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Show FOR KENT For Rent fIoiekeepmRoooj25. rrPN'tsUKlS "bED ROOMS, OU UtfflKv 11 ill'lJiD PLACE. 1'OURIH EAST BET FIFTH AND SIXTH SOUTH; Rlg. jjONABLB- 8044 TmOL-RN housekeeping rooms for lem bath, bus and phone. UiU . Sunday, 0, -evenings alter 0 p. ro. .fl UnAai avenue.. . y.o M,-WI,V furnlsned housekeeping room id linen, dishes and cooking uttusila ar furnished; gi ..,ree "shts as v j"L2l'1' s'J"tn- ! rJuy,, apt., aiso one room; mod., W1UJ W K 443 So. 1st West. Was. 6215. l Ui 5 rXLLai..iN ap.s.. i-.t ii. -M so., ngh housol.ee..:..t: .;.pi-,. a" M P It Bveli. Phone Was. 319... SWi cTForT nice, clean. Iront roomsiS; houseKeepii. cheap. So. tu Jjaa,. h J67 ' oxZT two trout rooms, gas, piano. ( C'uirch street, 4th South, between Main and' ate . 0 1 hTvioNU hotei and ants., 64 Scam I Main- one-room housekeeping apts. for f rent by month;' all conveniences, gas and light free. H l..NT rooms, kitchenette, g.. e. 1. , W Mi South. ICS W. Broadway. Was. ' 200S-M. 2 s jrt neatly lurn.s-ned, modern; 50 ,N , 1st West; also elegan'. rooms, 571 E. 4-h I South. FURNISHED room, near Rio Cirandi shops. Was. 2799-J. 457 W. 5th South XTOli clean, light liousekeeping rooms. $2 50 and up. 231 So. 1st West street. h23u;) ONE or two modern, furntsned room.-? .515 W. 2nd North. h23: : TWO-room, also one-room, apts.S West 5th So. Was. .S.'171. !H3 LIGHT housekeeping; also single room, with use of piano. Address E-33, Tribune. Trib-une. 112123 TWC-ROOM modern furnished cotlase apt.; rlose m; uo children. 55j So. West Temple. h3o9o FKONT suite of two ioon.3, newly dec- orated, furnished, steam heat.' Ill Kooth Temple. h32li TWO and 3-rooni apartments, heat, light, batli, 15, 520. 166 W. 2nd North. h3S:3 ONE large room, nicely furnished and clean. $15 per mo. Gas and lights. WANTED Vajnd HeJ J BTROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 51 West 2nd South St. Positions for waitresses. cooks and i maids, in hotels, restaurants, board In. houses and r. r. eating houses, aiwaya ( open. Oldest and best. rl364 THE Y. W. C. A. free employment bureau bu-reau secures positions of all kinds for women. 6th lluor Continental Bank butld-J butld-J lng. Phone Was. 276". Hours. 9 to 11 a. ni., 3 to 5 p. m. Sat. 9, to 2 p. m. a C.1RI.S WANTED FOR PERMANENT t' r. POSITIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. i ii APPLY AT 8 A. M., READY FOR ti a WORK. K la t TROY LAUNDRY, I) 431 SOUTH 6TH EAST ST. e h261 M 5J '4 OIRLS WANTED. SWEET CANDY COMPANY. ft 21S South 1st West. M T h504S n I SOUND amusement company wants car- nival peo()le in all departments: cook- l houfcn now open; will nook shows and I concessions that do not conflict; show It opens Caldwell, Idaho, about May 1st. e Write or wire Corliss Bulger. h3636 I ' WANTED Fcmnlo help In all depait-n depait-n inents. Apply Royal Laundry Cy.. 615 So. State. C4-85 u CIRI. lor housework aud cooking; no .vshiug or ironing; reference.; required. Apply 717 F. 2nd south. g5100 ulKi. )or genera) housework. 3 Fust 2n. I South. g0333 f 'I Ii A C'H EltS iligu school, special grade antl rural. Personal Interview desired. CalJ 547 So. 3rd East. h420 WANTED A dining room girl Tor boarding house, $35 per mouth, room mid board. Phono Bingham 416-Vv. 1)1340 OlitL or woman wantod tor general housework. 141 llawkcs court, 2nd So., bet. 6th and 7th East. hl.335 WANTED Wanted Situation (Female) MIDDLE-AGED woman of refinement would like position of managing housekeeper house-keeper for gentleman. Address F-S. Tribune. Trib-une. l)::S9 EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes position; readB notes rapidlv. Ilyland 7278-R. Ii4194 EXPERT stenographer, college graduate, five years' experience In general office work with mining company, wishes position posi-tion with opportunity for advancement. Phone Wasatch 5348. bSOM EXPERIENCED typist wants permanent position. Address F-12, Tribune. h4937 WANTED Position by reliable, experienced, experi-enced, middle-aged widow lady, as housekeeper or manager of apt. or rooming room-ing house; salarv basis; best of references. refer-ences. Hyland 1767. hS2ul WANTED Poslilon by experienced waitress. wait-ress. Phone Was. 6634. Call after 8 a. m. U52U4 WIDOW wants work by tho dav. Was. U30-,f. h5205 MIDDLE-AGED woman, with boy 6 yrs. old, wants cooking for 6 or 8 men; willing will-ing to leave city. Phone Hy. 2522-1'.. 