Show TO A COLD IN 1 ONE OM DAY DAF take laxative bromo quinide tablets alt ali druggists refund the money it it fails fail s to curts cure the true hennedy Keni Hen etly iedy W WM 21 repine editor ill III chief davs we wont keep housa without dr kings new discovery for curbs and colds experimented per i dented with anany orbr ra but never ot the remedy until we und dr kings new discovery no other remedy can take its place in our home as in it we have a certain and eu sure cure for coughs Cc nghe colds couge boneh etc ii liia is idle to experiment with other remedies oven it il chev are on you yon as just jast as good as dr kings new discovery they are not as good because fabii remedy has haa a record of cures anabe and ba sides ei dea is ia guaranteed it never asila to kiefl B trial bottles free at ai amot druz diva co DISEASES OP THE SKIN the intense itching and smarting incident to ta eczema totter cettei salt balt jhc uman and lother other diseases of the skin is instantly alla allayed by appi applying fing chamberlains eye an and sl alda n ointment many inmany very bad cases have been permanently cured by it it is ia equally efficient for itching itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples cipres chapped hands hand chilblains frost bites and chronic sore eyes for sale by druggists at 25 cents centa per box cadys cades condition powders they aregust what a horse needs when in bad co condition tonic blood purifier and fuge for side sale uy v smoot sinott druz arn co ca OS ca gOTA C X L nh IS f fat tu r y far Is va 11 y 73 tny CT t 37 um free pills send your address to H E bucklen co chicago and pet get a free sample box bos of ir dr kings new kew life pills A trial will convince you yon of their merits these pills pilla are easy in action and aro are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache for malaria and liver troubles they have been proved invaluable they are guaranteed to be perfectly free from eve every ry deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable they do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to stomach rud and bowels invigorate the system regular size per box sold by smoot drug co 4 nil gladness comes baith iab a better understanding of the transient nature of the many physical ris ills which vanish before P proper r efforts f gentle efforts Pl pleasant easte efforts OAS rightly directed there is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of ric Ei ekness kness are not due to any actual disease but simply to a const constipated condition of the system which the pleasant family famay laxative syrup of figs promptly ampt removes that is why it is is C the only only remedy irith ath millions ins 0 families and is everywhere every este esteemed rained so highly b by Z all U 1 who alue good health lt its bene beneficial cla 1 effects are due to the fact that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts it is th therefore afo au all important in order to get its bene beene faz fiaai lu effects to note when you purchase that you have tho genuine article which is manufactured turi ed by the california fig syrup co only and sold by sll reputable druggists if in the enjoyment of good health and tb the e system is regular L laxatives atiles or other remedies are then not needed if afflicted with any actual disease one may bo be commended to the skillful physicians but if in nee need d of a laxative on one should hold have the best and with tho a syrup of and is mos t barzely the Darling darlington ten wis V ie journal says editorially ot 01 a popular patent medicine cm e we k ow from experience that G C camberlain lamber kamb erlain laia colic cholera and diarrhoea remeda is all that is claimed for it as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved us ua from an un untimely imely grave we would not rest easy eary over night without it in ia he house this remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering than any chor ocr indimine tn in dicine in iii the world every family should keep it in the b hous us 4 for it is ia sure sura to ta be ba needed fooner cooner ol 01 ol 01 later for sale by smoot druz drug co highest of all a in leavening power latest US goat report agn puce