Show S B K KING THOMAS KING J OHN JOHN attorneys at law geasey block UTAH PROVO j w fi ATTORNEY AT LAW rooms 11 and 12 corn and savings bank building PROW PROVO CITY UTA UTAH H fire insurance J MARWICK abt represents continental of new york norwich union of london northern of london underwriters Underwrite ra national life ol of yermont vermont ban kers lila life of des moines office at swasey martins bank prow provo giar utah DEN DENTIST C V Bottomley eu Ew over ove r farrer bros co cd store provo city utah foica hours 9 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p in A mc mccurtain McCur Curl fain diu MD PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON office dofice palace block residence 2 blocks esat bank corner Resia euce ephone telephone rel no 45 office so no 28 PROVO UTAH CRA CHAS damus Y attorney attorneys ff ac law ao boom 15 bank building bonding centre st PROVO ciry 01 ry UTAH S 11 ALLEN cluty u surgeon B H G W way TELEPHONE NO 50 office at residence smoot brick house 1 block east of la tabernacle bernacle PROVO CITY UTAH CANCER Is now being treated under the DR JOHN RIGGS SYSTEM BY MELISSA RIGGS STEWART A licensed non graduate B R 2 si Z L JONES knowlden jones general fire and life INSURANCE P 0 BOX 11 PROVO MUM E ATTORNEY AT UW law collection agency office bank building PAYSON CITY UTAH D D HOUTZ ATTORNEY AT LAW booms 1 4 and 5 reed beed block UTAH 1 I 2 BOOTH A L BOOTH AT law 2 23 3 N X J street provo city WEDGWOOD ATTORNEYS IT AT LAW bank building PROVO CITY UTAH M M WARNER LAWYER rooms 13 1314 14 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH D R W E GILLMAN 9 dentist office and residence center S st two doors doers east of mill race painless ess dentistry a specialty by the celebrated Odon method SAMUEL A KING AT LAW rooms 5 and 7 bank bulldis building g PROVO CITY UTAH 3 commission COMPANY kansas city ma stock yards i rapa CAME MONEY LOANED ah A SAus vEW 0 IS L wy sass yo skol lat L 6 S anal THE FACSIMILE FAC SIMILE A vegetable W ege table SIGNATURE dilating liing d ft ot OP OF promotes 1 P ness and neif 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exchange drawn on new york chicago Chic aeo san francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards zions savings bank and trust company salt sail lake city utah pays five per cent interest ver per annum on any deposits you mase make write for prest cashier AmBri Call I 1 agerty for tran C CAVEATS TRADE MARKS r DESIGN PATENTS COPY copyrights etau etca for information Inform allon and free handbook writa to V a CO BROADWAY YO oldest bureau for securing patents la in america fiery patent t t taken ke oot t brug by us la bj brought before f toe the bumby by a W acudo g c m G alten 1 ten feea a of chaisa b to too rj 1 andrall of any scientific pap in n the world L illustrated no iio antt ut aagut should be without it weekly mo sa 00 a aw addax A lars masys co 00 arr I 1 6 1 liew caveats eau maas obtained and d all 0 pst for RATE FEES i UR gg U G 0 i w we e can ca n s secure cecur 0 F client 3 L t C nt la in le less W use ta 0 diceo efrim washingto q ia seu seul l ocel drici s or aboto wit ces celcis ciS ason anve tt e bevise if t or not free a lug out our ire it due till t II 11 daLec is se cureo i A bave 3 obtain Pa teals wai wi n vs t t U usma P lal idt f t 4 i y WS W S NOTICE dr J N christensen Chris tenseD hat hai tny continuous contin nona practice the well known dentist and resident of provo will give the people the he benefit of the best irti geal teeth in the world made exclusively by him at REDUCED PRICES also grown crown and bridge work at the lowest prices in the market also gold and amalgam fillings Fil linga the crown and bridge worl work are warranted to ta be the neatest cheapest and best in the market every piece of work not done accord ine to agreement the money will be ref refunded teeth extracted every