115234 I WANTED - Nursing. Phone Was. 7225-M. 1)5219 YOUNG lady stenographer wishes position. posi-tion. Call Was. 4256. h52.",6 Wanted -To Hent THREE, four or five-room house, bungalow bunga-low or apartment, unfurnished. Must be modern. Write what you have and terms. Address G-32, Tribune. h."214 YOUNG lady employed wishes h. it. room in family within blocks Eagle gate-Address gate-Address G-37, Tribune. hS28S TO rent. 5-room tnolern, classy bungalow on southeast bench; two people, no elyldreh. References given if require. I. Telephone Was. 911. h338t FIVE or six-room house, east of Main St.. May 1st. Was. 6073-M. h4672 Wanted ToLease WOULD take one or two-year lease on 5 or 6-rooni modern bungalow, at not over 540 pei-jinonth. Address G-36, Tribune. Trib-une. h52S7 Wanted Furniture CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. FOR RENT For Rent Houses Unfurnished ONE 5-room house, 411 Blaine avenue, with barn; rent reasonable. Apply Utah Savings & Trust company. One 8-room house, 1503 So. 3rd East; rent reasonaole. Apply Utah Savings & Trust company, 235 So. Main street. 1)4354 AT 236 D STREET, 6-room brick house, modern; gas stove, stationary wash tubs In basement; rent reasonable. Apply Ap-ply to T. J I. Nott. Phone Wasatch 3538. Residence phone, Wasatch 20S0-W. hB290 ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.. "REALTOR." 3-rm. dochlo house. 603 Park et... 9.00 Wasatch 4285. h2786 8-ROOM modern brick house. Key at S23 East 2nd So. Phone Was. 5208. - !. SIX-ROOM modern house. Apply at 604 So. 311) East. Phone Hy. S37-W. h3065 3-ROOM unfurnished modern. L2ti W. 5th South. h3459 613 So. 6th East, strlctlv mod. $16.50; 2 dis. beds; also 235 W. 8th So., $12.50; one dls. bed. Hy. 2090. b.3611 2-llOOM house, light and water, $8.00. Phone Was. 19S6-J. 521 North Main st. 1.3788 S-ROOM sir. modern. East 2nd Su. Gas range. Call Hyland 1728-M. h3895 5-ROOM cottage. 225!) So. Sth East St. $17.50. Phone Was. 7702. 1)3897 5-ROOM modern cottage. 1350 Lincoln street. $18 month. h4686 5- ROOM modern; linoleum, gas range and water heater; $30; references. 033 5th avenue. h4323 3 ROOMS, partly modern, rear of 216 West 7th So. Apply 257 West 6th So. Was. 7071-W. h4530 3 ROOMS, pantry and closet, modern. 1.23 North 4th West. h449S SIX-ROOM modern, sleeping porch. 919 E. 5th South. Key at 905 East Sth South. 1)4930 2- ROO'd modern at 507 2nd ave.; hardwood hard-wood floors, billiard room, furnace etc.; garage; largo corner lot; rent $40. Little & Little 204 Mclntyro bldg. g5940 6- ROOM modern home, sleeping porch, law)) front and rear; reasonable rent; key at Sixth Avenue drug store. h2357 3- ROOM; 805 Park St.; $9. Associated Inv. Co., 207 Ness bldg. h316 6-ROOM modern house; gas. 566 Center street. hl224 FOR RENT Apartments Furnished THE lUcnmonil, 70 East North Temple street; two-room suites, completely furnish fur-nish od tor housekeeping; elevator, spacious spa-cious lobby, dancing and amusemtnt 'room, maid service when desired; rates. $27.50 to $40 per month, )nclud)ng light. beat, lias and telephone. f42io THE CAITHNESS. COR. SECOND AVE. AND IS ST. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. APPLY L. C, RITE It. 012 DOOLY BLDG. PHONES WAS. 9U4 AND 962. h.5259 COM P LETE LY fur))., strictly modern apt.; 3 large rooms and sleeping porch; $40; no children. Apt D, 128 F street. 1)5228 REFINED youno; lady desires two girls, employed, to share apartment. Address G-30, Tribune. li52o2 MODERN 3 -room; bulb, gas connection, etc.; $20. 441 North Main. Was. 6699. 1)5207 THE SWAN beautifully furnismTI 3-rooii) apt. 710 State . 1:3533 HOLLYWOOD apts., 234 E. FirstSoutl) ; 4 rooms, modern, oak finished, new furniture; no children. b468 HOLLAND apartment, 410 South West Temple, highly furnfihed, single or en suite no children; references required. Was. 6725. . c2911 WILFLEY APTS. 2 large rms., kitchen? bath, newly decorated, $2o. 153 Pier-pont Pier-pont ave. c3566 DANDY, clean, close-in apts., reasonable; no children. Gardenette apts., 445 So. West Temple st. e3150 .VARREN apts., 505 Second East 3-rm., nicely ftirntslu-d 1). k. apt., prtvate bath. Hy. 1920. g993 HOTEL FIFTH EAST, 149 South Fifth East St.; beautifully furnished 3-room and sleeping porch apartment; hotel service. Was. 1190. g324l FURNISHED, 4 or 5 rooms, ground tlooi. Apply 335 East 5tii South. h3705 FURNISHED ov unfurnished apts. Corner Cor-ner First West and First South. Was. 7876. 4336 ALEXANDRIA apts., 2 and 3 room modern mod-ern apts. 332 Soutt) West Temple. Phone Was. 7099. g5866 NICELY furnished 2-room apartments, modern. 23 North Fust Wcsl. g5909 MODERN APARTMENT. 4 rooms, nicely furnished; front and rear porches; choice location. The "L und, 135 7th East. hi 73 FOR RENT Apartments Unfurnisheti 4 ROOMS. 1265 East 3rd South St.; sleeping porch, electric range, disappearing dis-appearing bed; $32.50. 3 rooms, 268 North Stale, on Capitol hill. $30. BETTILYOX HOME BUILDERS CO., 310 South Main St. Was. 4540. 