J alaria disarmed of fits its terrors malaria that fell is disarmed of its terrors ferrora ter rora and h health insured to thousands residing where the noxious exhalation per periodically infects the air and engenders intermittent and remittent fevers by hostet stomach bitters Bi itera the tha most popular as it is the best of preventives al tera tives and tonics in numberless localities where the demand of sulphate 0 of quinine quin line was formerly immense the hurtful alkaloid alka oid has been a most entirely eup panted by this his safe popular and effective substitute which is prompt in i action and unobjectionable un objection able it nullifies tho the influence of miasma by i giving a more active impulse to eap evary F 1 y vital function quickening and enriching the blood overcoming a tendency to bilion biliousness eness and promoting digestion dices tiou if troubled clead this ATOA poin md apr aar 16 1894 1 I bave faed chamberlains pain balm for rheumatism and found it to be all that is 19 claimed for it I 1 believe it to be ba the best beat Drep preparation for rheumatism and deep seated muscular pains on the market rua and cheerfully recommend it to the public JNO G Baco bacosa dealer in boots shoes etc no IS main st ALSO READ THIS st mary chanly coun ty md I 1 eold a bottle of chamberlains pain bilm bam to a man who bad been buffering erlric with rheumatism for several years it made him a welt veil man A J mcgill for sale at 50 cents per bottle by smoot drag co cxoe r reola S 25 cases 0 of mena laddis and childrens sho shoes ca ordered by us were wrecked on the railway the cases and cartoons have been broken but bat the shoes are as good as new we wa secured them at greatly reduced sand while stock is first class we have no cartoons for them and have decided to clos the entire lot out at below cost at factory sale berins begins monday october 26 and conti continues num for one week none will be sold until monday morning at 8 no goods exchanged sale spot cash first coose come has first choice ladies and childrens shoes on sale r at conr dry goods store mens and boys shoes on sale at our clothing store I 1 MENS SHOES AND BOOTS BOODS 11 pair mena lenla heavy kip bows boots s tanda stand i ard screwed acrea ed half double sole sola siz si za 3 69 6 9 worth 2 at 1 30 30 12 pair boys heavy kip same earne as above size 15 1 5 worth 75 at alio 1 1 0 12 vair pair yu luths sams same as aa above s size ize 1113 11 13 worth at 81 1 1 12 pair mens heavy kip boots stand aland ec tap tao sole si aza 1 ze 68 6 8 worth I 1 2 25 5 at 6 pair mens buckle shoes tap sole extra heavy and good wearers bearers wear ers worth 25 at 7 pair mens oil grain buckle shoes tap sole eole siz 69 6 9 worth at 7 1 pair heavy oil grain elastic mchoes s z as 6 8 worth 81 1 75 at 12 p pair al r boys oil grain buckle shoes size 25 2 5 worth at 12 pair heavy grain hook lace lacerais bala BaIs standard screw ani and riveted size eiza 25 2 5 worth at 12 pair Y buths sams as above only size eias 11 2 worth at 8 pair B ys calf bals bala needle toe ax 26 25 worth 2 25 at 10 par boys oolf calf bala razor toe elze eize aj 5 w rth at 6 5 pair feua needle toe roe calf bals bala worth 2 75 at 11 pair mens mans satin sain oil bala pointed toe worth 2 50 at 1 40 12 pair boys boya oil grain cap too toe bals 21 5 worth 2 at 11 baar booths oil grain cap too toe baas baa aiza 12 2 worth at CHILDRENS SHOES 24 21 pair Chil childress Children dreas 8 heavy grain button shoes standard screw heel size 82 ax 2 bori worth 1 40 at 90 21 pair misses kang calf size 12 2 worth 81 0 at 11 pair childs kanz kang calf patent tip spring shoes worth at 90 9 pair misses kaur Kanc calf patent tipp tip size worth at 1 20 11 pair childs dall dail ding patent tip size eize 8 12 worth 1 35 at 90 11 pair misses 1 I asses dull dong don patent tip size 12 2 worth 1759 at 1 20 21 par childs grain button shoes size eize 5 8 worth 1 00 at 60 9 pair childs done sprine heel baton shoes size 68 58 6 5 8 worth 90 at 65 58 pair infants infanta kid shoes worth 35 at 19 LADIES SHOES 8 pair ladies grain shieu worth LA at 8 85 16 pair cair la ladies dies kid shoes worth at 81 25 11 vait pair ladles kid shoes worth at 15 pair lakies black oxford tier tiep