Show JOTTINGS WILCOMB legislators bekna are absolutely painless when dewitta witch hazal salve is promptly applied this statement is trae A perfect remedy for skin diseases chapped hands and lips and never fails to cure piles smoot drug co chipman mercantile mercantil Mer cantil co of american fork are in possession of the prettiest line ot capes and jackets for ladies ever bought call and see prices to NEW lot of bicycle sundries just re by the provo hardware iron gos UBO E hows is giving away larbre beautiful crayon pictures free call and get one hey wood baby carriages the best carriage in the market at gates furniture gos store t THE coop co op at ephraim county has assigned liabilities 17 aberts about we might tell you more about one minute cough cure but you probably know that it cures a chueh eyer one does who has used it it is v perfect remedy for coughs colds hoarseness it ia an especial favorite for children bein pleasant to take and quick in carice smoot drug co A invitation is now extended to all who are interested in a complete line of spring and summer goods to visit the chipman mercantile jo on monday tuesday or march and at which time they will have a grand spring opening WANTED A district deputy A first class opportunity tunit for a competent organizer and solicitor address divine ige experience and references fra bernal order care of P 0 box richmond va dat miss oarrie button entertained a large number of friends laaff evening in a pleasant SUCCESS is the reward of merit not of assumption popular appreciation is what tells in the long run for fifty years people have been using ayers sarsaparilla parilla and today it is the blood purifier most in favor with the public ayers sarsaparilla cures lost on saturday march 21 abts tween S 8 janeba elore and hotel Ro beite two pairs childs oboes new return to provo hardware birou cos i store and be rewarded tf DOT pay for a wheel when you can buy one that will give you as much service and pleasure for 80 provo hardware iron oo 00 t do not forget the cheap sale in groceries at geo E howes saturday march HOWARD W baker an insane man from osceola nevada was bronchi to provo for the asylum but could not berec ened he was sent to beno nevada last night for commitment to the asylum there regular weekly meeting of tha society at the will be held this week on thursday eve nine instead of on friday evening the program will be vocal solo by robert irvine lecture the old fashioned woman by 0 W powers piano se action liea pike |