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Show NO NEW LIGHT OH THE RUSSIAN SITUATION Washington Opinion Is That Anything May Happen Hap-pen Over There. STOCKHOLM, April 28. ((By the Associated As-sociated Press.) Correspondence of Swedish Swe-dish newspapers in Finland telegraph persistent per-sistent rumors In circulation there of Important Im-portant happenings in Russia. The most I definite rumor declares that the former Grand Duke Alexis, son of the former emperor, has been declared emperor, with Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovltch as regent, and that the new government would refuse to recognize the Bolsheviki peace treaty with Germany. The rumors would be disregarded here were it not for the fact that a report from Vas, Finland, last Thursday declared de-clared that the transportation of Russian civilian prisoners had had to be suspended sus-pended "because of current disorder in Russia." Finland and Sweden have had no telegraphic tele-graphic 'communication with Russia in more than three weeks. ' An Exchange Telegraph dispatch received re-ceived in London from Copenhagen Saturday Sat-urday reported a counter-revolution had broken out in Petrograd. It added there were persistent rumors in Finland that Grand Duke Alexis had been proclaimed emperor and that the Grand Duke Michael was the real leader in affairs, in Petrograd. Petro-grad. By International News Service.. WASHINGTON, April 28. "Anything can happen in Petrograd. Anything that does happen means more trouble in Russia." Rus-sia." That is the way official and diplomatic Washington talks today of the reported restoration of the little" czarevitch to the imperial Russian throne. If such a coup d"etat has been accomplished, accom-plished, it is the belief of state department depart-ment officials that it represents an effort ef-fort by the Germans to enforce order in Russia: They further believe that the effort will fail. From tHe department's fund of information about Russia, it is believed that the people will never stand for a return of the Romanoffs. For weeks regular reports from Ambassador Ambas-sador Francis at Vologda and from Consul Con-sul General Summers have come to the department. None have come today. Yesterday's Yes-terday's report, sent several days ago. mentioned no counter-revolution. |