1)5231 AT THE EAGLE GATE. Bransford apartments, Ennj' flats. Eagle Gate apartments; location best in city; strictly high grade; references required; re-quired; housekeeping, furnished and unfurnished un-furnished bachelor suites. American plan cafe in connection, open to the public. Office In the Bransford. Phone Was. 3026. X76S 4-ROOM modern) with large sleeping porch; .lose in. The Qqulrrh, 325 So. Itti East. Phone Was. 4136-W or Was. 1693-M. 1)5257 SNOW apts. 4 rooms and bath, front and rear porches; $33.50, $31.00, $2i 6U. Was. 4749. g5372 1'll.LIIOKE apts., corner 2nd W. and 2nd South. Modern jlat, $28.50. Ap- ply Visaing Was 2753. or Janitor. e2323 PRESCOTT apartments; one flue, large suite; 6 looms. Apply to janitor, or phone Was. 4152. d5270 FAIRMONT APTS., Fifth South, bet. Mai)) and state 4-room modern flat. Apply Vissing. Was. 2753. or Janitor. d!84 PRINCETON APTS., 870 E. 1st South. Four-room modern flat. Apply Vissing. Was. 2753. or janitor. e2162 FOUR-room apt., Meredith. 160 1st ave.; no raise of rent g2I01 5-UOOM mod. apt., front and back porches. Hicks apts.. 68 So. 6th East. S3439 Z-ROOM .apt., close in. Inquire 38 West 6th South. Screened porch. g3399 HAUSE APTS.. 728 E. 2nd So.. 4 rooms, Stearns disappearing bed. Hy. 2S95-VV. Inquire at rear cottage. g5717 WE1LER apts., two rooms and bath. screened porch, disappearing ined, large ciothes closets, close in, $27.50 and $22.50. Was. 5149. h5905 AVONDALE, 4-room iront apL, strictly modern, reasonable. Hy. 3063-R or call 204 So. 8th East. g6633 GODBE APARTMENTS One 9-room apt., hardwood floors and sleeping porch. Phone Was. 4584-W. h3651 FOR RENT to $3.50 per week; oOc to phone Was. 63 . fTnd $1.30 PER week and ulrb?1Cfst' South, housekeeping rooms. 186 et6 NEW BEN HOTEL 241 So ',Jt'ami Nicely furnished. ' CUeh room cold water; tehPhon'- '"ek. eSUj. 8i-1 tflatc ONE furnished room. 1" "u 04.474 street. - THE CRAIG. p-vi Ea,e G)..e an d li!-- Ll " tew rooms WHAT Is your "roe wort ' who to rent to busu)ess nien or value Sine. Raymond hotel ana 64 Son'. I) Main. . Wasatch 371S-R Tr-rr-rr:; FRONT room..ftniShed "gh hons keeping, with gas. Apply hl9 Fifth Sou Hi. rTTu7 NICELY fu7mTrednia:gJ7oom st u t modem apLNoljit---!r-Acies.h. weu-iurnished fJ. able for 2; large close! , 5" Ir , 23,7 Evans apts.. :!! denee district. Neai soutn Was. 48S3-W. , j j NICELY furnished rooms. 144 So. -na East. . - ; r NICELY furnished ground floor Iront room; modern home; reasonable. VS 3rd East : - SPLENDID front room, steam heat hot and cold water, sleeping porch, if desired, de-sired, for one or two gentlemen, VH So. Stb EasL . DAltGE front room and alcove; nicely furnisluid. ljPl-i NICELY furnished room in Prn0,hre- idence; close In. .463 E. Ut South St. Was. 7320-W. c' - SLEEPING room for 3 genUeroen; also housekeeping room. 221 E. 2nd south. ONE nuTerT finnishwl front room lor light housekeeping, gas, 310 per month. 751 So. 3rd East. , ! ONE nice Bleeping room with bath, also sleeping porch. Wasatch S42S-R. hj PLEASANT rooms, line location; private apt. 403 East South Temple, apt . A, r Gift!, tor housework; no washing; must know how to cook. Apply 905 E. 5th So. J M847 " COMPETENT' girl for housework and e'ooicing; sina.il family; no washing; good wages. Wasatch 0881. 47 So. 11th East. 1)2518 ' EX PER I E N C ED girT ror" general house" I work; no cooking. 129 p st. Ii2857 " V ANTED Graduate nurse tor night duty, i) Wliitel'lsh hospital, Whitefisli, Mont, q h3383 GIRL for general housework. 80 C st. i ''"one Was. 1373. 1)3099 S EXPERIENCED body-machine girl. St. Mark's hospital. 1US65 j WOMAN paxt 50 to care for housekeeping 5 apls. Address E-51. Tribune. h36S6 t WANTED A womnn that can codrc. Ap- s ply Immediately. Tom Brown, ily Malkera. ' 1)3803 BOOKKEEPER and office assistant, pref- j erabiy with Insurance experience. Man J or woman. Address 13-54, Tribune. 1)3676 YOUNG woman to givq services in ex- change for complete course in dress- r making. Call today at Brown School. 58 f E, Broadway. h3915 - WANTED Girl for general housework; c small family. SIS E. 1st South. h4038 "VotjNG girl wanted for general hotise- work. Apply Stratford hotel, after j 1" a. m. 1)4092 1 "WANTED A competent cook and second i girl; good wages: small family. Apply 535 East 2nd SoiiUc ll4517 a YOUNG girl lor general housework, l'hone Mrs. noamer, Mldvale 215. 1)4193 (. WANTED Competent maid for an apartment; apart-ment; must understand cooking; refer- 1 Dices required; family of two; good . wages. Phone Was. 390S. hi32S N GOOD cook; no upstairs work, no laun-drv; laun-drv; three hi family; $40 per month. Hyland 2004. Ii4359 YOUNG girl for general housework; Wanted afternoons only. Call 169 4th avenue. 1)4410 YOUNG girl, very light housework and coujtlng; home for right party. Hyland F.95-.T. 457 Eighth East. h5U72 GIRL for general housework; good q wages. Phone Ply. 1274. Il4373 WANTED Good house maid. 115 East South Temple. h49:;9 EXPERIENCED maid. Apply Semloh ho- tel after 9 a. in.: $40 per month. h5054 YOfrNG lady slenographcr, who can )-ead her notes; quick on machine. Give i phone number. Address G-18, Trioune. 