Show statistical statements appe often rewrote a poem eight or ten times before permitting it to go to the printer monaca had visitors during the month of may which is over more than ever before A german statistician mah makes es the assertion that there are in bulgaria centenarians centen arians or one to every 1000 inhabitants about 2000 sailing vessels cfall of all kinds disappear in the sea every year ca carrying rrb down human beiggs and involving a loss of about abou t oooo in 1880 there were civilized indians in 1800 there were the uncivilized indians are not enumerated in 1880 there were chinese in the united states and in m 1830 1890 there were current literature gives the amounts of money spent yearly by 20 of the leading libraries of 0 the country the boston public library leads with an income of ard and chicago is second with after these two leaders there is a great gap and minneapolis comes third with avith |