Show NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL notice N Is hereby riven civen that li l 1 i pura tiance 01 0 AH order of ta la dis riot net cour of the county count 0 citati sate S ato of etab maue made on tb ily ditth ILI day of seat VIM 1 06 in th matter ot ol the es estate tat edt ol 01 samu IP P att dee dec ased I 1 he unde delsign der d 1 the e executor z athe f the nd te t ment lament casid deceased will bell at put ie auction to hat be highest bladed fur for cap wid d su to vy ot said oart ou saturday tte tt e 17 b h ay 0 os oct at thi that front door of the court 11 II asp po city atau blaty anty alt litie interest anil estate of tb id 1 haanel pratt a the his death andrii and all ie e ruail faile aud liter atiat the aki astae has bas by operation ot liw dorotheru or heru ise acquired otti ottia athan tan or la aall tion to that 0 ot ti baij 1 smi SinnI I 1 pali Patt atthe at the time of h s death in and to all that ce certain caiti orp prel elif t land jana situate Eita situ aie lying an 1 j beug be n ln in aid pro ocita 0 city attia coun y state of f tah tab and bm b nil ded dad and aid dev des wed mi 4 fol wit common izat tho ilia sout beasi cornu corner nt ct lot 7 even evea in bock ta 6 i s itty fire 0 at A cit survey r i ts thenes wet wi seventy v tent rent i tence ence 15 0 feet hence bence eit e t cm 70 seventy fet fe t tb obeno eno sut bauth flair ly t teet e el to place of esia egin nine divitti t abo br brck ek housa the a ew a 0 tier longing to ead land and I 1 terms aud and cash ten tan pet per cn ot of the maney to be pid to he buat aoe ren r on the dav di ot me sale gila g ila falance ou asale sa le bv br said bald district coart ded D ed at t expense of fil pure parc user aser provo city sep 16 1896 J E executor of the lat will and testament of f samuel P att alt dece deceased asea |