1)5039 1 COMPETENT vocal teacher will exchange lessons for 4 hours' service a week. 1 Was. 51 34-It. h5111 ! . "WANTED A competent cook. 564 East First South. 1)5123 t GIRL wanted for general housework: 1 good wages. Phone Was. 6236-J. 1)5042 AXELRAD FURNITURE CO., 42 W. BROADWAY. WAS. 983. 1)436 WASATCH FURN. CO. pays most for second-hand furniture. 357 S. State. Was. S96. y5054 FURNITURE and household good3 want-ed. want-ed. Highest price pdid. Call Was. 4235 g4870 $5000 WORTH of furniture at once; any amount; highest cash price Hy. 611. 1)4165 FURNITURE I PAY' BEST PRICE FOR HIGH GRADE USED GOODS. WAS. 7090. g4Ul Wanted Real Estate WANT' a sl.x-room bungalow, not over iodfiO, and will pay $2000 by giving equity in six-room brick on 1st ave. for first payment, in a $4000 home, with 3 by 7 rods. Phono Wasatch 8304. 1)3007 AN apartment house or a larr:e piece of real estate. Call Mack, Was. 3S33. 1)3931 I WANT to buy a 5 -room home, located between 3rd and 9th South, and between be-tween 2nd West and 3rd East streets. I can pay $1000 cash. Address F-50, Tribune. 1)4372. WANTED By private, party, about, one acre land with small modern house. Give location and terms. Address F-54, Tribune. h5063 Wanted Automobiles AUTOMOBILE, high-class roadster, new or slightly used. For such ail auto I will give a trood wheat farm. Address H-32, Tribune. b4420 WANTED Roadster, in good condition. Would turn in good saleable oil stock as part or full payment. Address G-35. Tribune. 1)5242 WANTED Good Ford touring or roadster; road-ster; will pay cash. 139 East Second South. b460S Wanted To Borrow WE have clients who wish to secure loans on first-class real estate. If you have money to loan, see us. HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN & TRUST CO., 21 E. 1st So. St. Was. 2232. 1)3823 I HAVE $300 to pay on modern home, close in, and want $3400, to be paid it) monthly installments, with reasonable interest. in-terest. Address G-15, Tribune. 1)4741 Wanted MiseeUar.eous BLAKE PAYS CASH FOR FURNITURE. WAS. 8287. B1536 CATTLE, calves and poultry! I keep 2 Jersey bulls for service, $2.00. Take 23 HOUSES, all kinds and prices. Tut-tle Tut-tle Brothers Co., 101 Main st. Was. 1 23L g2240 5-ROOM cottage, 64 2nd ave., rear; 5 minutes" walk to Main. g5099 4-ROOM house, 536 West Capitol s" Hyland 2128-J. g5P55 4-ROOM house. S39 Goshen st. Phone Was. 2S59-R. Close to Rio Grande depot. ; 1)5233 For Rent Houses Furnished FOR RENT A very desirable home, furnished, fur-nished, seven rooms; hardwood floors, sleeping porch; very best location. Inq. J. Fred Daynes, 128 Main streeL Was. 1651. h4058 3- ROOM, clean, nicely furnished house. 1S6 B street. h4239 FURNISHED house of 7 rooms for rentT Was. 7012-R. 1)4091 FURNISHED cottage, G rooms, modern. Apply 617 Sth ave. Was. SS69-M. h-1325 4- ROOM brick, furnished, bath, garage. 824 So. Roberta st. 1)5040 4 RMS., mod., alcove, heat, screen porch, lawn and garage. Was. 1497-M. 125 H street. h5061 3-ROOM, clean, nicely furnished house. 18b' B street. h5143 SUTTON sanitary electric beat and colors restored 9x12, $1.25; quick service. Hyland Hy-land 2300. g4069 .EXPERT vacuum cleaning 5c yd.; coU lors restored, etc., $1.00. Dodge Bros. Was. 993-NR. hi 7 4 EXPERT vacuum cleaning, 5c yard'; color restored like new. $1.00. Hvland 1207-R. 1)4060 I CLEAN with and rent the Hoover; means efficiency, safety first. Was. 2066-M. ' 1)4 ISO ELSMORE, quick shot- cleaner, color restorer re-storer process. Cleaner for sale. Wasatch Wa-satch 1006-W. 1)5223 Rugs Cleaned and Repaired HAVE your onental-rugs renovated in an oriental way. US So. State. Was. 2103. . gS761 RUGS cleaned on the floor 50c with Hoover machine; satisfaction guaran-tced. guaran-tced. Call Was. 3770-W. Ii3525 Vacuum Cleaners EXPERT vacuum cleaning; rugs shampooed, sham-pooed, colors restored; wallpaper cleaned: general hottstcleaning, etc. E. R. Dopp, Was. 6143. h2196 THOR cleaner, free trial, rent one. Walker Elec. 159 So. State. Was. 4703. g3437 DODGE Bros, electric vacuum; rents $1.25, loaned free if you buy rug shampoo. sham-poo. We clean rugs, 5c yard. Wasatch 71)3)) r.3SJs; cut.UirAL apts. and rooms, 144 W. 1st South; well ventilated; close in; bath, phone, elevator. Was. 4915. h21S6 TABOR apts.. $3.50 to $5; gas. light aud linen furnished. 106 So. 2nd E. h450 BRUCETON Very desirable 3-r. and bath; Sterns wallSieds; best location; light and sunny; no childreu. 150 E. .So. Temple. h791 THE WOOD, 653 E. Broadway April lotb, 3-roorn apt., 3rd floor; no children chil-dren h!413 - - j furnished, modern, 4-room, front apt., with front and rear porches. Hy. 3063-R or 204 So. Sth East. Ii2179 BEAUTIFULLY" furnished 3-room apartment; apart-ment; strictly modern. 666 East 2nd Soulh. h2903 THREE rooms, newly furnished and alcove. al-cove. St. Francis apts., 269 E. Broad -way. Was. 5:1!:: f . 