Show loNS IN THE COURT OF ks the F arth judicial district of the state otate ol of utah ath couty aou ay iy james ja ca p nan pla latiff vs J H R boshard Co shard jan 13 B H daniel P Kello kellog gr A A 1 oun aha 0 jon s H S a 8 jones amos B I 1 holdaway J imes fi cantela aaniela jr J r george du au ne 1 rd d need A moot and 12 a fiman jr as administrators of uie the astae st to of beraja mi mia A fla kachman chinon dicea cd omaha 11 hardware campat cm paT provo U J spraie lust gutlon a curo oration vf 0 al zander jociel hobbs swea freed james A jones anoma alina Jo tinson ed N lsen alsen nets nels dearsan john jon bonsch s sCH C ai ai M joh job son laan man jr J F gates willam Avil liiri pru rt L H 1 1 broch ivener tub tab e eq it 11 dodd ur company coni pany a corporation national ban or commerce a corporation ho he if il hi clan n com paar party A corporation first nai kai nail I 1 il nal i an aa C ct I 1 aro a corporation corpor Atlon william ii bidey aws tt it 1 wasey and H S 3 martin partners as cas wasey vl tar artia tl n defendants X estate cf utai gree inato ing to I 1 IK K ant E F bohard bo hard bard H P kellogg Kellog tf A A noun job G jnes ainess Ji nesS 8 3 jones amis U D hold iway james E P daniu dani U l jr geo go ge tie ile d mo dio t anti and Beb benjamin jain bac baca man manar J r as administrate adminis tra trat t rs ut of too estate of isaul min deceased omaha liar hard w wa a m pany a co r lon 0 ko k cooper co O oper P er a t lve ca s utu jou a I 1 li W D T al x alwer lose joge hou s swan freed james A 1 homas alien J ib a joell td t d um diw mao man S N Us ois n anels i fear earson eun john coq JOTS s C Q H dahlquist N M X Jo Joti neon linson benamin Her JanUn F gates william llila m Pr gruberr Pru berr L holbrook reter baub S R ii dodds copany co coi pany a c national na ik of a i orp oraa orRil n D the H IS B qi 1 am cum company pany a F N a ionia ional ud ai h of bovo povo P ovo it a aror cor tion wi lh un ockler caler euid it U D swasey and fl r i mi M tin par berb ss as wa ey mart n dependants you eard a are hereby required reg aired to appear in an a action brought against you oy by the named plain tar in the district court of the fou th judicial district of the tap detate of u Uta hand loans to answer trio complaint filed therein wim n ten lell IRYS caya of the day dar of service bervice after me bervice on you of this summons it if sery d vils county or it ed out of this his county but bet i 1 this ibis within twenty days otherwise within forti to rt daib das s or judgment by default be taken i at finst last you acci ding to prayer of this corn com tat ta said action Is bronrott bron ritt to recover of so do indan fi adib s i pw iw boshard lio shard and jaue E H bosa ril ni the sum eum of ott 1 with interest thereon 0 n from taren 4 aw at one ona per cint per m uth nth all red ged to be dugon a certain prom so ry rote mae ex buted and delivered livered ae by bt al deft defendants to pla naiff F b bruard guarr s lafi 3 wh rob reb they to lu pity pay to faint ff one year at er date the ancl sam of amu t with inhere t a aror aforesaid emid also the sum of ilia 65 with legal interest tate reat efm asep sep amie 2 iMail alleged eged to have been paid as LS southe nion ged aed premie et herent therenie e berred to ale to abt in aderee ade ree of court teat a certain mo mor r gaa aase thed in said 0 in plaint and e L fr by th atio sald defend nuis au s H R bushard and jaue jaimee E is send aca a 4 IM toe cure the baym payment eal I 1 ba D 0 t e herein describe be breci sed beatha abw t tie 0 p e ellbee n 3 conveyer convey ei b sall be sad s ad that t the be proceeds of said sale te piled to e m n t 0 f n ale moneys ex ended 1 anil n dy in e crest rs t a ad d in c so pe pr ce asae as we int to pay the sam hen to bt in a judgment e n t against again it said demenil rits J IL B shard r a and n d J jane E B ho ro hoha I 1 ha d for ruch eien 0 that h th the e pare garcua t aber ier t laid sale aale bo be le lei into the possession pus or cf said sad property erty that the de ff ams pms a iania ls and all persons altri anz by th in ough or abider feirt e i ar ed nad tr recio sed of all rubt tit e c min film li ii n u 0 equity of re emp hun in the ha s id mor 13 emilica and such other aud and forthe relief aadi bement aud dequi equi tat tabe e sald said 9 are described dess d as ou oll ws halt if pla B Bs brov cit survey and you yon are hereby notified that if you yoa fail arand answer ane said compliant complaint as above required the sald gald plaintiff will apply app 71 to the win court for t 0 re let den and d ta in tse tie ti e oin mi P aint and fo for costs of cf this out euli t the lion hon 0 hach haca and tb the e seal 1 I 1 the district bours of th fourth judicial dist district riot enaud for I the c 0 unav t r utah state of utah 1 this a ill day of soot seat la in the ear r or 0 our lord one thousand iho asaad eight hondred hin dred aad tir fix B R L I 1 josits cleric chalu demoisy attorney tor aua |