Show NOTICE TO CREDITORS notice Is hereby given by abi th nd ad of the estate koijane q june F cameron Car neron dee deceased a to ilia creditors of ani and all person having baving claims claims agan ae ilist t bl said esat eol of de ceasear the same with the within four after afler the first of this n tice itice to the said s ild adm n tg at his hemenc re td nea in a in the county ol of garfield state if af un U n JOEPH CAMERON administrator of the estalo ox 01 kne jane P cameron dece deceased sued dawd bat el this uzi day d ol of sepu sept IWO NOTICE TO esl ith of f W n R kelsey deceased dece aeed N notice tied 13 hereby given T lytho ot of the th estate t ate of W H R keey demised dec anred creditors of and all ali persons b CA n a a atho sald gaid estate of d deceased to exhibit hl b tax them with the nee seary vouchers Tou chers within tour four months after the first publication of this jonm to tn the gald bald or at bl office at provo vay in tho the county of utah state stata of utah 11 HR R M A of the wale of VV 11 kaisey olsey deceased dt ed A tats ay of sept IM 18 8 IC far |