1)3675 3-ROOM furnished apt., front porch. Was. 5178-W. , h3C96 3-ROOM modern furnished. 165 2nd ave. Was. 6S43-J. 1)3807 2- ROOM apt., modern. Call at 235 So7 First West. h3828 WANTED Young busmess woman 1o share nice housekeeping apartment. Ad-diess Ad-diess F-l, Tribune. h3878 3- ROOM furnished apt.. 124 Apricot ave., bet. 2nd and 3rd North, west of Center. h472l 4- ROOM moil, apt, close in. Mahan. Wasatch 4051. h51lS 3-ROOM furnished apartment. 341 East 2nd South. Phone Was. 4.735-J. 1)5277 BOARTAND ROOMS FIRST-CLASS board and room; . with screen porch; suitable for one or two gentlemen; very modern and reasonable. 303 So. 7th East. Hyland 396-W. 1)4503 BOARD, 2 meals, breakfast and dinner, $25 a month; also large, modern, up-to-date furnished rooms in beautiful home. 115 East South Temple. h493S STRICTLY first-class room and board for first-class people; garage. Phone Was. 8211. 124 South Sixth East. e31 BOARD and room in strictly modern home. 773 East First South. Was. 4156- W. g47 FIRST-CLASS board and room. Wasatch 5C10. 40 West North Temple. g3576 BOARD, $"22.50, 1V4 blocks from Hotel Utah. No 2 Louise apts. g38S8 ELEGANT room, with good board for one or two; good location. Was. 8832. S4231 ONE block from Hotel Utah. 174 East Soutli Temple For gentlemen. Rea- sonable. g6662 BOARD and room for business man only, with home comfort and beautlfui surroundings. sur-roundings. 605 E. 1st South. g5750 GOOD board, home cooking, family, style; day, week or month, or housekeeping. MOD. apartment, sleeping porch; heat and light furnished; $22.50. 371 E. otl) South. h200 4-ROOM, strictly modern; The Laselle, 312 So. 5tb East. Janitor, or Wasatch 4041-J. - h602 NICE 3-room apt. in the Ozark, 454 South Sth East, $20. See Janitor. h.2003 2 APTS. of 3 rooms each, 520 East 13th Pouth. '1)2591 NEW 3 rooms and bath, 1031 Williams avenue. Hyland 149S-R. 1)2590 3-ROOM, sleeping porch, private bath. 612 So. 2nd East. 1)50S!I 3 FLATS, 548 E. 4th So., Isabel! apts. Inquire of Mi". Alston at Bailey &. Sons Co. Wasatch 3904. h2589 ONE 3 and one 4-rooni apt.; $15 per mo. Apply 464 E. 2nd South. li3095 4 ROOMS, modern, with steam heat, front porch and sleeping porch. 560 South 6th East. ss h377S TWO nice, clean rooms, with private bath. 711 South Sth East. 1)3764 2-ROOM apartment at 53 N. State; It has disappearing bed, hardwood floors, etc.: $27.60 mo. Little & Little, 204 Mc-Irtyre Mc-Irtyre bldg. h37S2 SECOND East apt. 152 So. 2nd East, 3rroom apt. 1)3846 Janitor, or Was. 1564. 1)4329 NEW 4-room strictly modern apt., with 2 private entrances, front and rear screened porches, hardwood floors, etc. 64 F st. No children, h4454 HOTgLS JAMES HOTEL 167 So. Main St.. corner 2nd South St. next door Walker Bank Bldg. Best location lo-cation in city. Nicely furnished rooms, with or without with-out bath, at reasonable rates, in modern, fireproof building. Elevator service all night. Under new management. Phone -Wasatch 2388. h307 CUMBERLAND HOTEL. 307 E. Second So. Was. 6621. Light, housekeeping rooms, also sleeping sleep-ing rooms, quiet and homelike, hot and cold water in every room, easy walking distance. Rates reasonable. h22S5 LUCID HOTEL AND CAF, 112-114 west on South Temple street just across the street from interurban depot. All modern rooms; nice ground-floor ground-floor lobby. Rates very reasonable by day or week. Quiet and homelike. u3706 LINCOLN HOUSE, 6S E. 1st So., 250 rooms; single rooms, 35c, 40c and 50c; modern; baths, 15c. Special rates by week or month. Was. 3453. hl27I PALMER HOTEL, 54 W. First So All outside roonfs, neat and clean, by day, 50c, 75, $1; moderate prices by the week 54874 IMPERIAL hotel Rootns for 1. h. k. ; also transient rooms. 4 E. 1st So. e4.554 NEW BEN. 241 So. State St. New man- NIGE, clean sleeping room; also hgh. housekeeping rooms; under new man- agemcnt. 55'. W. 1st So. h ONE large front sleeping room. 228 East South Temple st. hoU69 FOR rent One room, SS Woodruff apt $12; references. PLEASANT room, private, modern home, $3 per week; gentleman only. 25 W. 1st North. Phone Was. 4221-J. 1)5082 TWO furnished rooms and use of home; working girl preferred. 163 Fourth ave. Was. 1S85-M. haODC NICE front bedroom and bath. 215 3rd East. Was. 5I7S-W. NICELY furnished front corner room. No. 5 Louise apts., State street and First avenue. ' i3 v7cll furnished large front room, near Eagle gate. Reasonable. 27 N. State hr,i2S WELL furnished steam healed room closo hi. HI E- South Temple. h5I34 ONE room, ?S: one, $10; in new home; newly furnished. Phone Was. 1773-.I. , h.'.221 ROOM with sleeping porch, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 924 East 2nd South. 1)5225 GOOD, clean, newly furnished rooms for rent: right in heavt of city; $3.50 per week and up. 119 'So. Main st. li5209 TWO large, sunny, front rooms; privalc family; suitable for two: will arrange for light housekeeping. Was. 2631-W. . , 1)3262 For Rent Unfurnished Rooms 2 ROOMS, rear 347 So. State st, $7. Phone Was. 6C12. h2S3 BACHELOR rooms, unfurnished, $5 and $6. 