Show capital and lator labor are discussed BY JIK i D EVANS floral training in tile the schools would do much toward solving Soly iuar the he problem editor enquirer 1 while I 1 lay voi dering over the pres cat aspect aspect ot at aff af faire dira in our oar great re pur ilic sorrow for the grave situation aglace feedings fe eings of 0 emotion arrayed against eacil other ate are mighty forces biant the giant of the many kings feints of the lan ian 1 has bis its ita if binand the citadel or at wealth so ty yand and apparently appareti tty so BO securely sa a 1 a tempts to wrett hom its ita hind money through the channels a 0 trade by the employment of labor 21 hi only medium of money circa aaion I 1 eve y in aln to a considerable degree daled the selfish motives which impel th 3 grett gre tt ts of the naton have built up a wail between them and the common laborer hica divides divide ine itie rests to put puah h an extent that all affinity M ol of brotherhood appears severed sever frd oo on the other hend laior labor appears at trues to repard capital as its deadly enemy and whenever it can organize to 0 o its daminda de minda and by its a rikes stop the busy of indu try u does n t hei he i ate to do BO thus ates i two wo great areat corces are repeatedly antagonizing bealh other now how aie these factora b cb compose the he nation to lobe be bro into friendly reta rela toas and cia can a continued opposition ex si wilhoit endina rin ane erist enst e ca 0 01 bt i berray capital and who caa employ labor shut down the factory the tha foundry and the machine enop and how shill the laborer be em it ie may ba aid said that we wd d nt be d hf nor tha mahine ma hina that all al wa nee I 1 is a bearn ta the days davs ot of sickle vie tie cradle and the e ebat but would not such a return be a m mighty eighty re rograda movement would it not Aa acre crestie aae the hours of labor and the drudgery of labor we siy say that the more in chinery a nation has and thit th it if i is were paa aiola to dispense dis with anbar alt getlir gether and substitute v i with labor saving machiner yso much tb better for mankind mn kind suca saca an aa bi ai eer ver tion at birdt thought may appe appear ir at ao ard in the highest debrae bat let jet ms me apply it to ta the question qa estion of agriculture tur e there are of square miles on the earths turf three fourths of w ich are water ea lare ibre miles of land surface suppose ona half ot at this to be tillable and the remainder barrence barren barre nwe we should then have oue 0 e hundred millions millio aa acrea of laul available for agriculture and if we al low tea tan acres to a man thea tan mil hons of men would be ba required to at asni to this land area but bat sapp gsg that by improved implements of husbandry five millions millio cs could be ba made to do da the farming and dary daily work then under the present fiva millions 0 men would ba employment aal aol ao I 1 hera bera lische lies the evil eil that threatens the ana peace and effew ol of tha whole whala wold N w as aa the increase 3 of farm machinery d a not dot diminish the tha number ot of acres ot at eidde a a 3 A bat ad alls Is to it mole moe borough no rough cultivation aa a rule i mora productive i why should not the ten millions milli oaB of men be atil employed less kaaa hours houra par dy day thus llevat na the status of the laborer and making the a ae e one oas a 0 moe general g beneral intellectual development for in I 1 tion as we degrade labor we degrade a natian and the tha higher the status of the laboring boring a classes the higner grade gradd of at the th ni na ion Is I 1 is is nit najt therefore tha edu c x ed few who make a nation zi eielt eat out tue aduca ed ini saes to fo illustrate ibus while in the southern bates t atea there thera were numbers of educated dersons oer doua sons yes se the mases black and ite ta were memorably without 1 rt the south souta did rot and would n D work as aa educated people a government that can provide suitable soi tabla ox t ii for its citizens and properly edaa aj ai i them and by this I 1 mean moral e fir truly evemy g ernin ern maat grit is i for the mar mora develous nt of its citizens and noth g contributes E EO 0 much to na national nasonal tonal 0 gradation as millions of d mt caan n no government goern ment cin be safe eafe inah in t a condition edisis able all ae are nil roads and telegraphic eja ft Z better that a nation be ba without baese highly beneficial agencies than tar or its citizens to be idle idla tas iha history of the past has hae shown at nations have attal attained ned ta a bieh ree of moral and antelle tuat excell ue without them what nations tiona has p as man great men as greece I 1 i the number of its aeres acres yet she che was not blest bleat wi wib b the modern modes of at travel and of manufacture brt bet tuese should add to intellectual and moral growth but bat there is another factor that mut mu t be considered Onside red in connection with tha amoc important subject which some may re gird as having no barin bearin ir whatever it viz tha develop ineat of the re IS faculties but bat dare we amit that thai the highest moral standard cannot be reached without the inculcation of the religious sentiment assuredly there are the words of vast in connection with all important haest on these words are rea reamond pond baity and accountability from the mind of child or man alt all idea of these two and you des troy society and hom bom and pro pr luce olace in their stead chaos what cares man f ajr ar a icie y for its ita ee elevation if death ends all aud and buries crali ed uca meation tion intelli intelligence jenco ho bo e joy and ev iry noble f calv of rhe son in the gr v what mot som deah dea h cornea comes to tha especially to abo man of toil the man of sor 11 i IM row ani an 3 care very existence ex stence too of at en upon a life of drudgery if dath ends hii it Is impossible I 1 again affirm to harmonize society with out a high development of those thee two great fundamental faculties of the soul of man and is not the state of rational Lat ional bisun ion on largely owing to the withdrawal of the rel bious sentiment from the schools of our land bat by thas aba question I 1 would not infer that I 1 mean to be sectarian nor that anyone any one church abbond have prominence nor that the i creeds creeda of any church should be intro j deuced but bat that the bible as aa a book or appropriate selections should be read in the common schools of the nation for why escande it any more than a work on ethics are not the morals of ct christs sermon on an the mount equal to those of any modern school do not keep out on the aiole from the schools sow now that utah is ig a state would this not be a erper question for or state legislation A basis for such legislation may be found in in the following question are the morals of t e beope of the united states retrograding beiro gra tins statistics answer yea lea may not this be the cau e history proves that a nation must muse bra bb moral to long lone continue its ira existence tike rome aa au an example exam de while she sha remained virtuous ter ler arms were a terror to the world when she became voluptuous she became tf and fell romes rome greyest gre aest thinkers held out oat the doctrine of the immortality of the theoal tb eoal with its consequent accous accountability to be G ada da for every ut act in tb lbs s world tenaciously adhe asherin to this tenet she much more should our mortality exceed theirs with the bible in the schools as a revelation of god containing the highest code of morals known to man CHAS D |