saturday from 9 a in to 12 rn rn uia I 1 from I 1 to 5 p m FREE OF CHARGE to the poor office oyer over pyne maiben 0 drug drog store aej AN AND D BOOKS make up our stock good books are cheap now and a whole abole library of interesting te volumes in in popular and standard literature history biography travel science fiction art and poetry will be found on our shelves you must come to see everything in tho the world of magazines reviews quarterlies and the valuable weekly publications eions i in every department A glance t at our presentation shows you what there is to read and how much you have missed if you come herie here to see such as Mun cosmopolitan century Ceu tury ladies home journal judge puck fashion books etc provo book ad 00 PROVO OTAH MINERS outfitting outwitting OUT FITTING DEPT headquarters FOR FOB all AJI kinds of miners hiners supplies W giant powder caps and fuse fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 box 1166 SALT LAKE CITY caveat SACE MARK copyrights CAY CAN I 1 OBTAIN A PATENT for a prompt an anwer aner er and an bonet banest opinion writs write tt 51 A CO W who have ve hid bad nearly bearly fitly clity years tears expert experience in t the ag patent t t bassinets basinets bl basi icso nets lions confidential A handbook of in formation concemi tur and bow to ob ab tain teem se ree 41 uso a ct wal ical and aca r EClen tiAo books aest free patents taken Rii munn A co cm remove notice in th the e Selent flie Amerio anil auns tuns are fro widely before the I 1 public c nand frith tb out ont cost to the I STi v antor this folen dd paper issued weekly elee astir wast rated has by arm of ant nr scientific won la in the tea wor word 93 a year C emple ample i tree free A D AM ar sund copies aa ceaf arery number contaras cont Aas bean nu ciol I 1 plates in colo colors 64 anil tab of ne new bo bouie boes es wit with plana enact lne b to 0 how 9 toj deflers and contracts addred musts MUNN desta cowam CO fsr mm FRENCH FEMALE PILLS fills im root boat md and femme 0 slit tw tut cat Mea nuna frach nala ae P peba havo been wd eold ro lor over tweets used ased by taca s sst and ot ladies wac J 1 fe tel ial that they cre as s i medicine 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instantly allayed by applying a plying chamberlains eye and seem ointment ament many very bad cases have been permanently cured cored b by 1 it I 1 it is e qually equally efficient for itching itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore ni nipples piTe chaap chapped hands chilblains blaids blains frost bites biter and chronic nic sore eyes for sale by druggists drug wa at 25 cents per bos bom cadys cades condition powders they th y are just what a horse needs when in bad condition tonic blood pari fier and for sale ii by v smoot druz drag co lost or str strayed ayed one large dark bay horse about 9 years ol 01 old weight twelve hundred pounds branded THE combined on right thigh had on him horse blanket nose sack eack and hobbles the owner can have him by pay paying ing e expenses a and for advertising J 0 kelson TI PIo salta santa grove utah ds B U N ra 19 0 k 1 8 AN ELEGANT BUTTON FREE with each package of J W IV 7 3 X 0 4 CA M U FA M 0 AL 41 b A R E ir T E S AN opportunity TO MAKE A collection bif WITHOUT COST el to keep in touch with all their beautiful lines of DRESS G GOODS 0 4 0 13 S 5 SILKS and NOVELTIES f i ayes T T L J T 1 T 11 J ay 1 A fine line of ladies anion un ion suits natural ATa tural wool W ool from upwards W arsho X W t A EVER ir 0 ea for we are always H an V I 1 N 1 48 0 na E IN neam el AV M i th t 37 Z S fl moo am t 01 f Z CY worsted Sota 10 66 t KW ey I 1 r oviel s coid its rw la hus husa A child 1 e irm S cluts from to V U ndel wear va gab s lilt 0 hot hol L styles sty in she es from ani 5 ff x up U in faal will make hat PRICES on anything yu want in our line come and see us 0 h |