44 E. 1st South. 1)2039 TWO unfurnished rooms for rent. 1042 Soulh West Temple. 1)2701 CHEAP rooms in basement. Call Sui" days or evenings. 646 E. 2nd So. h29S9 THREE unfurnished basement h. k. rms: 332 E. 4th South. Was. 1018-J. h4055 THREE rocns, ground floor, close in. 37 Canyon road. Was. 2453-W. 1)5263 &toreaxidOf flees . A WISE MOVE. Take an office In the ATLAS BLOCK tills spring it's moving . time. $10,. $12 and $15. Light, airy., clean rooms. None but desirable tenants taken. Office, room 411. Evans apts.. 3.13 no. ataie. 1)388 3 MODERN rooms, ground floor. 156 10. So. Temple. 1)3942 TWO nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping; house-keeping; ground floor; $4 a week. 303 5th East. h408! 3 BRIGHT rooms; private bath, garaga a iiel garden ypot. 1339 So. 3rd East st. Hyland 1390-M. h4085 2 NICE, clean rooms, modern, reasonable, in private home. 527 Mortenseu court, 5th So., bet. 2nd and 3rd East. h451'J TWO very desirable h. k. rooms; gas antl coal ranges. 741 So. Main. h43i6 NICELY furnished front room for light housekeeping, $S per montlu 210 East So. Temple. h4319 1 LIGHT, clean, modern basement rooms, sleeping porch, adults, $20. Wasatch 8262-J. h45('6 3 HOtlSEKEKPINt"; rooms: elec. light" hot water and clean linen furnished: in apartment house, on east bench; half basement; only $22.50. Call Hvland 1680. h4478 NICE room for housekeeping; good ioca-tion. ioca-tion. 443 East 1st So. 1)4537 2-ROOM suite, ground flour, dose it). 170 K. 1st Sout). h4436 ONE or 2 nicely 1'urn.. large, sunny rms.; reasonable. 104 3rd ave. '""Sal NICELY furnished housekeeping roentadb 516 East 1st South. h49 ONE large, nicely furnished light hous f': keeping room, with bath, close in 1.' per month. 339 Center st. Phone Waff 7641 -J. Mjf TWO furnished housekeeping roomab sleeping rooms: reasonable. 247 Mai. lit U MODERN, ground floor housckeepii rooms, gas, bath, sleeping porch "65 4th South. TWO large housekeeping rooms ""s ' South Temple st. 5(, TWO basement rooms, also single roo corner terrace. 402 E. 2nd South. h5(i; TWO nicely furnished h. k. rooms In rat f em home: everything furnished; adult ' 123 South Third East. hoi TWO looms completely furnished r 1 gas, light, phone and bath; good' loc i lion. $2.1.00. 506 E. 5th So. h5i FRONT suite of two rooms, newlv de orated, h. );., steam heat. Ill E." Soul Temple. nS; ROOM and kitchenette, walking distan university, Fort Douglas. Hy. 1025-M hM4 THREE furnished rooms, close in: ret sonable If taken at once; cool an' ' lean. 241 East 1st Soulh. h5233 "mVPa1,-1'10 ,00ms: everything fur" nished. Emerson apts., 526 So. State. - 1)3227 CI,JirA-NKSJ hest housekeeping 100ms at S.i E. Broadway or 270 E EXl'ER. sewing girl. Superior Tailoring, 212 So. Main, upstairs. h5055 GIRL for cooking and general house-c house-c work. 070 E. So. Temple. h5079 WANTED Waitress; $35, board and room. Phone Garfield 5. 1)5086 1 WANTED Girl for cooking and general housework; family of three. Phone Was. ,' 20t5. 1 IS WANTED Graduate nurses; general t duly: $75 pionth and keep. Dr. Towti- sehd, Emigrant. Mont. li5206 c WANTED Girl or woman for general housework; must be gootl cook: good tj wages. 963 E. 5th So., or call Hy. 27S3. f h524o LADY helper in the baking department. e The Home Bakery, 5a4 So. State. 1)5250 WANTED Capable girl or woman for B housework. Call Was. 3S3S. h3232 GIRL for genera housework; no washing. Apply 975 E. 4th South. h.3255 I "WANTED-A lady between 25 and 30 for S general housework; references re-quired. re-quired. Call after 11 a. m., 153 So. nth " East. hnSBl VANTED--Kxp. mangle girls. Apply at the Model laundry, 211 W. 2nd North. f h527f 1 W A NT-DSinger. Apply 161 So. Main st.. Ion floor. h''272 2 GIRL for general housework. 17S A st. d Pnone Was. 713S-W. hj76 v l.vDY of 25 for .leutal office. Call be-5 be-5 ' tw'een 9 and 11:30 a. m., 247 Main st. J 1)5281 WANTED Girl for general housework. 460 E. 3rd South, apt. 3. 1)3289 EX P E RI E N CUD maid for general house- "work: no laundry; good home. Phone JJ Was. 121 l-W. H5291 " Swimming Taught 'l I A DIES taucht swimming: prlcate lessons les-sons any hour. Phono Professor Thornton. Thorn-ton. Was. 6943-W. h1334 - Dancing Academy DAJciNG lessons daily. New and old J dances taught. Call, write or phone 1 Woodward's studio. 34 Main St. Open ;J Sunday. 