Show Cea ventury club tha nineteenth club was waa caled cai ad to to order at the home oi 01 miss aliss Moo reby the vice vica 8 ells ella brown and afier the tha reading reail inz and acceptance cep cp tance of the minn mina es ea of the previous mee iniz ur mr benwah read a chapter on parliamentary varlia rules rates from the manuel of 0 hamiet R shattuck the an ari tv 0 the club on parliamentary order miss webster bad prepared pre oared an able abe paper on the suba ct ot american an 3 and their influence U upon it on ur history hi atory and institutions with readings being assisted gs by valiona mem ars of the c ab to whom she abe nad had pre Aa signed artelt arices s from the theol hicl treatise or of books of surn sam di dr vinea vices ax as J i idlean than edwards david dabid brainerd sad and john woolman Wo otman mes webser treated the aub act from the tun tima f tho colonial period elowin ales mn m n to have been gre berei powers for or good ond that the tha w t aly iv remarks from the pulpit were a anon magazine an 1 all in one in fact tie 8 rmon was he great intellectual seimu tons of the time af er recess and rolt roll call slim misa web et r resumed her stat lg that clerga men had bad been leaders ifa aers or inel i facts in establishing our colleges coli egea and other places of learn learning Isa roine inz also alsa the prominent pait taken by many of them in the tha abolition movement mo cement quoting iDi froni fron hanni wendell phillips and others other 3 and down to ro the re i 1 to ane r work of the rev charles pa ic hurat mis of salt was 9 0 guest of i the club for tie the alter coon alter the report of ilia critic miss 1 moore the club adjourned for one week |