Show manufacturers movement manufacturers worth their millions called a fow days ao on the five silver for a sort of compromise that is an encouraging BIRD we are free to confess and may result in a union 0 well understood principles here in ajtan that free silver without is useless use leKS and vice versa the press dispatches did not say much about the meeting of the manufacturers rs with senators but from eastern newspapers we can see that the meeting is viewed aa moat auspicious the philadelphia decord democratic frothy froths at the mouth be cafeo ii seea in a union of protection ests and silver man most disastrous defeat 10 tha democratic party i the record talks in this manner birds of a feather will sock together there is nothing illogical nor treasonable in the action of the republican manufacturers of philadelphia who hay a been down to washington holding sweed converse with the Be natora irom colorado montana nevada idaho and utah the gentlemen from the wish to sell their silver to the people of the united states at tag price of two dollars for every dollars worth they can dig out cf their mines they are willin to sell their votes to the projectionists protectionists in congress with the understanding that the ahall in return tote for the free coinage of that they know where they ara at and what they want they have made very clear bv their acton in defeating the dingley tariff bill let tha democrats squirm we rather enjoy it and we hope that this sweet converse may result in some understanding before alie st louia convention meets A union of silver and protection ia what we all want in the wet we want it because the practice of both principles will bring utah prosperity permanent prosperity cannot como without that union we have bora our flocks which need protection and we need higher prices for our produce which will come with free coinage cf silver it ia folly to say that utah can for eaks either principle protection is dear to the people of utah for they have practiced it since pioneer times and it is folly to ask them to give it up for a common frae silver fight on an independent basis they want both free coinage of silver and protection tec tion so do the manufacturers of the east if they would only stop to consider flioy want a market for their goods the west ii a growing market and it would be a much greater marke teven now if free coinage could bo secured depressed prices cannot promote an increased market lucli a our eastern manufacturers rs demand whatever deprives abo consumers of the power to buy hurts to that extent the market for manufactured goods the of silver deprives con ajmera not only of the west but of alio entire country to purchases because of an appreciated gold currency the manufacturers ought to be able to see that they will eee it if they act very often with senators why alie manufacturing country of great britain extends her conquests ta all parts of the globe at enormous and give barbarous countries good government without cast to abam simply to secure a market for her manufactured goods here eur eastern manufacturers have within borders cf own landone ol 01 the best markets under abe sun and they ought to foster it no conquest heeds to bo made liero for a market fo r their goods and it is furnished price let them permanent that market by iacre asing the ability of the consumers to purchase free of silver will do it |