worth at 1 aop bi bazz jek ak r provo city Mar malliet liet dried fruits 2 to af wheat per bunow bu now oats hay flay vl alfalfa a lf a per ton 4 to hay wild d p per ar ton to 6 hay timothy per ton 8 6 potatoes at stores loc tomatoes per bushel 40 beans white per bu to alfalfa seed per lb rc beef steers live per ib 2 to beef cows live per par ib 2 to ac veal prime zer ler ib dressed ac pork per ib ay 4 to ax 4 eggs ggs per doz butter batter per ib to honey choice comb 9 to 10 honey extracted canned am 4 to ac cheese prime 9 to mutton per lb ib 5 aj tv 0 chickens old lb ib live weight ac spring chickens per doz per ib black bass loc fe teaches aches per bushel 75 itol to 1 pears fears to 1 apples 80 soto to MAST MANY political speakers clergymen singers and others who ute nee the voice exclusively rely upon one minute cough cure to prevent busl bus kiness and laryngitis its value as aa a preventive is only oaly equaled by bv it power to afford in eta neona relief smoot drug company efat ant W CA 1 am 0 am tor for infants and children ay W aalst yi ir i 1 1 to a aguf ja 17 7 of ct 0 TO Badge sand buttons finest line of bryan and sewall and mckinley ic mckinley McKin Kinley lev and hobart campaign buttons and songs for sale by ley lej I 1 and graham at bids wanted office of secretary ary of state salt L lilie like ilie city utah out 22 notice is hereby eiven that bid aiji will be received at I 1 the of secretary secre of stats state io in salt like city until 2 0 in of the day of Novem november novembers berA A D 1696 1896 for the printing and binding of 0 copies of ct the atie report of 0 the cod amisson of the state of utah the pages c of the same to be printe 7 by W in open lines with the lines of each section numbered consecutively the size of type and quality of laperto peper to be in accordance with sample earn pis on file in this office all bids bida to be basca upon the rate per page the printing and press work will be done for including material and the rate per volume the binding will ba done for all of eaid copies to bs ba bound in ic paper and delivered at this office on or before the bilth day of january 1897 each bid must bs be accompanied by a certified check equal to 0 o 10 percent per cant of the amount of the bid to be held on condition that upon the award of said eaid contract to him the bidder will falth fully and promptly execute a good and sufficient bond payable to the state with two sureties Baret iea to be approved uy oy tte tle board of examiners conditioned that he be will trint bind end deliver the said report in accordance with his bis bid jamea T HAMMOND secretary of stefe state I 1 and ex officio see sec of the stats state board of examiners n 13 DR BR G 3 ONION arrup b by FOR FOK COUGHS COLDS AIND AD CROUP best rem 90 f for condren rl piama t to tate take md d no daxer 1 ia m sold 1 a bartla ileda by da M Z MD 1 i r M co a M P sold by excelsior droe paint co TL is t t r LIVID h buot pen A 1 W 1 7 U 1 ete Z h special special finish in elastic r 4 C U 0 UL te for skirts sleeves collars cuffs and all uses for which a first class inter interlining bining is wa wanted t d for sale exclusively in this city at 9 call and examine once used always used yours for the best ANDREW EGGERTSEN mgr 9 JULIUS JENSEN aga abt 11 tf and jeweler hi veler clr DEALER vc in iha WATCHES y JEWELRY 7 AND AU ALL or L 0 v Y 1 0 ID rail cao 0 acts excelsior drug store ITC centre centra st bt SILVER WARES ac provo city 1 oil I 1 I 1 mam the following goods will be given away sep K ae n ber 30 1896 one ton coal one western washer 3 75 one box soap bars 3 25 1 00 pound patent flour one keg pickles 85 one keg syrup 1 25 one ham 1 50 ten lbs breakfast bacon 1 25 buy es 85 cents worth of goods and secure r a ticket P P C st AL zal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN doors dom windows lath shingles paints faints Builders Build 1 hardware and the most complete line of lamber south of salt lake city MILL AULL WORK A SPECIALTY office and yard opposite R E R depot P 0 rau v u CITY wl I 1 box telephone no 20 f agn clues 0 V kic ki OF rami C A 0 0 Is here see them 1 he m they are the nic nicest st in town V IF a A JK B b i e s boats n d U nn t s aba im cheap al ami stylish |