fearson arson john joas joa s C H dahlquist mst N at joanson Job naon benjamin raca manir J F gates william L I 1 Holbro ok lc peter K R H doddo ama aricer copy co cou py pacy a corporation caro coro oration national bank of commerce a orpo rati n the 11 B chaffin company a corporation F frit frat rit nation all taik of a cor raio william Vi lUani nuckley buckley and R D swasey lad and na H M tin par ners nera as awa ey blar martin tn defendants you are hereby required to appear in an action brought against you by y tho me named plaintiff in the district court of the fou afi judicial district of the state of diahann Dia hand to answer ano complaint filed tt therein Lerein witt iii n ten days exclusive of the day dar of service after the demce on you of this thia bum mons lf if served within thia county or if served out of this county but bet tn in uns district within twenty glays days mw otherwise within forty dav dais a or judgment by default wui te oe taken you accod ding to prayer ot of this com plainly th said action Is to recover of do de find in n 8 J K U boshard and jane B E bo ehard ati rd the sum eum of 1 1 with interest thereon from z llarch 4 i 1895 at one per cent per ninth alleged to be due on a certain prom a sory wae rote mide ex cut buted ed a and nd dell ve re d b bt V saw defendants to pla naiff P F breary 4 issa reb they to pay par to plaint V tr n e year afier date the aid sum shin of 8 with wita inhere t v a aforesaid also aiso the thea bum of 1193 65 with legal interest thereon frem fre m september 2 IK alleged to have been paid aa taxes on the mong axed premise herenze here n referred to al 0 o to abt in a decree of this court that a certain mor gag gam dese albed in said complaint and e executed by ane sald said defendants K H boshard aud janee jaue Z Is abard kle brua elemn 1693 to secure the payment oatha no note t herein describe aes abe be krecl eed bed that the p edises conveyed bv said mortgage be sold eold that the proceeds of faid eale be applied to the payment of said eald ante moneys expended ex ended and interest and in ose 0 such hinsum emt to pay the wm mm then to bt ln a judgment against said defendants J IL BJ bif I 1 k shard and jane a boband ilo Bo bard for such ck 0 that the purchaser ul tat said sale be let ler into the posse possession slon of said property that the tha defendants fend ants and all arsow persons rial ming ng byth by auh or under udder them i e aar ar ed and rase foreclosed of all right titled tite c lim aim it ii n 0 equity of re em emotion p in the add s ild mortgaged premises and f for r such lucli other and murthe relief as may be meet and e said bald premises pre misia mists ore am dc described so bed asto lOws wasi bi blocha ia plat fiat B provo cli survey androu and you ara am hereby notified no tilled that if you yoa fan fall to appear and answer me U sald said com compaine paInt as above required the eaid plain tier will apply to the court for iio re ier demanda deman dd d la in tue tae con com plaint aid adfor for costs casts of this suit suii witness an the 0 ron boa AC C hatch and the saal 1 I 1 the magnat court of th tha district distinct in aud for idzal tha clanty of utah state of utah this jbf day of sept ta of our lord one ODO thoU thousand sAad eight hundred and ninety aix air Z 1 jobea clark charles for la 01 11 W |