11 to 2. h2943 ' Ragtime !1 pTCcTdfi'ving guaranteed in 12 lessons. , note or car. Cleun Waterman, 44M, j South Main. vi29SS I BABY CARRIAGES 3 Ts'T7nD WHILE YOU WAIT. '1 i-i.o GO-CART WHEELS IN STOCK. W GUTHRIE BICYCLE CO. II '"'"8 East 2nd South. Was. $59. u! h4072 ) . I ouu, $i.uu. a. i. oauuuers, l3io south I Main. Hy. 2690. hS102 I HOUSEHOLD goods wanted. Will pay you what they are worth. Salt Lake Furniture Co., 135-35-37 E. Broadway. Was. 3637. a534 SECOND-HAND motors, any size. We do repairing. Eardley Bros., 37 E 1st So. Was. 6700. c-2300 TO DO your upholstering and mattress making. Utah Bedding &. Mfg. Col Wasatch 383. b203 ABOUT 40 ajres land in hay, with wate. right. No. 1 Hillcrest, city. g327. I WILL buy watches regardless of condition condi-tion or make. T. S. McKeu, 44ii So. Main. g4222 HIGHEST' price paid for crippled or old horses. Phone Murray 96-W. g5590 ALL kinds second-hand furniture, stoves I and ranges. Michigan Furniture Co., Was. 6145. 1)678 FISHER'S Music Store buys and-sells used talking machines, records,, piano rolls. 141 E. Broadway. Was. 6S71. , 1U337 ROLL-TOP desk, small cash register, Ford body. Address F-20, Tribune. . 1)4045 WANTED To buy hogs x lo 10 weeks old. U re. W. R. Baxter, Hotel Utah. h5052 SECOND-HAND clothing, furnishings and trunks. Telephone Was. 4978. hoi 2 1 WANTEI) To buy portable garage. Phone Was. S201. h50Sl LAUNDRIES WORK back same day (f requested). No extra charge. PALACE LAUNDRY CO. Office U west 1st South. Office 70 West 2nd South. Was. 52S7 Office TO East 2nd South. Was. 1481 Offico 53 East 3rd South. Was. 3710. Works 75S East Fourth Soullu Hyland 2562, 562. Laundry brought to offices saves 25 per J cent. el708 FIXE laundry work for particular people; will call for and deliver. Phone Was 226S-R. ))37S0 CURTAINS and fancy washing laundered will) care. Wns. S350-M. 1)5045 OSTEOPATHY DR. G. A. GAMBLE, 510 Mclntyre bldg. Hip, spine and nerve specialist. Z2395 dr. a. l. yincent! 3 Felt bmg. Spinal and nervous diseases. otfiTfi CHIN PA J NTJNG MISS BERTH A WAGENER'S studio, 113 East 3rd South. China suitable for gifts aud prizes. Cla at.d private lessons. les-sons. cbd'J CALL Eardley Bros., Was. 6700. We rent them, $1.25 a day. 37 E. First South. 1)587 Electric Supplies, Wiring, etc. CALL Jas. Swycrs Elec Co. foramytdrfng electric. 203 E. 2nd South. M as. 7269. g4125 FOJJNDRTOVREFRS CALL Western Foundry for all kinds water jackets, stove repairs. Wasatuh 4474. , kl02 RANGES connected, $2; water Jackets cleaned, U jackets, stoves re paired. All work guaranteed, Hyland 217S. E. E. Morriss. hllO ALL KINDS of repairing done. Water jackets cleaned Hyland 107-R. soi91 CL;EANIN SALT Lake Cleaning c Lyeing Co. does reliable, higii-clas work. Men's suits pressed while you wait. Men's hats cleaned and blocked, 75 cents. All kinds of hats cleaned, blocked and dyed for women and men. Also all kinds of furs cleaned, repaired and remodeled. Mail orders solicited. 265 State st. u3"55 TUB Myers Cleaning & Dyeing Co.,"ex-pert Co.,"ex-pert cleaners and dyers, wholesale and retail. Mail orders solicited. Clotnes insured. in-sured. Work guaranteed. 114 and 114 E. Broadway. xll61 CARPENTERORK FOR carpenter work, remodeling, cement work, etc. call Was. 4S12-W. y2600 CALL up Was. 316 for bqildiug repairing repair-ing and cement work. h45G CARPENTER and builder. Jot) work" repairs, etc. Call Hyland 102S-M. 7C0 So. 11th East. 1US6. HOME building ami remodeling, garages, porches, hardwood floors, etc. Call Hv, 3465-W. h35tf0 CALL Hy. 453-J or Hy. 325-W for ex" pert carpenter work. h715 DRAFTING MECHANICAL. and patent drawings. maps, plata and tracings. Industrial Engineering Co.. 435 Atlas bldg. Was. 6260 3e;i DR. ZAMBIA, foot specialist, treats all fool ailments. 47 E. 1st South. lJiione Was. 5064. C43S3 LAWN MOWERS SriARTNED AND repaired hy expert, at your home. work guaranteed. Call j: H. Curtis Was. 1595. K5371 261 So. Mam st., Edison hotel. h527S COMFORTABLE room and board in prf-vate prf-vate family. SS K St. Was. 60S2-W.' i h36 NICELY furnished largo front room, best home cooking, ?30 per month. Was. 6968. ' 1)590 FII1ST -CLASS board and room, suitable Tor two. Was. 101S-J. 352 East 4lh So. h4534 FIRST-CLASS board and room. Wasatch 5610. 40 W. No. Temple. 1)3S21 GOOD board and pleasant rooms; reasonable. reason-able. Near Eagle gate. 139 East South Temple. 1)4105 NICELY furnished front room, with first-class first-class board. 357 East Broadway. Was. 7192-W. 1)5133 FRONT room in modern private hone for lady employed; board it desired. 426 Fletcher ave., bet. 9th and lOftl East on 41 h So. hol45 ROOM and board, woridrig men, solicited, transient or steady; also garage. 354 East So. Temple. Was. 79S0-R. 1)5066 FIRST-CLASS room and board, reasonable. reason-able. 468 3rd East. h5249 Children's Home PRIVATE home for children. Wasatch S.975-.I. h52l2 Cafeteria Y. W. C. A. CAFETERIA, The Place of Friendliness. Home cooking; gootl service. e827 Sewing Machines Rented SEWING machines rented, 50c week; rent allowed on sale. Walker Elec, 159 So. State. Was. 4703. g62S3 THE National pays high prices for men's clothing. 