Show FAITHFUL BUT HELPLESS touching tale of an old of queen victoria in the life of james Bolm Holm esmay be found a pathetic story of a man named tamer darner the scion of a royal house who in the latter part of the he eighteenth eutura en eu tury was one of the queens pages ahe ho grew to have a very warm regard or him but the time came when on lecount of increasing age and infirmity ie was pensioned off and someone some one else vas tas put in his place it grieved him much anch to change his ia bits but he was in some decree con oled doled at being allowed to attend ain royal entertainments and it was VMS t tone on of these that he distinguished himself by a somewhat eccentric action chich greatly amused his former rois ress he was wandering forlornly about lone when the queen ever mindful of ter er old and tried servants hastened to yard vard lihn hirn with extended hand and a word of kindly greeting Rree ting he took the proffered hand and held it for a moment while he gazed with nith a si smi uffing lins though puzzled expression at the queen then he said 1 I know that face I 1 know it as well as I 1 know any face but pardon me madam I 1 cannot for the life of me e where I 1 hara ha hn ra ve seen all poor darner damerl said the queen with i sorrowful smile as she turned away poor damerl the old man looked after her for a coment and then asked a passing gar lener iener who the lady might bo be why the queen darner damer laughed laug hecL j im 2 fraid afraid said he her majesty will think I 1 have forgotten herl her |