Show city and bounty cottings jottings jot tings governor and ranges at gates combar ys store box office at alio opera louse opened thia morning for tho sale of seats for the katie putnam performance its ail the earne u blight cold con rested lunes or codish one minute cough cure banishes them smoot drug co beet kid gloves ever piu on a ladys hand are bold at if vou want a cobby spring sui tone that is handsome and cheap you can find it at head of bood yearling steers for ealo oy knight sons payson to be delivered belore april let E bowe gives a arand bar rain sale saturday march TOK 50 lull eizar special crecent cycle is a marvel it ia superior to most 80 wheels on the market pierpont II eaton oua gleata are welcome to the garden city of utah paint I 1 paint I 1 paint ready mixed dainta at sonn 1 per gallon can ALL kinds ol 01 produce wanted in ox for woolen gooda PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO WASTED men to smoke francis wilsons Wil sons cagara manufactured in this city chop house is tho place exactly to get a good square moal open and night of excelsior block cantor street wm oneila ON eilI license was issued last ovenin to hugh roee aged 35 end catherine A farrer aired 30 both of prove FOB BALK A two horse upright a rine second hand apply at enquirer office THE coal from the peacock mine is rivine beneral satisfaction sold by ward sons try it FAMILY 5 ionti afir pound at iho troy steam laundry of arvo Ws are the only bicycle people houth of salt lake for repairs oi all kinds bee US 1 TUB opera binuso will tonight be a acene of festivity it is not a miracle it wont cure everything but it will cure pile a thata what dovitts Do Witts witch hazel salye will do because it hao done it in hundreds of cases smoot co THE chipman mercantile co have a well selected stock of fancy and novelty dress goods and as they have personally selected them from the cream of the eastern markets just give them a visit you will be convinced DONT emoke chinese made cigars when yon can get good clean goods made in your city READY made suits at PROVO WOOLEN MILLS CO A FINE line of lounges for gale at cost for cash to make room for now stock coming at gates furniture Fur co mn james hogan a well known populist lecturer will address the citizens of on saturday evening next at tho county court house now ts tho time to get your barbed wire staples and posts the clipman mercantile co hays a full supply prices lower than over THE car of just unloaded bv the chipman mercantile co of american fork opens up to the entire satisfaction of all that bee it in price quality and style WARD SONS ARE NOW SELLING sweetwater ROOK SPRINGS COAL AT PER TON DELIVERED DONT buy a wheel until you have seen the superior Clev elanda and crescents at PIERPONT A delong modiste and dressmaker assisted by mrs bemer will do dressmaking at the lattera home satisfaction is at the lowest living prices the ladies of provo are invited to call four doors west of fred bees harness shop provo utah taa its just as easy to try one minute cough cure as any thing elso its easier to cure a ahvero cough or cold with it lot your next for a cough bo one minute cough cure batter medicine better result better try it fifoot brur co TESTS for forty men are being erected in provo canyon by the power dam company men are now at work mak tee grade for flume and cleaning cle anine ground for ditch excavation other men will be employed 10 abe bumber ot forty and put to work in the anon during the week with but little caro and no e tho beard and mustache can be kept a uniform brown or black color by using buckinghamm Bucking hams dyo for tho whiskers TUK opera house will be elegantly decorated tonight in honor of conr die visitors ALL last winter mr geo A mills of lebanon conn was badly afflicted afflict pd with rheumatism at times it was su bevere that he could not stand up straight but was drawn over on one side tried different remedies with ont relief hs aada annul abent rila months ago I 1 bought a bottle of iain balm after ansi iii it for three days rov rheumatism waa rooe and haa not ed for sale by smoot drug co ladief who havo now theia elec tive should the II 11 publican in all the wards this week A little ill than ft little pill ohp ill has gone tho pil has win dewitt little early disora the lafle pil a that cure great ills smoot drug co WANTED ny rhodea bro for er asdan uraih 50 rock oien and laborers to excavating dirt d w THE gates company have i line of hat art soiling at cost for eaph ZION and nil kinds of nu ical dipo at oon KATIE PUTNAM aud compana briw ded bat t in th B t li e theatre Th patre anil ih eOld waa a pronounced the attraction will be equally well received in peoro ir noid any hi dware naila lumber shingles or any kind of building material or a nice set of harness jast kive the chipman mercantile co a call ad they can supply your wants foil good home ma io carpadis car pais fall on ed R hanline Han liue third ward provo reasonable prices accented WE can save you from to 40 on a bicycle try us provo hardware iron co 1 IF you want a first class photo make the best 0 voir time and come up in the union block gear a doz cabinets for 2 0 will positive y close my bus ns april 10 for the summer come ear y and avoid abe rush T E daniela jr MAYOK holbrook and wife will entertain one hundred of provos guests to night mhd balance will be diet aa follows to mr and ALs SS jones mr and mrs reed smoot and mr and Mr sRA barney busy people havo no time and sensible people have no inclination to use a slow remedy one minute gouch cure acts promptly and give permanent result smoot drug co ON the and 2 th of march the mercantile co have a erand baring opening of capes jec keta dress goods furniture shoes baby carriages gloves lace curtains carpets etc it will pay you to see abe display if you do not buy a dollars worth of goods all are invited ii is gratifying to learn that the sunday of utah stake are in a flourishing condition much work is beine done among the youth ot his stake superintendents teachers and officers are enthusiastic and laboring to make their sunday scho par excellence for kaster sunday aaril ath the res of chrict will be appropriate ly celebrated in all of the sunday schools it ia understood that our houses of worship will be properly decorated with flowers etc and a program cona istine of scriptural readings also short talks explaining that abo reB is abe bursting forth of new life parents will be specially invited to attend the easier in all of our sunday schools SIMON S Hart manof va has been subject to attacks of colic about once a year and would have to call a dottor dot tor and then suffer for twelve hours aa much as some do when they die lie waa taken recently just the same as at other times and concluded to try chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy he saya 1 I took one dose of it and it gave me relief in five minnies minu ies that is more than any thing alae has ever dons for me for sale by smoot drue co THE entire building of the clipman mercantile co will be elegantly decorated at their spring opening and of march it will pay you to visit it as it will be an opportunity ot the season de wilts sarsaparilla Sarea parilla s prepared for alansing cl ansing the blood it builds up aud constitutions impaired by disease smoot drag co son has bean filed in the fourth district court by clara L james samuel john and ellen mccormick and anna brown heirs of susan me who died at rock springs wyoming in 1876 against utah county to collect and costs enquirer readers who have followed tho reports of the county court meetings will remember that mora than a year ago parties presented a claim to the county for the money alleging that in 1890 W H brown then collector of taxes for tho county sold certain real balate in pleasant grove for taxes the property of susan mccormick to Garno liua baxter for that the tax and costs amounted only 10 21 03 the claim was finally disallowed at the baet meeting of the county court |