71 So. W. Temple. Way. 6S54. hl59 ABE GORDON p;tys good jirices ror anything any-thing of value. Wa3. 3b7(J-W. 64.Com- mercial St. d63i YOUR old clothing. Will call. Salvation Army. Phone Was. 31S7. r819l NO mauer what others pay, I pay more for old clothes. Was. 3365. e8 KING pays oest prices for second -nana men's and laul.s" .-:uits. shoes. V. 1467. hl97 EDDIE GREEN PAYS CASH for old clot lie. s!ioes, etc. Was. 1503, h-!SS CAFES C S. QA FE-- Spciii I dinner, U; snoi t orders and Chinese stIj. Chas. Houk Prop., 2u State. g--il agement. Clean, warm, quiet, modern rooms; reasonable. Day, week or month. e!102 WELLINGTON hotel; the family hotel, opposite Short Line depot. Single rooms. Toe, $1, $1.50. Was. 1S96. g46S5 RAYMOND hotel and apts., 64 So. Main, one-half block from temple. S5712 HOX'iCL JA.MKS, :ti7 Main. Special ratea by the week or month. h499 HARRIET HOFF. experienced dressmaking; dressmak-ing; prices reasonable; by day or piece. Phone Was. 3335. 24 E. So. Temple. eTJU DRESSMAKING, remodeling, fancy waists and hemstitching; will work by the day. 304 South 4th East. Was. 4897-J. e302S SEWING to do; first-class dressmaking. 60 E. 1st North. Was. 2446-J. g36 Ladies' Tailors HIGH-CLASS tailored suits, rrom J45 and up. Remodeling, altering aud dry cleaning. L. Podrzay, 33:1 So. Sfate. hi 996 LADIES' and men's clothing cleaned, pressed, repaired and refitted. Room 99 Atlas bldg. Phone Was. 4130. 11362.") Hemstitching WE cut price on hemstitching half in two; accordion pleating, pinking, buttons, but-tons, button holes, couching, etc. Kid-Fitting Kid-Fitting Tailored Corset Parlor, 40 East Broadway. Was. 2S46. hS64 Accordion Pleating KILT, box side pleating, hemstitching and pinking. Mrs. Jennens, 50S East Broadway. Hy. 7S7-J. U514 Haii-dressing and Fancy Gowns MP.S. A. ii. lUiGYVLTONT" Judge building. Wasalch 4677. g6605 mENT!FJCjTOfJiEY TAGS MATT. cents and we will mark your name .nd address on beautiful nilverene key las. with key ring. Gem Key & Check Ca. 108 West South Temple. 1)3549 LINCOLN MOUSE, OS E. il ""So. rooms: -ingle rooms', 36c. 40c and 50c. modem; baths. 15c. , Special ratea by the week or month. Wnsatoh 45:'. h&0- jtrusses MK.N" wanleu lo wear our Dusses; tu guaranteed. Mix Drug Co., W. Temple and Lroadway. d3729 t-none, w as. 3041, ' h2S2 Al LOCATION for drug store East side, close m. Room is large and light. Long-term lease and reasonable rent. iiiU'SCU LOAN TRUST COMPANY. ; S4404 UP-l'u-DATE oirtjees; one, two or en suite; stean) heat, elevator and janitor service; test location in ilju city Hr 1 Park bldg.. 162 So. Main st. uz.ii , FOR RENT Building, withsTSamiUM- suitable tor small factory or shop will lease or sell at a bargain. Address' imT Trlbung: J,'290f, CH.UJ.e ofrtce rooms m li)UTr)bun8 bldg.; recently painted, papered ,, ?r. fitted. Inquire F. j. Uesrootl dluU8 FOR renl Storeroom ul 36 aat TTTT South. Apply J. G. -McDonald (Jim late Co., 159 W. Broadway, c47 DESK room Jiain street ocatlon re"' MQnahle. C. O. Earl Dunsnee 373 0. ROOMY briclt building, r,5 2ud?;IT suttable lor shop, factory, iSkcrV or (lean)lig plant, S20.Hylanj OFFICE space, with wlndowo'rdiii: room, )1 desired; very reasons l.n, ?. . 21o B, 1st So. st. Hoffman Bros l & r , 11202S BEST office space in town, erounrt 1M So. Main. Mrs. Carth0"'11 DES-'K room for rent: well-iirri,i i .Felt bldg. Stenograph"!' servS ,0ffl!;;e" sired. Phone Was. 022. j j jc" wi(rIAfASr-' ?75-ou o.NTtr. peterson nr OFFICE space up-to-da"te offli"TrrT7- reasonable, with desk if desSred.U"w' '- 1) in ; - For Rent Farm Lands FOR rent orTeasenerTwlrTrTC looking for; A home? 7- onV re chicken ranch, orchard of ' mode"-n. cherries, on county road," near8' 'n,cst!y house, iFarmington. Splendta t or80?00'-hogs, or80?00'-hogs, dairy or beef prod, ' ",'& 101 ,hees. of water Most see it to aDProcla,f le,iU' per month. Address D-l9.riS ?rle h22 , s GARAGE lor rent. $5.00 ner treet. Was. 1954-M Ino' -'J E FOR RENT Ga rage mV?. , "211 A GOOD barn, cannuw---- S App.y D31 So, 2, East a B'"kc liiilO -no soul!). Was. 7192-J. h526 FINE 3-room front apt., furnished. 525, no children. 66 East 1st North st. h5266 n.'i tw? t"00". nicely furnished for strXt ll0llsek-lil)g. 333 W. 1st North ' h5W1 F room'' il0t: , H-.7"5 Pw week; brigl" oo.)), ?.; bath, light. 127 So. 6th Ease ; h52S6 ",;lll,!(t ,ft apt., downstairs; gas, heat, hght furnished. r,41 So. W. T?m- ' h52SS IOyiNTORAGE. ETC. y COMPNY 1 fOU I;ELUBLEREDfx S Lto ',1'0" w,a,u Ev!ce, call us. .ptfskl,fe0l;,eTr3 0t Sil,10 8TOHAQB CO.. 136 bo. 4th W. Phoucs Was. S002, $003 g992 CmLoving wil,1,'."' c'l?owlryW -":'b;oulh WaS. 7215; B5340 ) ii ))))). IDoneWas 4390 y"470 Cohene,.23 mlf CALL Miu-holT Vas4i)-,."""f" 1T "jravSr movins. u"a' long-ulsiance g,s. PATENT AT-roiiNEYS HK A N 1 NG " BAMviU'PiVV FArKKs' Urm:,('A!. UMp; HKV.Ks Si' Vcs!VlL.,! ''.''IVIAI. UMB )")) SX28. fe0lul1 icniplo. fUone ,' 3S4o |