Show SHERIFFS SALE I 1 to ai ord order r tome me directed by t heui ae df tret cu ciu L binand G and fr for the fourth Jud ical iaal Dis Aliat ij cu cownty J n VS state tato of U utah tah i n ail 21 ex at public swe sile IL at the file trot door of ane ajun blunty ty c arthou mn hona tn in the city of rit frugo 0 county or of UA anil state or of U aiu on the 24 2 n esq a I 1 or IM at it k m the aluz deuribe den tse ribe rt elfair to own wt 1 he lands and premises directed 0 ba beso so d by this acme a c v t situated lyl and leing in the counie of utah maie t tato ol 01 of utah anc and ily deser described thed as aa follows follow 3 to wit 1 honor beast quarter ol oi the northwest quarter or of section twenty one ono PI 31 in ia tian ahia a x ta 6 ai th of two 3 2 64 ot of bait la e emend acrid anand T forty 40 or crea loreth r with al and the rew ments ad appurtenances thereunto or in anywise roba Tabas suid fild as aa the or of aeo ge F PW steven OD and annie stevenson d de f ada tot t at tiie the suit of f melni daml I 1 city tj savings bana a corporation plaint plain vir ff t atma of r ea bas 0 3 casti C ablit oct S Z 1396 JOHN A BROWN thamah fowler denney wm D ilvy for plaintiff PhUn tiff ks r TO AN order or of sal to rae me directed by br the als that court in and for tite bourth judicial dis ir r ct cl utah coun r Y state slata ot of utah I 1 shall ex er ease acee at t ila alic sale at the front door of gf the ice bouny courthouse in a ice city of prow aror county or of utah mid and state of utah on the ai ath ds day yn cs flIm nov 1896 at 12 k 31 the fk fi allow aag J real estate tate to wit COMM Maing X Z wi chains w st bt of the center or 0 sec hewlon ion fifteen tow a x agali la ia 66 e merl the ca 00 south I 1 such rach ins thence west abat chains s thence north chains theace balat 1133 1104 chains lo 10 the place alce of area acres also c at ahe he southwest corner of th north northeast mst quarter 0 01 section twenty two township six south of r wo cast salt lake adrid m a rid an hoci eq north twenty rods hence edjett i thence south twenty rods hence rods to of bs n nidga eab ea 9 iou wo acres also commencing ft baags ihala a luth and 15 chaape chalpe chains eaon t ui 01 the nor corn com r of the south BOU bahof vf of the tha northeast nort henat quarter of section 52 t township 6 south ot range 2 tast salt lae meI meridian dlan thence auth 10 chains th tb nee eat 8 cb ting hence n rth 10 c ams theno w et at a mains chains to placa of bc beginning ginning red rca 3 acres situate in f be county co utoyo I 1 0 attall S ta teoful of utah ah to e eull as ih pro po coety ety of james ann unni jamesf lames F dr llan n e i partners doing bosnes busnes bus inest nes under tw the farin namo name of du ra a d c company parriet harriet A dunn james dunn dark el company Compa nv a corporation peter keter stubbs Stu itis A E B ford asi asa agnee for the benefit or of creditors f luna and mcany i aszbach Auz bach samuel auerbach cop co p r borg do cg bustness unde the fl m name oi aw an r r b chand ch prother rother ll H E F olba n anto an 10 A e co cu carteris part erg doing b binea un im oer er toe firm name of gabaon gal son and sm u rth watte G orie Luft matle F nelson R johnson arap n a c farat N t onal nl bank of provo a D P kellogg rodney 0 george dail baem z a noble koble wood and company B j corporation a le nat the arti bate of utah mt county t y d de at he be suit of ziona cooperative co operative alj corpo at on 8 terms of bale cash dated oct a 13 laft joan h X BROWS BROWN sher sheriff liff by thomas fowler deputy ricaard Ric bard lue bards aramays Aua mays |